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Methods an airline could use to increase a customer’s perception of the value of the service
$10.00The more value the customer receives or expects from the service, the more patiently the customer will wait. Suggest methods an airline could use to increase a customer’s perception of the value of the service they receive at an airport check-in desk. Provide examples with your response.
Review the different types of techniques guests use to assess service quality after their experience found in Table 12-3 (see attachment). Choose the best technique for measuring hotel service quality standards and create three to five questions for customers to answer using the technique you choose. Explain your reasoning behind your decisions.
Use the Internet to research two hotel or cruise line guest comment cards. Review each of the comment cards and describe the types of questions asked. Make improvements to the comment cards in order for the customers to provide a better assessment of the organizations’ service quality. Provide an explanation of the improvements you make.
2 Pages
“Three Types of Memory in Emergency Medical Services Communication”: A Scholarly Article Analysis
$0.00Sample Scholarly Article Analysis
Article:“Three Types of Memory in Emergency Medical Services Communication”
8 Pages
APA – 4 References
Analysis of a Scholarly Article in Your Discipline
$27.50The idea behind this assignment is for you to take a closer look at your discipline’s discourse community. Discourse communities can only have similar interests and shared knowledge because they continually engage in the production, distribution, and consumption of written (as well as oral and visual) texts. This kind of textual exchange defines a discourse community, sustains it over time, and allows it to adapt to changing social conditions. In other words, discourse communities share not only interests and knowledge, but language, and the particular uses of language within a community keep that community going. In particular, understanding how a scholarly article in your discipline is constructed will give you a better understanding of how knowledge is made in that discourse community.
Audience: Instructor, Classmates
Length: 1000+ words
Article: Product personality and its influence on consumer preference by P.C.M. Govers and J.P.L. SchoormansThis assignment should have two main parts:
I. A brief (100-150 words) summary of the main idea of the article. (Do not base this summary on the abstract of the article.)II. An analysis of the article, taking into consideration the following points from the Johns article:
- How does the article introduce the main topic and argument? What assumptions do the writers seem to make about the audience?
- How do the authors situate their study in relation to other research that has been done in their discipline (or in other disciplines)? How do they use their sources?
- What kinds of specialized language does the article use, and how does that language indicate who the audience of the article is meant to be?
- How do the authors use metadiscourse to direct readers through the text?
- How do the authors use hedging tactics when presenting arguments or conclusions? What are the effects of that hedging?
- How are the authors “absent” from the text? How do they use grammar and lexis to distance themselves from the text? Alternatively, how are the authors “present” in the text? How do they appear as people with particular lived experiences? How do their decisions about whether or not to be present in their texts affect your confidence in their objectivity? (Does objectivity even seem to be a concern for them?)
- What “vision of reality” do the authors present, and how does it represent the assumptions of the authors’ discourse community? How does the article represent, in other words, how the authors think like ________ (architects, accountants, biologists, engineers, etc.)?
Your paper should follow the format for scholarly articles in your discipline. See the links on Blackboard for help and/or look at the format of the article you are analyzing.
Grading Criteria for Project Two:
- Appropriate article chosen for analysis (research article published in a peer-reviewed scholarly journal)
- Summary demonstrates careful reading and a clear understanding of the article
- Analysis demonstrates careful reading and an understanding of both the article and Johns’ discussion of academic textual practices
- Demonstrates careful crafting, including formatting, with respect for student’s primary audience
- Shows effective use of citation conventions appropriate to the discipline (proper use of quotation marks, references) APA
- Includes thoughtful reflection
Reflection Letter:
When you submit the FINAL draft, please also write a reflection letter (1-2 pages) addressing what you’ve gained from writing this assignment. For your reflection, you should write about the process you went through in writing the disciplinary profile. Consider the following questions, but do not simply list out answers to the questions—rather, discuss the experience of writing and revising the project in light of the questions. Don’t be afraid to write about difficulties and even failures—sometimes we learn more from them than we do from success.
- What were some of the challenges that you faced as you worked on this project? How did you address those challenges–what did you do? Do you feel that you succeeded in meeting those challenges? Why or why not?
- How did the peer work help you revise your analysis? What about the peer work helped the most? (For example, getting feedback in writing, discussing your projects with each other, seeing how partners were addressing the same assignment…) What didn’t help (if anything) and why?
- Consider your experience with this project in light of the Writing Program Student Learning Goals. (See the syllabus for the list of the goals.) Which of the goals do you think this project has addressed? How? (Be specific.) Note: I don’t expect that this project has enabled you to “master” any of the goals (some of the goals are ones that take years to master—if ever). But you should consider how you might have made some progress on some of the goals.
Additional Files:
article_project_2.pdf6 Pages
APA- 4 References
Outline your first steps as you prepare to enter the new school
$10.00Chapter 6: My First Steps
In the last chapter, you identified which school you intend to accept as your new challenge based on the superintendent’s offer of the role of school principal.
In light of what you have learned about creating a learning community, outline your first steps as you prepare to enter the new school. Share these with a peer or mentor.
