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Abu Dhabi National Hotel Compliance With IFRS
$20.00Financial Reporting In The UAE: Abu Dhabi National Hotel Compliance With IFRS
The paper explores and examines how the Abu Dhabi National Hotel Complies with the IFRS standards.
7 Pages
APA – 5 References
Is gaming addiction is harmful to its victims
$30.00The paper addresses the issue of gaming addiction covering the recent statistics, benefits, harms, among other relevant information. It seeks to identify whether gaming addiction is harmful to its victims.
14 Pages
APA – 14 References
Depression in Obese and Non-Obese Children
$35.00Depression in Obese and Non-Obese Children: A Comparative Descriptive Study
I. TITLE. Clear and concise title providing an idea of the concepts associated with the research proposal. /01
A. Clearly introduces the problem or situation and related concepts to provide a generalized organization of the paper. /02
B. Background of situation or problem. State the problem with key supporting facts and data to stress the extent of the problem and why the problem needs to be addressed. /04
C. Statement of the purpose of the research proposal. Include specific aims and the benefits to be gained from the research proposal. /04
D. Significance of the research proposal to nursing practice and the potential or actual significance to society. /03III. THEORY AND LITERATURE.
A. Discussion of theoretical relationships and/or propositions used to guide the research proposal. Include an established theory, if used. /05
B. Formulation of a research question or hypotheses. Include conceptual/theoretical and operational definitions of the major variables. /04
A. Literature to support proposal. Evidence of synopsis and critical analysis of articles. Minimum 6 current, scholarly references within 5 years; 1 theory reference, 3 primary, 2 your choice (the use of interdisciplinary articles as appropriate). /04
A. Research design may be qualitative or quantitative. Please state rationale for choosing your design. /04
B. Identification of population and description of sample. /02
C. Data collection.
Describe how data (and setting if appropriate) will be collected. /02
D. Instrumentation. Discuss instrument(s) and present relevant information about reliability and validity. Provide the instrument or an article presenting the instrument or example items.
E. Implementation process & Evaluation /03 /04
A. APA Format, correct grammar and spelling.
B. Minimum 6 pages to maximum 8 pages (excluding references) /03
Summary Comments: TOTAL /459 pages
APA – 14 References
Research Proposal: Effect of Nursing Structural Empowerment on Patient Safety Outcomes
$45.00The paper is a research proposal on the Effect of Nursing Structural Empowerment on Patient Safety Outcomes
I. TITLE. Clear and concise title providing an idea of the concepts associated with the research proposal. /01
A. Clearly introduces the problem or situation and related concepts to provide a generalized organization of the paper. /02
B. Background of situation or problem. State the problem with key supporting facts and data to stress the extent of the problem and why the problem needs to be addressed. /04
C. Statement of the purpose of the research proposal. Include specific aims and the benefits to be gained from the research proposal. /04
D. Significance of the research proposal to nursing practice and the potential or actual significance to society. /03III. THEORY AND LITERATURE.
A. Discussion of theoretical relationships and/or propositions used to guide the research proposal. Include an established theory, if used. /05
B. Formulation of a research question or hypotheses. Include conceptual/theoretical and operational definitions of the major variables. /04
A. Literature to support proposal. Evidence of synopsis and critical analysis of articles. Minimum 6 current, scholarly references within 5 years; 1 theory reference, 3 primary, 2 your choice (the use of interdisciplinary articles as appropriate). /04
A. Research design may be qualitative or quantitative. Please state rationale for choosing your design. /04
B. Identification of population and description of sample. /02
C. Data collection.
Describe how data (and setting if appropriate) will be collected. /02
D. Instrumentation. Discuss instrument(s) and present relevant information about reliability and validity. Provide the instrument or an article presenting the instrument or example items.
E. Implementation process & Evaluation /03 /04
A. APA Format, correct grammar and spelling.
B. Minimum 6 pages to maximum 8 pages (excluding references) /03
Summary Comments: TOTAL /459 Pages
APA – 18 References
Effect of Music Therapy on Pain Control in Alzheimer’s Home Hospice Patients
$42.00Research Proposal: Effect of Music Therapy on Pain Control in Alzheimer’s Home Hospice Patients
The paper is a research proposal on Effect of Music Therapy on Pain Control in Alzheimer’s Home Hospice Patients.
