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Were German militarism and diplomacy responsible for WWI?
$17.50Were German militarism and diplomacy responsible for WWI?
5 pagesStudy Tips 101: Do not wait until the night before an exam to study!
Of course, you should be regularly reviewing your notes, but the preparation still takes time.Development of gender stereotypes and gender role adoption in children
$17.50Outline two factors that contribute to the development of gender stereotypes and gender role adoption in children
5 PagesStudy Tips 101: Keep in mind that you want to be an active learner, not a passive one. The more you use and manipulate the information, the better you will understand it. Using and manipulating information in as many ways as possible also maximizes your ability to access your memory.
Discuss sex differences in parental investment
$5.00Discuss sex differences in parental investment (8+16)
2 PagesStudy Tips 101: Here’s another thing we have all been told thousands of times: Don’t leave assignments until the day before they are due! If you have a paper to write or a lab report to prepare, begin it as soon as possible. In most cases, instructors will be delighted to receive work early. Remember that many papers or projects require quite a bit of research before you can even begin writing. In most cases, it is impossible to accomplish the necessary preparation in one day or even one week. In some cases, instructors won’t accept late work at all. They are perfectly justified.
Marianist Values
This paper is going to demonstrate the ten core fundamentals of Psychology and how it’s incorporated with the Marianist values. This university bases their work and morals around the Marianist values, and enforces it. Marianists are Catholic members of the Society of Mary, and this society was founded by none other than William Joseph Chaminade. The ten fundamentals that will be explained are Psychology of : Behavioral Research, Personality, Organizational, Counseling, Social, Life Span Development, Abnormal, Evolutionary, Statistics, and the Basic Fundamentals. The five Marianist values are: Educate for formation in Faith, Provide an Excellent Education, Educate in Family Spirit, Educate for Service, and Educate for Adaptation to Change.
8 PagesStudy Tips 101: Remember that your instructor will probably not use the same words which you find in the text book. nothing is more frustrating than to discover that what you hear in class is no more than a rehash of what you read in the book. However, if your instructor knows his/her subject, and the author of your text knows his/her subject, the meat of what they say should be the same.
NOTE: Nobody is infallible. Your instructor may make mistakes. Don’t expect him or her to be more than human.The Adventures of Cindy: Why did the freedom rides lead to violence
$3.00The Adventures of Cindy:
- Why did the freedom rides lead to violence?
- What events led to passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?\
1 Page
Are Immigration Laws Wrong or Right
$17.50Are Immigration Laws Wrong or Right?|
5 PagesStudy Tips 101: At this time you should think seriously about the review and study questions at the end of the chapter. Do your best to answer all of them as if they were a take-home exam.
Assignment: Is it ever right to break a law?
$7.50“If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it; he is obligated to do so.” Thomas Jefferson
Assignment: Is it ever right to break a law?
2 PagesDoes Habitual Offender Laws affect a criminal’s behavior
$25.00Research Paper on Legal Reform: Habitual Offender Laws
Does Habitual Offender Laws affect a criminal’s behavior? Is the concept of a habitual offender fair and just?
Paper Contents:
- What is a Habitual Offender?
- Views of the “Three Strikes” Theory
- Impact on Society
- Too Harsh of a Punishment?
7 Pages
How do Habitual Offender Laws Operate in Reality
$32.50Habitual Offender Laws
How do they Operate in Reality?
Question: How do Habitual Offender Laws Operate in Reality?
9 pagesStudy Tips 101: When you have finished surveying the chapter, return to the beginning and read in more detail. Remember to concentrate upon understanding. Don’t simply read through the words. Any words which you don’t understand you should look up. If you own the book and intend to keep it, you may want to write definitions of such words in the margins. You may also find it helpful to make observations and other useful notes in the margins. If you don’t intend to keep the book yourself, you should carry out similar activities on a page in your class notebook.