TERM PAPER PROMPT RLST 005: Comparative and Interactional Aspect of Religion
$22.50The paper compares and contrasts two religions or two religious groups in terms of beliefs, scriptures, or practices.
Introduction to Asian Religions
The paper should be between 4-5 pages in length, double-spaced, 12 pt, and in letter paper
Your paper will be graded in terms of the following criteria:
I. Accuracy of Facts/ Comprehension of Materials II. Clarity and Coherency of Ideas III. Sophistication of Argument IV. Quality of Presentation/ Writing Etiquette Your paper will get a maximum of 40 points. Please the attached evaluation sheet below as your cover page. Your paper counts as 20 % the total
In a good paper, you address a question, make a thesis statement, draw on appropriate and reliable sources, demonstrate a good grasp of the claims, put claims and ideas in your own words or make good quotations with citations, and draw on evidence you have assembled to sustain And you make a good conclusion.
Regarding sources, please use the textbook, the additional readings posted on iLearn, and/or books and journal articles available at the Rivera
Your teaching assistants and instructor will guide you in how to write a good Please also make use of the available office hours, email consultations, or face-to-face meetings by appointment.
Comparative and Interactional Aspect of Religion
Compare and contrast two religions or two religious groups in terms of beliefs, scriptures, or practices.
For example,
- What are the main conceptions of deity in Hinduism and Buddhism? How is it that many Hindus describe themselves as monotheistic? How is it that many Buddhists describe themselves as non-theistic?
- How do Hindus and Buddhists define and understand karma and samsara? Are they different in understanding karma and samsara?
- How do Jains and Hindus envision moksa? Are they different in understanding final liberation?
- How do you explain the concept of human soul according to Hinduism and Buddhism?
- How do Buddhists understand the Buddha and how do Jains understand Mahavira?
- What role do scriptures play in Hinduism and Buddhism?
Compare the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi and the 14th Dalai Lama in the modern world?
- How different is asceticism in Hinduism and Jainism?
- Why are Jains divided into Svetambara and Digambara sects? What are some of the differences between Svetambara and Digambara Jainism?
- What are the positions of women as understood in Hinduism and Jainism, in Hinduism and Buddhism, or in Sikhism and Islam?
- How does the life of the Buddha compare with the leader of another religious tradition?
- What values do Confucianism and Taoism share? What sets them apart?
- What are the similarities and differences between classical and Neo-Confucianism? What accounts for their differences?
- What are points of tension and convergence between Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism?
The Role of Place and Context in Religion
One of the reasons for religious plurality in Asia and beyond is place. You will analyze what role place plays in shaping particular religious beliefs, rituals, and social norms. The notion “place” may include geography and physical environment, ethnicity, social norms, economy, politics, and culture.
For example,
- What factors have shaped the emergence of different religions in Asia? Why have religions become so diverse in the region?
- How did the Indus valley population and the Aryans influence the shape of Hinduism?
- What is the role of natural environment in Hindu beliefs in deities?
- Do you think that Guru Nanak intended to establish a new religion, independent of Hindu and Muslim traditions? What is the evidence in his works?
- What factors shaped the rise of Mahayana Buddhism in relation to the Theravada Buddhism?
- How and why does Confucianism emerge and develop in China and why Shinto in Japan?
- How and why is Chinese religion “syncretic”?
- What is the role of natural phenomena and culture in shaping Taoism?
- What are some of the ways in which expressions of Hinduism (Sikhism, Jainism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto, or Islam) in the diaspora (such as in the U.S.) differ from expressions in Asian countries?
- How and why has Islam become another Asian religion?
Dimensions of Change in
For example,
- How did Hinduism change from the Vedic era to the modern times?
- Do you think that the caste system has changed in India today? Why?
- How did Sikhism evolve in response to changing historical circumstances during the time of the ten Gurus?
- How did modern Sikhism come into being? What role did the Sing Sabha reform movement play in defining Sikh doctrine and practice?
- Do you think that Buddhism has changed since the time of Sakyamuni Buddha Gautama? Why?
- How did yin–yang and social harmony become a crucial religious ethics among Confucians and Taoists?
- How have Chinese religious traditions tried to “modernize” themselves?
- What role did religion play in the creation of a “modern Japan”?
- What aspects of Islam have persisted from its birth to the present day and what have changed?
Key Concepts in Religion
For example,
- What is Brahman? And what is Atman? What is the relationship between Brahman and Atman? What is the relationship between Brahman and deities such as Vishnu, Shiva, and the Goddess?
Arhat and Boddhisattva,
- What is moksha? Explain the three ways to moksha discussed in the Bhagavad Gita?
- What is Puja? How do Hindus perform puja? How do they understand gods or goddesses in puja? What role does puja play in Hindu societies?
- What is Ahimsa? How did Mahatma Gandhi interpret Ahimsa?
- How do Sikhs understand Guru?
- What is “engaged Buddhism”? Why and how do Buddhists become “engaged”?
- What is the role of the Guru Granth Sahib in Sikh life?
- Why is the practice of kirtan (devotional singing) central to Sikh congregational worship?
