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NUR-502 The Evolution of the Nursing Profession and Discipline DQ1
$5.00What comparisons can be found between the GCU Mission and Domains/CON Mission and Program Competencies (for your selected specialty track, links located in the Course Materials) with the AACN’s Essentials for Master’s Education for Advanced Practice Nursing (link located in the Week 1 Topic Materials)? Explain your rational.
Question A. Describe the characteristics of a healthcare delivery system.
$7.00Question A. Describe the characteristics of a healthcare delivery system. Explain the key components to a successful system.
Question B. Pick a patient population and discuss how this population is affected by the healthcare delivery system.
Questions to What is academic language
$20.00Answer each question :
- What is academic language?
- How can we help K-12 students to build the academic language that they need to succeed in school?
- What does edTPA ask for regarding Academic Language?
- How can the university support teacher education candidates (you) in embedding academic language into classroom practice?
- How would you explain the importance of academic language in non-technical terms (to a parent, for example)?
- Explain what the author of the slide show means when he uses the analogy on slide number 9.
- Slide 12 instructs us that teachers need to helps students practice language function. Briefly describe two ways you could do this in your class (give the grade level).
- What are the three steps to teaching academic language?
- Explain the difference between the bricks and mortar words on slide number 18.
- Slide 22 provides steps for teaching academic language. However, they sound a little complicated. Simplify the steps. Restate them in your own words so they are easier to understand.
- Review slide number 26. What is your opinion about these steps? Do you think they are necessary? Do you see yourself following them in your lessons? Why or why not?
- Review slides 28, 29, and 30.
- What do they have in common with Syntax?
- Provide a brief example of a way you have or might use sentence frames.
- Justify the importance of backwards mapping.
- What does the quote on slide 75 mean to you?
- Considering the content of this course,
- What are some big ideas you took away from this course?
- What are some questions you still have after hearing/reading/practicing the content of the course?
Intentional plan to move First Grade Students in Math to Higher Levels of Cognitive Complexity
$5.00Write a description (approximately 3 paragraphs) stating how you will intentionally plan on moving your first grade students in math to higher levels of cognitive complexity, please be specific
Statement of Purpose and Objectives Essay
$5.00The Statement of Purpose and Objectives should address the following:
Describe a challenging situation you have overcome, and how this may relate to your plan of success in online graduate level coursework(Public Health) and your future career goals. (Masters of Public Health)
Integrative Project Course Learning Outcomes Reflection
$5.00Please write your reflection about the Integrative Project Course Learning Outcomes and reflect upon the extent to which you believe that you have accomplished all of it.Consider as well how achieving these learning outcomes renders you better prepared for the workforce.
Idea of dignity – To Be Like God
$3.50Academic essays value clear expression of well-supported ideas/arguments, rather than mere opinion. This assignment asks you to explain the idea of dignity offered by Himes and the Catholic Bishops; it then asks you to explain how the idea of dignity might present a challenge and a promising impact in the life of an individual. Try to focus on your ideas and how they are supported. Use Himes and the Catholic Bishops to think through dignity and the way it either is or is not a “promise” in people’s lives. Remember, this is an interpretive essay, so although your voice is present in the challenge and promising impact you choose, your own personal opinion about ‘dignity’ is not a main focus of this essay. Instead, you are being asked to think critically about the concept that has been presented to you.
Your essay should be well structured, with a main idea sentence (a “thesis”) that puts forth the two things (challenge and promising impact) you will discuss and the point you want to make about them. The next sentences should be dedicated to the interpretation you are offering for each point, including citations for material you use to support each point. Finally, you are to conclude, summing up and synthesizing your claim about the concept of dignity, namely what promise and peril it may offer as one reflects on it for life.Be sure to cite specifically from the video and the USCCB page. In APA style, full, direct quotations are rare. Instead, you must paraphrase or summarize what you are using from these two sources, being sure to cite what you summarize or paraphrase.
Dignity Essay
$3.00In their outline of Roman Catholic Social Teaching (CST (Links to an external site.)), Michael Himes (Links to an external site.)and the US Catholic Bishops present a unique challenge with their idea of dignity. Consider one major challenge it presents and one major promising impact this idea might present to someone considering their own life, its meaning, and its connection to what they do, both day-to-day and over a lifetime (work, family, etc.).
The essay should also include:
“Consider one major challenge it presents and one major promising impact (Doherty, 2017).” Maybe you could elaborate more on how someone can practice more dignity or what it means to be more humanRiyadh City EMS System in Comparison to HPEMS Model
$50.001.Demographics of system:
b.Square miles in service area
c.Population density
d.Economic indicators from census data2.Structural Attributes of EMS System compared to HPEMS model:
a.Geographic Scope
b.Standards setting and enforcement
c.Division of functions
d.Production Strategies
e.Market Allocation
f.Consequences of chronic failure to perform
g.Business structure
h.Management levelRiyadh City EMS System.
compare it with the HPEMS Model.1.Outputs:
a.Prevention and early recognition
b.Bystander action and system access
c.911 Call taking
d.First response dispatch and services
e.EMS telephone inquiry and pre-arrival care
f.Ambulance services
g.Receiving facility interface
h.Medical oversight2.Hallmarks of HPEMS:
a.Is there accountability for results
b.Is there independent oversight
c.Accounting of service costs
d.System features that ensure economic efficiency
e.System features that ensure long term high performance3.Performance Measures:
a.Clinical Level
b.Response time standard
c.Cost per transport
d.Cost per unit hour
f.System cost per capita
g.Subsidy per capita
a.Summative evaluation of system
b.Recommendations for change