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  • The Balanced Scorecard and Financial Perspective: Cattaraugus County ReHabilitation Center Case Study


    After reading this article, formulate an argumentative essay around the following thesis statement: Article-
    Cattaraugus County ReHabilitation Center did an effective job of implementing a balanced scorecard approach in a fashion that reflects their organizational mission and vision. If you do not think this thesis is accurate, you can argue that the Center did not do an effective job.
    Introduction: set up your argument by introducing your topic and presenting your position or thesis statement somewhere in this introductory paragraph.
    Analysis: present several arguments arguing in favor of your thesis statement. discuss how the Center used the score card quadrants to align with organizational strategy (or how it failed to do so).
    Conclusion: Wrap up your argument with a clear and cogent synopsis of your findings.

    3 Pages

    Study Tips 101: Work it out
    Get stronger and brainier at the same time. Research has found just half an hour of aerobic exercise can improve our brain-processing speed and other important cognitive abilities. Jog a few laps around the block and see if you don’t come back with a few more IQ points.

  • BUS 308 Week 5 Final Reflection Paper


    BUS 308 Week 5 Final Paper

    Reflection paper on what has been learned in this class, BUS 308: Statistics for Managers. The paper discusses
    1. descriptive and inferential statistic analysis
    2. hypothesis development and testing
    3. how to choose the appropriate test and evaluation
    4. Importance of analyzing and make the right decisions about measurements.

    4 pages, 3 References

  • What are the anticipated impacts upon operating efficiency


    Midas Case Study

    Read the “Midas” case study in Chapter 2 of your text. Answer questions 1through 4 in a two- to- four page paper in accordance with APA guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Your paper should be in paragraph form (avoid the use of bullet points), and supported with the concepts outlined in your text. Provide at least two scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library or other external sources, excluding the textbook. Do not include the original questions of the assignment in the paper.

    • a. What are the anticipated impacts upon operating efficiency? How would you attempt to minimize the negative impacts?
    • b. Should some operating practices be changed to accommodate the tune-ups?
    • c. Should input be gathered from the shop owners? If so, what?
    • d. If Midas decides to launch this new program, how should it begin?

    Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

    4 pages, APA, 3 References
  • Bus 320: Quiz 1 Solutions – White Version


    True/False Questions: Circle the correct response. (2 points each)

    1. T F If a sole proprietorship fails, the owner may lose whatever was invested in the business, but the owner’s personal assets are not at risk.
    2. T F A company that has an increase in its return on assets, but no noticeable change in asset turnover, has most likely experienced an increase in financial leverage.
    3. T F If a firm is not operating at full capacity, assuming assets grow with sales will likely overstate the firms funding needs.
    4. T F A firm with many growth opportunities would likely have a book value less than its market value.
    5. T F Joel (the owner) at Dave’s Cosmic Subs decides to get a diamond-encrusted sandwich toaster. This would be an example of an indirect agency cost.
    6. T F A grocery store will likely have a higher days’ sales in inventory than a car dealer.
    7. T F A Stakeholder is a group or individual who benefits from or is harmed by corporate actions.
    8. T F Many software firms capitalize (treat as an asset) the development costs associated with creating new software products. One motivation for doing this is because it increases accounting earnings.
    9. T F If a firm sells part of its inventory at a loss, its quick ratio will increase.
    10. T F A firm wants to boost sales and reduce inventory so they lower the price of
    their product. All else equal, this will likely lower their profit margin and

    decrease total asset turnover.

    11. T F Tech firms tend to have higher market-to-book ratios than brick-and-mortar firms.
    12. T F If a firm uses accounts payable to purchase a new fixed asset, this will make the current ratio move away from one.
    13. T F Manufacturing firms will likely have smaller differences between their Times

    Interest Earned and Cash Coverage Ratios than consulting firms.

    14. T F In the secondary market, investors trade previously-issued securities without the involvement of the issuing companies.
    15. T F If a firm’s growth in sales is higher than its sustainable growth rate, it will either need to raise money from equity or accept a higher level of financial risk (leverage).
    16. T F If a firm pays off accounts payable using cash, this will result in a decrease in its net working capital.
    17. T F It’s uncommon for firms to have P/E Ratios above 200.
    18. T F Initial Public Offerings take place in the primary market.
    19. T F For firms with no debt, the sustainable growth rate and the internal growth rate will both be zero.
    20. T F You are interested in purchasing stock in a publicly traded company. You (or your broker) would most likely purchase the shares in the primary market.