- What role has the institution of the gurdwara played in the Sikh diaspora?
- What are the Four Noble Truths? Why is the doctrine of suffering central in Buddhism?
- Who are the “New Confucians”? What issues are they addressing? What are their goals?
- Discuss two of Japan’s most popular bodhisattvas and some of their powers to help human beings in the moments of crisis.
- What are some of the contributions of Zen Buddhism to Japanese culture? Be sure to reference both aesthetic and political aspects.
- What are the Pillars of Islam? Why do Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan? What are the impacts of fasting on a Muslim life?
- Why are Muslims from all over the world, including Asia, performing a pilgrimage (hajj) to Mecca in Arabia? What are the impacts of the pilgrimage on a Muslim life?
- Have religious traditions helped or harmed the environment? Give your evidence.
- What are some of the points of intersection of religion and politics? Please provide one or two examples
4 Pages
5 References
Interconnections: Describe three interconnections that came alive for you during this course
$5.00This course has been not only about getting to know the ways in which the University and your colleagues can support you in your program of study and exploring the essential components of the early childhood field, but also about becoming aware of the important role that interconnections play in your growth as a professional; children’s growth into healthy, competent adults; and the growth of the early childhood field in its ability to support, lead, and advocate for the well-being of young children and their families. In other words, you, young children, and the field of early childhood do not exist in isolation. It is through meaningful reciprocal relationships that development and learning take place.
This week’s multimedia presentation, “Interconnections, Part III,” illustrates interconnections among the early childhood field, you, your colleagues, Walden University, and the MSECS program. This Discussion offers the opportunity to review and evaluate this new set of interconnections along with the entire “web” of interconnections, and to consider the personal and professional meaning that some of these interconnections represent for you.
In preparation for the Discussion, consider the following questions:
• In what ways do you feel connected to and supported by Walden University and your colleagues? In what ways do you hope these interconnections will grow?
• Which of the possible interconnections between this course, and your program of study, as underscored in the multimedia presentation, have come alive for you most clearly?
• Which of the interconnections provided you with new and meaningful information about the early childhood field and your role in it?Your task is to post the following:
• Describe three interconnections that came alive for you during this course; provide specific examples.
• Explain how each of these interconnections contributed to your professional and personal growth.1 Page
Early Childhood Course Reflection essay
$5.00Summarize at least three insights you have gained from your coursework with regard to young children, their families, and/or the early childhood field.
Describe the ways in which your professional aspirations, dreams, and goals have changed and/or have been strengthened by these insights.
Reflecting on the different “voices” of the five early childhood professionals who shared their wisdom with you in this course, describe how any or all stirred your professional curiosity, made you rethink assumptions you had about the early childhood field, and/or professionally encouraged or inspired you.1 page
How do the critical issues in your program of study influence the portfolio that you will put together
$5.00MAE 596 DB1- Current Issues Related to Your Concentration of Study
How do the critical issues in your program of study influence the portfolio that you will put together? Identify and discuss current issues related to your concentration area or to your profession.
Note: A good resource for information on current events is often the news. Please feel free to bring your findings/questions/inquiries raised from it.
****My program of study is Education, concentration in Training and Development****
Below are 2 current issues that could be used for this assignment. I copied verbatim information from the internet. Please be careful to rephrase anything that is used in the discussion board.
Understanding Social Media. Companies are quickly embracing social media tools, as well as investing in social collaboration tools to better engage employees and foster a learning culture. Although social has become mainstream, companies still lack the knowledge and insight around how to use these tools for learning and development. Of the 59 percent of companies using social for their learning strategies, only 24 percent say they are effective. One reason is that companies are limited in the social tools they are using. Companies are using document sharing, discussion forms, and blogs, but they aren’t generally using video or micro-blogs—which our research shows are more effective—to improve their learning functions. Companies must educate themselves on the value of social learning and invest in providers that offer solutions that drive business outcomes.
Considering Adaptive Learning. Adaptive learning is a methodology that breaks traditional models and allows employees to learn at their own pace. It has gained popularity with educational institutions, referred to as “adaptive teaching,” where a teacher will gather information on individual students to learn what they need to do to improve their learning. In the workforce, adaptive learning is conducted similarly. Employees can be monitored individually and in real time to determine what learning approach will best suit their needs. It has advantages for younger generations entering the workforce that have expectations around flexibility and interaction. Adaptive learning can be effective at improving efficiency, as well as employee engagement and retention since it allows employees to build confidence and overall expertise. Companies may want to consider breaking traditional learning methods by introducing aspects of adaptive learning.
MAE 596: Module 3 Discussion Board (#2 Thesis: Analysis or Argument)
$5.00#2 Thesis: Analysis or Argument
You are currently working on a “thesis” for your Session Long Project. A thesis is a proposition that is maintained by argument or explanation based on the importance, value, or relevance of the content under consideration.
- A thesis may be written from an “analytical perspective,” or as an “academic argument.” Please define these two concepts.
- Describe for your classmate the topic of your thesis and the perspective from which it is being written (i.e., analysis or argument).
1 page