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Module 3: The body Part – The High Cost of Education
$30.00The paper explore the causes of the high cost of education and the measures that can be taken to curb this trend.
The SLP is one long project (8-12 pages). However, you will write your paper during Modules 1-5 and you will submit each module as separate files for review and feedback. Note that the final grade on the SLP will be based on the modular components and on the final project report. Before beginning the component of your SLP in this module, review the Session Long Project Overview below.
SLP Overview
Purpose of SLP: The purpose of this Session Long Project is to complete a thesis, which is a proposition that is maintained by argument or explanations based on the importance, value, or relevance of the program content under consideration.
Note: Your SLP topic must be directly related to your concentration of study in the MA Ed. Program.
SLP Assignment Expectations
The following is a general overview of how you will be submitting your SLP work. You can see that the SLP is a progression of sections that build upon each other until the final module.
Your final product for the Session Long Project thesis will contain the following sections:
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Main Discussion (organized with headings and subheadings)
- Conclusions
- Premise (supporting conclusions)
- Bibliography
By the end of Module 3: You will now write the body of your paper.
First, determine what kind of approach you wish to follow in your thesis – do you wish to write from an “analytical” or “argumentative” perspective? An analytical paper breaks down an issue or idea into its component parts, evaluates the issue or idea, and presents this breakdown and evaluation to the audience. An argumentative paper makes a claim about a topic and justifies this claim with specific evidence. The claim could be an opinion, a policy proposal, an evaluation, a cause-and-effect statement, or an interpretation. The goal of the argumentative paper is to convince the audience that the claim is true based on the evidence provided.
Next, critically think about your research question(s) from Module 1 and analyze your professional experiences related to the issue. Also, reflect upon your specific concentration of study here in the MAED program. The goal is to evaluate all of the research you have conducted, and synthesize it into a series of organized ideas that address your research question(s) in thoughtful and creative ways. (It is helpful at this stage to create an “outline” to organize your content before you start writing.)
Remember, you must integrate your professional experiences and the theories and research from your concentration of study, along with your literature review from Module 2, when you write the body of your thesis.
Submit 5-6 pages for the Module 3 SLP assignment.
Note: This portion of the SLP is considered the signature assignment of the course. A signature assignment reflects knowledge or skills essential to meeting a student learning outcome – in this case, critical thinking. The signature assignment can be viewed as a milestone in the student’s progress toward fulfilling one or several program outcomes.
6 Pages
APA – 8 References
MAE 594: MAIN THEMES IN THE PROGRAM – Case Assignment Overview
$12.50Write a 2-3 page overview statement reflecting the three main themes gained across all courses during your program of study. In the program, what main three themes were consistent throughout, or stood out in your mind as you reflected during the writing of your program of study? A well-developed reflective statement should demonstrate to the reader the reasons why you selected the particular themes either in the introduction or in the conclusion.
Please complete the following items:
- Develop an introductory statement. Include the philosophy/belief statement from your concentration in your introductory paragraph. Identify and discuss three main themes (or theories) that you have identified throughout your classes while working on the concentration program.
Information for the questions in #1
The goal of the Master of Arts in Education (MAED) program is to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed for ethical and effective leadership careers in the field of education, staff development, and training.
Andragogy (Adult Learning Theory/Malcom Knowles)
Associated Course: MAE524 Adult Development and Learning
E-Learning (Distance learning delivered via internet accessed from a computer)
Associated Course: MAE523 E-learning Course Design and Curriculum Development
Effective Presentation Skills
Associated Course: MAE530 Presentation Skills for Trainers
- Discuss how your experiences assisted you in achieving the learning outcome with three main themes during the program. You may describe the philosophy and teaching/training/leading strategies that flowed from the themes. In other words, find the common themes and tell how they impacted your teaching/training/leading strategies and methodologies. Are you or will you use all this knowledge in your current and/or future career? How?
- Provide practical examples of how your course work with the themes in the program reflects your theoretical understanding of the role of educator/leader in your profession.
- Conclude the paper by discussing what you learned from doing this analysis – what surprised you? What have you learned about yourself as a learner?
Assignment Expectations
- The essay should have a clear introduction, well-developed body, and concise conclusion for writing expectations.
- Length: at least 2-3 pages (double-spaced with type size of 12).
