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  • Was German “Eliminationist Anti-Semitism” Responsible for the Holocaust?


    Was German “Eliminationist Anti-Semitism” Responsible for the Holocaust?

    8 pages

    Study Tips 101: Own the Omegas.
    Omega-3 fatty acids, found in certain fish, nuts, and olive oil, are known for their brain-boosting potential. One study found that eating a combination of Omega-3-and Omega-6 fatty acids before an exam actually reduced test anxiety.

  • As For Me and My House by Sinclair Ross


    As For Me and My House by Sinclair Ross

    A Paradox: Written Through The Eyes of a Woman By The Mind of A Man: Issues of Patriarchy in Sinclair Ross’s “As For Me and My House”
    9 Pages


  • Uncertainty Reduction Theory Paper


    Uncertainty Reduction Theory

    This paper deals with uncertainty reduction theory from its origin to date. Ever since uncertainty reduction theory was first created, many researchers have examined it by comparing it with other theories. Uncertainty reduction theory had been tested across different cultures in order to confirm its generalizability. It had also been applied to real life situations to examine how individuals interact in their initial encounters with strangers. In addition, researchers suggested testing uncertainty reduction theory beyond initial encounters rather than strangers. Finally, criticisms were provided for potential future studies.

    16 Pages

  • The Evolutionary Psychology of the Emotions and Their Relationship to Internal Regulatory Variables


    Chapter 8:
    The Evolutionary Psychology of the Emotions and Their Relationship to Internal Regulatory Variables


  • Becoming Walter White


    The Psychology of Becoming Walter White

    Vince Gilligan, creator of Breaking Bad, said that his goal with Walter White was to turn Mr. Chips into Scarface. Take a regular person, like you—assume you’re regular for a second—and then make you nice and evil, like a witch in a gingerbread house. Is that really even possible? Could you become another Walter White?

    I’m inclined to believe that most of us still think some people are good and some people are bad, and never the twain shall meet. Despite the lessons we learned from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, we still think that good and evil belong in different people. Walter clearly shows that it doesn’t. And he demonstrates this with so many good psychological reasons—reasons that experimental psychologists observe in ‘normal’ people on a daily basis.
    What are these reasons and do they apply to you?

    5 Pages

  • Group Think Vs. Own decision


    Group Think Vs. Own decision

    “You’re the psychologist, so why do people go along with the group instead of making their own decisions?”
    7 Pages


  • Gender Development and Differences


    Essay on Gender Development and Differences from the Perspectives of Psychology
    Outline the views of evolutionary psychologists, social constructionists and Freudians regarding gender development and/or gender differences, and examine whether such views are complementary or competing.
    7 Pages


  • How Society Creates Differences between Girls and Boys


    Doing Gender – How Society Creates Differences between Girls and Boys

    In this essay I discuss that “doing gender means creating differences between girls and boys and women and men….” (West & Zimmerman 2002:13) I am concentrating on the female perspective, how society puts forth expectations of what is ‘natural’ or biological even though, in some cases, it can be quite demeaning and degrading. I am using some examples from the local media and also a few childhood experiences that have helped me to now strongly suspect that the quote from Simone Beauvoir (1972) “One is not born a woman, but rather becomes one” most likely has quite a bit of truth to it.

    7 Pages

  • Speed Dating


    Speed Dating–Can we really choose the one we might love in a few minutes? Discuss.
    6 pages

    Study Tips 101: Take a time out.
    Taking time to plan is one of the most important skills a student can have. Don’t just start the week with the vague goal of studying for a history exam—instead, break up that goal into smaller tasks. Pencil it in on the calendar like a regular class: For example, allot every day from 1 to 3 p.m. to review 50 years’ worth of info