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How Hearing Loss Affects Acquisition of Language
$10.00This essay question focuses on how hearing loss affects the acquisition of spoken language. Discuss in detail how factors other than hearing loss may have a negative impact on language development in children. Also discuss the expected and/or predicted language characteristics of preschool and school age children with hearing loss. Finally, discuss ways in which you can assess the language of a preschool and/or child with hearing loss.
You do not need to include a reference page. This is just an essay question.
2 pages
Strategies a leader can use to keep a workforce from feeling they need to organize
$5.00Question: What are some of the concrete strategies that a leadership team can use to keep a workforce from feeling like the need to organize? (Related to ems system)
1 Page
APA – 2 References
After the Thaw: The Transformations in Soviet Life
$25.00After the death of Stalin in 1953, Soviet Communism and Soviet life in general were transformed on many different levels. In a cohesive, well-organized essay, explain what made the final period of the Soviet Union’s existence (1953-1991) so different from the Soviet life of the past.
First, you need to account for the big picture. How would you characterize the most significant changes, and which aspects of Soviet life were affected? What do you think set these changes in motion? Which social issues became the focal point of Soviet life? How did “official” culture interact with “unofficial” culture? What were the different phases in the transformation of Soviet society? How did the Soviet Union interact with the world beyond its borders? You might want to conceptualize late-Soviet society in terms of its contradictions.
Then, you need to discuss some specific examples, which you feel best illustrate the transformations in Soviet life. Although it would be great to consider as many examples as possible, your essay must include well-developed discussions of at least three specific examples, with at least one example taken from each of the following cultural spheres:
1) Politics, the legal system, or major social issues
2) Popular culture
3) Intellectual culture
These examples may be taken from any of the assigned readings, films, or other materials we have covered. The idea is to demonstrate your understanding of these assigned materials—so you should not be looking for outside sources. (Our Soviet Culture Wiki could help you refresh your memory.) Be sure to discuss your examples in detail.
Ultimately, what conclusions could be reached about “the Soviet project” in general and its importance in global history—based on the way Soviet life was transformed in its final years?
5 pages
APA – 5 References
Priorities in Nepal Earthquake Response
$5.00Question: If you were in charge of an international medical response team getting ready for departure for service in Nepal earthquake, what your priorities be, and why?
1.5 Pages
APA – 3 References
Assessment of the Change Kaleidoscope as a Diagnostic Tool for Managing Change
$47.50In this assignment you will need to select any two choose case studies from book “Dawson, P. and C. Andriopoulos Managing Change, Creativity & Innovation, 2nd edn. London: Sage”;
Below is the requirement of the assignment to be provided in the paper:
An overview view of Kaeidoscope approach, critically evaluate the applicability of Kaeidoscope Approach to understanding the processes of change at the case study that you have chosen and the limitations of Kaeidoscope in that case study. Choose two case studies ,one successful case study showing the model can be applied and another case study showing the model failed case study.
Additional Files:
9 Pages
Harvard – 3 References
Instrument Paper: Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR)
$15.00The paper is about Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) based on the outline below
Paper Outline:
Name of <My Instrument>
What is <my instrument>?
In this section, you should be describing your chosen instrument and what it measures. You should provide some information about when it was developed, how it was developed, and whether or not it is commonly used in research and/or clinical practice.
How does <my instrument> work?
In this section you should provide detailed information about how exactly the instrument works! How does it measure what it is measuring? Who uses this instrument? Is it commonly used by SLPs or audiologists? Is it an instrument that another professional might use, but an SLP or audiologist might benefit from the information this instrument gives us? Does this instrument require special training to use?
Include a picture of <my instrument>
Who benefits from <my instrument>?
This section should describe any clinical populations or individuals who would benefit from the use of your selected instrument. This will help you know, as a clinician, which instruments are appropriate for particular populations.
How has <my instrument> been used in research?
Here you should cite and briefly describe at least one research study that has used your chosen instrument. This is not meant to be an exhaustive research study review, just an example of how your instrument has been used in the research setting.
Include any other helpful information relevant to <my instrument> (optional)
Here you would include any other helpful/fun information about your instrument.