    Multiple Choice Questions: Circle the correct response. (4 points each)


    A firm has a book value of assets of $117 billion, 10.3 billion shares outstanding, and a market price of $38 per share. The firm has $16 billion in cash, and total debt equal to $47 billion. What is the firm’s market to book ratio?

    1. a.               0.18 b.               0.30
    1. c.                 3.35 d.                 5.59 e.                 6.48 f.                 7.25


    A firm has a profit margin of 13% and return on equity equal to 27%. The firm’s debt to equity ratio is 0.72, and its total assets are $43,940. Compute the firm’s level of sales.

    a. $ 15,232.53
    b. $ 36,388.83
    c. $ 53,058.14
    d. $ 78,988.56
    1. 23. A firm’s ROE last year was 8%. A new plan calls for a Total Debt Ratio of 40%, which will result in interest charges of $10,000 per year. Management projects an EBIT of $24,000 on Sales of $280,000 and it expects to have a Total Asset Turnover ratio of 1.8. Under these conditions, the average tax rate will be 34%. What will the ROE be this year?
    1. a) 3.06% b) 5.94% c) 9.00% d) 9.90% e) 15.00% f) 31.43%


    This year, a firm had earnings per share of $8 and dividends per share of $2. The addition to retained earnings was $12 million during the year, while book value of equity per share at year-end was $40. If year-end total debt was $120 million, and no new common stock was issued during the year, what was the company’s year-end total debt ratio?

    1. a.       0.47 b.       0.54 c.       0.57 d.       0.60 e.       0.72 f.       0.75 g.     0.87


    Highland Bakery maintains an inventory of flour worth $644. It has sales of $164,000 and a total bill for flour over the course of the year of $16,744. How old on average is the flour in the bread it sells its customers?

    1. a.     14 days b.     16 days c.     18 days d.     20 days
    1. 22 days f.     24 days g.     26 day
    1. 26. (20 points) The managers of Icona Inc. have made the following predictions for 2014.
    • Sales will grow at a rate of 32% during 2014
    • Operating costs and cash balances will also grow with sales.
    • They would like to manage their inventory more efficiently by reducing day’s sales in inventory to 180 (use a 360-day year for your calculation)
    • A purchase of $28,800 in new fixed assets are required to accomodate the growth in sales.
    • Accounts payable and Accounts Receivable will grow with sales
    • The interest rate on short-term debt is 10% and the interest rate on long-term debt is 12%. The tax rate is 34%.
    • The managers would like dividends to increase by 8% relative to the previous year.
    • The managers prefer new external financing to come from Notes Payable, then Bonds if necessary, and then Equity as a last resort. Their bankers have insisted that for 2014 the current ratio not fall below 1.6 and the total debt ratio not exceed 0.46 (assume these Prepare Pro Forma Statements for 2014. Round to penni
    1. 27. (14 points) ABC Tech Corp has 6.5 billion shares outstanding and a share price of $1 The company is considering developing a new software product in-house at a cost of $500 million. Alternatively, the firm can acquire a firm that already has the technology for $900 million worth (at the current price) of ABC stock. Suppose that absent the expense of the new technology, ABC will have EPS of $0.80.
    1. a) Suppose the firm develops the product in house. What impact would the development cost have on the ABC’s EPS? Assume all costs are incurred this year and are treated as R&D expense; ABC’s tax rate is 35%, and the number of shares outstanding is unchanged.
    1. b) Suppose ABC does not develop the product but instead acquires the techn What effect would the acquisition have on ABC’s EPS this year? Note that the acquisition expenses do not appear on the income statement, and assume the acquired firm has no revenues or expenses of its own, so the only effect on EPS is due to the change in number of shares outstanding.
    1. c) Which method of acquiring the technology has smaller impact on earnings? Is this method cheaper? Explain (one or two sentences is fine).
  • School Bus Seatbelts; Are they really a good idea?


    School Bus Seatbelts; Are they really a good idea?

    4 Pages, MLA, 2 References

    Study Tips 101: Take a time out
    Taking time to plan is one of the most important skills a student can have. Don’t just start the week with the vague goal of studying for a history exam—instead, break up that goal into smaller tasks. Pencil it in on the calendar like a regular class: For example, allot every day from 1 to 3 p.m. to review 50 years’ worth of info.

  • A Story of the Tallahassee Bus Boycott review


    The Pain and the Promise: a Story of the Tallahassee Bus Boycott

    The paper provides a review of the book “The Pain and the Promise: a Story of the Tallahassee Bus Boycott” by Glenda Alice Rabby and how the book has contributed to the scholarship of the Civil Rights era.