- Include references to support statements and conclusions
2 Pages
2 References
Assessing professional development short essay
$5.00For this assignment, you will assess the ways in which you are progressing on your path of professional development. Use this as an opportunity to consider the ways in which you have already grown and need to continue to grow.
With this in mind:
Download and review the following document: Assessing Your Professional Development
Read and reflect on the 10 professional dispositions.
Rate yourself for each. (Remember, your “score” is not important. What is important is your commitment to becoming a lifelong learner and to deepening your understanding of yourself, your profession, and your professional path.)
Write a paper that addresses the following:
Identify two of your strengths and briefly discuss how each contributes to your growth as an early childhood professional.
Identify two areas in which you would like to develop further, and describe how you plan to grow.
Assignment length: 1 pageForm: A Professional Development Appraisal
As you grow and refine your professionalism in the early childhood field, it is quite helpful to reflect on desired professional dispositions.
There are 10 professional dispositions listed on this page. Each one is a reflection of a slightly different aspect of an accomplished early childhood professional. This is not a complete list. Read through the statements below and reflect on your professional development in order to assess yourself.
In the chart below, indicate “yes” if you believe to have developed a disposition to the fullest; “getting there” if you think you are well on the way towards developing a disposition, and “not yet” if you are just getting started.PROFESSIONAL DISPOSITION: (check mark )
-YES. or
1.)I am an active member of the early childhood professional community and am guided by its professional standards and ethical codes.
2.I am proficient in collaborating with others and regularly increase my professional knowledge of the field through the use of diverse resources.
3.I accept the varied responsibilities of my profession.
4.I consistently advocate for children, families, and those who care for children in a variety of positions, and I engage in respectful relationships with all.
5.I comprehend child development and use this knowledge appropriately when working with and on behalf of children and families.
6.I am committed to fostering healthy development in children.
7.In my approach to children and families as well as to issues in the early childhood field, I consistently show respect and empathy, and I am sensitive towards equity and social justice concerns related to children and families.
8.I have committed passion for the early childhood profession and demonstrate this in all aspects of my work with, and on behalf of, children, families, and the early childhood field.
9. I increase my knowledgebase of the early childhood field through reading professional journals, attending conferences, and networking with other professionals in the field.
10. I appreciate and value human diversity in all its forms, respect the perspectives of others, and strive to be mindful and reflective of my own attitudes regarding diversity.
11. I take care of myself in all developmental domains (physical, cognitive, and psychosocial) so that I can fulfill my professional obligations from a position of physical, mental, and emotional stability and strength,Your Appraisal:
8-10 “Yes”: You are fully engaged as a professional. Think about ways in which you can use your strengths in the service of others: Could you become a more outspoken advocate, mentor, or educator? Ask yourself in what ways can you continue to refine your professionalism and extend your resources. Reflect on how you can keep your passion and continue to grow.5-7 “Yes”: You are well on your way to becoming a fully engaged early childhood professional. Look at those areas in which you have not given yourself a “YES” answer and reflect on how you can strengthen those professional areas. Think of ways you can reach out to colleagues and accomplished professionals in the field for support in your continued efforts to grow.
Less than 5 “Yes”: Professional development takes time and dedication. As you grow as an early childhood professional, reach out to others for support, use the many professional resources available to you, and continue to be self-critical, self-reflective, open to change, and always willing to learn.
1 page
The incongruity between ideal aspirations and actual, everyday reality in Soviet society of the 1920s
$20.00The Clash between the Ideal and the Real in Early Soviet Society
Your assignment is to compose a cohesive, well-organized essay that analyzes the incongruity between ideal aspirations and actual, everyday reality in Soviet society of the 1920s—by focusing on either the short stories of Zoshchenko or Bulgakov’s Heart of a Dog.
First, you need to provide a clear overview of the most idealistic aspirations of the early Communist period. Think of Marxist theory and its predictions for the future; the aspirations of writers and artists to create a new proletarian culture; and, more generally, the grandiose project of building a completely new revolutionary society and giving birth to the New Soviet Man. Try to draw as much as possible from texts we have read and artistic works we have discussed.