I. TITLE. Clear and concise title providing an idea of the concepts associated with the research proposal. /01
A. Clearly introduces the problem or situation and related concepts to provide a generalized organization of the paper. /02
B. Background of situation or problem. State the problem with key supporting facts and data to stress the extent of the problem and why the problem needs to be addressed. /04
C. Statement of the purpose of the research proposal. Include specific aims and the benefits to be gained from the research proposal. /04
D. Significance of the research proposal to nursing practice and the potential or actual significance to society. /03III. THEORY AND LITERATURE.
A. Discussion of theoretical relationships and/or propositions used to guide the research proposal. Include an established theory, if used. /05
B. Formulation of a research question or hypotheses. Include conceptual/theoretical and operational definitions of the major variables. /04
A. Literature to support proposal. Evidence of synopsis and critical analysis of articles. Minimum 6 current, scholarly references within 5 years; 1 theory reference, 3 primary, 2 your choice (the use of interdisciplinary articles as appropriate). /04
A. Research design may be qualitative or quantitative. Please state rationale for choosing your design. /04
B. Identification of population and description of sample. /02
C. Data collection.
Describe how data (and setting if appropriate) will be collected. /02
D. Instrumentation. Discuss instrument(s) and present relevant information about reliability and validity. Provide the instrument or an article presenting the instrument or example items.
E. Implementation process & Evaluation /03 /04
A. APA Format, correct grammar and spelling.
B. Minimum 6 pages to maximum 8 pages (excluding references) /03
Summary Comments: TOTAL /45The topic for the paper would Music therapy helps in pain control in Alzheimer’s home hospice patients. There is research done on how music therapy is effective in hospitalized hospice patients but not that much on hospice home patients and music therapy. It can be a quantitative proposal, with simple pre and post test and 2 person reliability and a valid instrument. you can use the Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia Scale to assess pain
12 pages
APA – 14 References
Compare and Contrast Juvenile and Adult Criminal Justice System
$10.00Your assignment is to compare and contrast the juvenile justice system to the adult justice system.
Use a minimum of 3 but no more than 6 sources. At least 2 sources must be from an article/magazine in an academic database.
2 Page
MLA – 4 References
Fasting as a Spiritual Discipline in Christian Faith
$32.50Essay on Spiritual Discipline – You need to write about worship that is one of the spiritual disciplines from the Christian faith. Explain what fasting is and why it is practiced. Compare and contrast how it was practiced by Christians from three different time periods and traditions. Describe why (if) this discipline could be valuable today. How do you envision incorporating it into your own spiritual life?
This essay should be 6-10 pages and conform to Turabian style.
A B C D/F Content Well thought out, detailed explanations, comparisons, and contradictions. Obviously engaged with the material. Thorough, but concise. Appropriate content that covered the required assignment. Understood the material; made connections between ideas, but some connections may not be strong. Mostly covered the requirements, but missing an element; did not include appropriate material; did not connect some ideas or connections were inappropriate. There is no clear main purpose; the required topic is not discussed; the historical examples are incorrect. Structure Clear thesis and conclusion; sequence of main points are well developed and build upon one another; transitions are used well. Main points clear, but not ideal; paragraph breaks indicate a transition of thought, but do not necessarily build upon each other. The sequence of ideas is often confusing, or paragraphing is inadequate. The is no clear pattern in this paper. Style Sentences are clear and purposeful; tone, word choice, and syntax are appropriate and appealing. Word choice, syntax, and tone are generally successful in communicating the author’s claims and are appropriate for a 300 level class. The paper is mostly understandable, but word choice, syntax, or tone is not appropriate for a 300 level class. Portions of the paper fail to convey their points due to poor word choice, syntax, or tone. Editing The paper is nearly free of grammatical and formatting errors. Grammatical/formatting errors are present, but not intrusive. Grammatical/formatting errors are noticeable and intrusive. The writing is nearly unreadable due to the widespread errors. Sources Sources are used appropriately; attribution of phrases and ideas are cited correctly and integrated well with the overall tone. Sources are used to support the author’s ideas; some citation errors Sources either make up the bulk of the paper or too little of it; some sources are used incorrectly; numerous citation errors. Sources were not used or not used appropriately; ideas were plagiarized. 9 Pages
Chicago/Turabian – 7 References
The Future of volunteers in the Emergency health services organization
$7.50The paper answers the question, What do you see as the future for volunteers in the Emergency health services organization both locally and globally?
1 page
APA – 2 References
Benefits of early intervention for individuals with hearing loss
Discuss the benefits of early intervention for infants at birth, preschool and school years for individuals with hearing loss. Also, discuss the importance of early intervention in regards to managing the AR program established for these children. Also, discuss possible goals of early intervention, how it can affect language development, and how it may affect future success.
You do not need a reference page. This is an essay question.
1 page