PLEASE NOTE: You do not have to follow this exact format for your handout – this is just an example. Be creative!! But your handout should, at a minimum, include this information
3 Pages
APA – 6 References
Critical Evaluation of Kurt Lewin’s Change Management Model (MANAGING CHANGE AND INNOVATION)
$27.50Critical Evaluative should:
- a) Identify a concept, model, framework or theory in which you have interest
- b) Summarize and critically evaluate
- Explain concept or theory
- Assess weaknesses and strengths
- Potential areas for future development
- Conclude
Please ensure reference literature and provide bibliography
Referencing: Sage Harvard
- Include a full bibliography following the Sage Harvard referencing style
- Familiarise yourself with the basics of the model from the core text
- Read original work and academic commentaries/discussions (those for and against) through your own library research
- You must be able to cite evidence (reference) – your aim is to apply knowledge
Assessment Criteria
- STRUCTURE:- There should be an introduction which directs the reader to the aims, content and methods used; a ‘middle’ which develops the argument in detail; and a conclusion, which provides an integrated summary of main points. The structure should be relevant to the essay question and enable the topic to be covered in depth. Rambling, diversification and irrelevant material should be avoided.
- ARGUMENT:- A good assignment will develop an argument in a logical manner, take an independent and critical approach to the subject matter and accurately present supporting evidence. A poor essay will show little evidence of interpretive skills (i.e. by listing what others say, and providing an uncritical descriptive account of subject), and much of the evidence will be subjective, hearsay, inaccurate or questionable.
- REFERENCING:- It is important to support and identify claims made in the assignment by accurate source referencing. The evidence chosen should be representative, correctly cited and acknowledged. Inadequate acknowledgment of sources, a highly selective choice of evidence, incorrect referencing, or no referencing at all, will reduce the final mark awarded.
- STYLE AND PRESENTATION:- The essay should be of the required length, grammatical and well set out. A fluent piece of succinct writing will be rewarded. Clumsy expressions, unnecessary repetition, ungrammatical sentences and under or over length paragraphs will be penalised.
Course Aims
This subject sets out to provide a greater understanding of the dynamic and complex processes associated with managing change and the associated processes of creativity and innovation. A key aim is to provide students with an introduction to key concepts which are grounded in company case examples and located in a broader framework of change and innovation in business organizations. An historical overview of change and innovation since the industrial revolution and the influence of these changes on theory development and practices of management enable a deeper understanding of new practices and techniques and how the build on or overlap with older ideas and concepts. The subject also aims to provide students with knowledge about the main models and frameworks that have been developed to explain change and locate ongoing deliberations within particular schools of thought or perspectives. In this course, theories, concepts and practical issues are all raised and discussed, as it is our intention to engage students in informed debates about the relationships between academic learning, conceptual development and business practice.
Course Content
The concepts of change and innovation have never been more topical, especially given the commercial context of fierce business competition, shorter product life cycles and more demanding customers. Increasingly, long-term commercial success is based on an ability to manage change, to act creatively and to promote innovation. These processes interconnect and overlap and often present major challenges to modern organizations. We address these issues through providing detailed case illustrations ranging from the workplace to the wider business market. Learning is encouraged through interaction, reading, investigation, video and case analysis, and critical discussion.
Aims of Course
An understanding of organizational change, including: Comprehensive understanding of the main concepts used in the field of organizational change Awareness of the relationship between change and innovation in organizations An historical overview of business practice and theory development as it relates to change and innovation An ability to identify the key dimensions and drivers of change Knowledge of change and innovation processes
Text &Required Readings
Text: Dawson, P. and C. Andriopoulos (2014) Managing Change, Creativity & Innovation, 2nd edn. London: Sage (copies are available at Blackwells .
5 Pages
Harvard – 4 References
Christianity Paper in General
$20.00Write four pages typed double-spaced on Christianity as a whole. Beliefs, about Jesus life and the ten commandments, death and resurrection, salvation, don’t forget to add some information about the Holy Bible, explain the difference between Catholics and orthodox, The history of the religion, prayer and Baptism. Please have your work cited.
5 pages
MLA – 7 References
The Biggest obstacle to business sustainability
$7.50Remember the biggest obstacle to business sustainability that you identified at the beginning of the semester? Using information and analyses discussed in class and in the Werther & Chandler text, how would you go about removing that obstacle?
- Start by identifying the obstacle. This can be a simple restatement of what you wrote at the beginning of the semester, or you can explain future and/or provide an example this portion should be no more than a paragraph.
- Define and apply at least five relevant CSR-related concepts (for example, “stakeholder”) in supporting your response.
- Limit your response to 1-2 pages, typed, double-spaced
*CSR (Corporate social responsibility)
Strategic corporate social responsibility William werther David chandler
1 Page
APA – 2 References