    3 Pages

  • Bread Making Master Schedule and Producing Automobiles Leaner

    The final assignment for the course is a Final Paper on two cases. The Final Paper should demonstrate understanding of the reading as well as the implications of new knowledge. The eight- to ten-page paper should integrate readings and course discussions into work and life experiences. It may include an explanation and examples from previous experiences as well as implications for future applications.
    Read the case study at the end of Chapter 15 and the case study at the end of Chapter 16, and thoroughly answer all the following questions. Supplement your answers with scholarly research using the Ashford Online Library. Each case study should be addressed in four to five pages, resulting in a combined Final Paper of eight to ten pages.
    Chapter 15 Case Study: The Realco Breadmaster
    1. Develop a master production schedule for the breadmaker. What do the projected ending inventory and available-to-promise numbers look like? Has Realco “overpromised”? In your view, should Realco update either the forecast or the production numbers?
    2. Comment on Jack’s approach to order promising. What are the advantages? The disadvantages? How would formal master scheduling improve this process? What organizational changes would be required?
    3. Following up on Question 2, which do you think is worse, refusing a customer’s order upfront because you don’t have the units available or accepting the order and then failing to deliver? What are the implications for master scheduling?
    4. Suppose Realco produces 20,000 breadmakers every week, rather than 40,000 every other week. According to the master schedule record, what impact would this have on average inventory levels?
    Chapter 16 Case Study: A Bumpy Road for Toyota
    1. Is Toyota’s focus on quality consistent with the Lean philosophy? Can a firm actually follow the Lean philosophy without having a strong quality focus? Explain.
    2. Who are the “coordinators” referred to in the article? What role have they played in educating Toyota’s workforce in promoting the TPS (Toyota Production System) philosophy? Why are they so hard to replicate?
    3. According to Hajime Oba, what is wrong with Detroit’s approach to Lean? Based on your understanding of American auto manufacturers, do you agree or disagree?
    4. There is an old saying “Haste makes Waste.” How does this apply to what is happening in the Georgetown plant? What is Toyota doing about it?
    7 Pages, APA, 3 References
  • Spend Analysis


    Spend Analysis. From the end of Chapter 11, read the Case Study: The ABCs of Spend Analysis. Respond to the following questions in a one to three page document to submit to your instructor. The submission must adhere to APA style guidelines and should include at least two scholarly references.

    1. Why are data analysis skills and thinking so important to spend analysis? Can’t software applications be used to generate the information needed automatically?
    2. How might a structured process such as Six Sigma methodology (Chapter 3) be useful here?
    3. Why is it important to get other functional areas, notably finance, involved in spend analysis efforts? Can you think of some other functional areas that should be involved?
    4 pages, 3 References

    Study Tips 101: Treat yo’ self!
    A healthy holiday cookie, a walk around the block, five minutes of tweet-time: whatever floats your boat. Knowing there’s a little reward waiting for us at the end of just a few pages makes it easier to beat procrastination while slogging through a semester’s worth of notes.

  • Conduct an internal and external environmental analysis


    Business Model and Strategic Plan Part II: SWOTT Analysis Paper 1 (Mazda)


    Conduct an internal and external environmental analysis, and a supply chain analysis for your proposed new division and its business model.
    Create a SWOTT table summarizing your findings. Your environmental analysis should consider, at a minimum, the following factors. For each factor, identify the one primary strength, weakness, opportunity, threat, and trend, and include it in your table.

    External forces and trends considerations:

    • Legal and regulatory
    • Global
    • Economic
    • Technological
    • Innovation
    • Social
    • Environmental
    • Competitive analysis

    Internal forces and trends considerations:

    • Strategy
    • Structures
    • Processes and systems
    • Resources
    • Goals
    • Strategic capabilities
    • Culture
    • Technologies
    • Innovations
    • Intellectual property
    • Leadership

    Write a synopsis of no more than 1,050 words in which you analyze relevant forces and trends from the list above. Your analysis must include the following:

    1. Include economic and legal and regulatory forces and trends.
    2. Critique how well the organization adapts to change.
    3. Analyze and explain the supply chain of the new division of the existing business. Share your plans to develop and leverage core competencies and resources within the supply chain in an effort to make a positive impact on the business model and the various stakeholders.
    4. Identify issues and/or opportunities:
    5. Identify the major issues and/or opportunities that the company faces based on your analysis.
    6. Generate a hypothesis surrounding each issue and research questions to use for conducting analysis.
    7. Identify the circumstances surrounding each issue; classify the circumstances; attribute the importance of each classification; and test the accuracy of the importance for each classification.

    Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

    4 Pages, 3 References

    See Also: Apple’s Corporate Audit