Then, you need to establish logical connections between these ideal aspirations and what we see in either Zoshchenko or Bulgakov. Close analysis of your chosen text(s) is crucial. To what extent can we observe faint vestiges of revolutionary ideals and ideology in Zoshchenko or Bulgakov? Or the ironic and unintended consequences of Communism’s grandiose ambitions? Or are we witnessing the complete perversion of the revolution’s objectives? Be sure to support your claims with specific passages from the texts. In particular, try to focus on those aspects of Zoshcehenko’s or Bulgakov’s works that capture everyday Soviet reality and the mentality of the new Soviet person most poignantly.
Your paper must have an informative and original title, a well-formulated thesis, and clear logical connections between ideas.
Demand for healthcare
$5.00This chapter discusses demand for healthcare. Do some research on two different healthcare insurance companies and explain which company you would choose and why. Some important items to look for are: deductible costs, co-payments, prescription costs, cost to add spouse or family to your plan?
Respond to one of your classmates’ posts commenting on their choices and what you learned from their post.
Please make sure to properly cite your references throughout the discussion and at the end. For this assignment you may use actual healthcare insurance websites, not just government or academic sites. However, you still may not use, wikipedia, etc.
1 Page
2 References
Create one service quality standard for this restaurant
$10.00Write 1-2 paragraphs for each bullet
Imagine you are in the planning phase of establishing a service delivery system for a five-star restaurant. Create one service quality standard for this restaurant that could also be used in other industries other than hospitality. Ensure the standard meets the “SMART” criteria.Explain your reasoning behind the service standard you create.
Describe an experience you had in an industry other than hospitality that met your expectations. Apply a service quality standard from your experience to an area within the hospitality industry.
Identify a planning technique used in a non-hospitality industry that would also be valuable in the hospitality industry for planning a service delivery system. Explain your reasoning for your decision.
A major function of planning a service delivery system is to prevent problems. Apply a beneficial prevention strategy or tool used in a non-hospitality industry to an area within the hospitality industry. Provide an explanation with your response.
Legal Critique of the case Yahya v. Yemenia-Yemen Airways
$12.50A Legal Critique on the case Yahya v. Yemenia-Yemen Airways. It follows the criteria below:
The following format will be used to grade your critique:
Citation (10 points). Example: Brimmer v. Traverse City Area Public Schools, 872 F. Supp. 447 – District Court, W.D. Michigan, Southern Division (1994)
Participants (10 points): Summarize information about the plaintiffs and defendants
History/summary of the case (20 points)
Critique of the case (30 points)—this will be your viewpoints of the strengths and weaknesses of the case
Implications of the court’s ruling (30 points)—how does this ruling impact deaf education?
Additional Files:
2 Pages
Counter-intuitive properties of infinite sets for a lay audience – SURPRISES IN SUM OF INFINITE SETS
$25.00In this essay you will try to describe some counter-intuitive properties of infinite sets for a lay audience.[if !supportFootnotes][1][endif] Think of this essay as an article that might appear in a popular magazine devoted to science or as an article in a Sunday paper. You may assume your audience has a background in precalculus mathematics but no calculus.
As all essays in this course, your essay should have a title, introduction, and summary.
The Blocks Unlimited store sells various sets of toy blocks. One set, called the Deluxe Set, consists of infinitely many cubes, the first of which is 1 ft. by 1ft. by 1ft., the second cube has edge length 1/2 ft, the third has edge length 1/3 ft, and the nth cube has edge length 1/n ft. A second set of blocks, called the Starter Set, is a subset of the Deluxe Set. It consists of infinitely many cubes, the first of which has edge length 1 ft, the second has edge length 1/2 ft, the third has edge length 1/4 ft, and the nth cube in the Starter Set has edge length 1/2n-1 ft.
Give a convincing argument that if all the blocks in the Deluxe Set were stacked one on top of the other, then the stack would extend beyond Alpha Centauri but that it is possible to pack the Deluxe Set into a box that would be small enough to easily fit inside the trunk of a sports car. Since the Starter Set is a subset of the Deluxe Set, it could be packed in the same box used for the Deluxe Set. Argue that if the cubes in the Starter Set were stacked one on top of another, then the stack would be not very high at all and the exact height of this stack can be determined.
The examples given in the previous paragraph are to be discussed in detail in Essay 1. You should include in your essay some additional examples of your own creation or a discussion of one or more of the following topics:
- a) The cubes in the sets are sold unpainted. The Blocks Unlimited store also sells a special paint that can be used to paint these cubes. The paint is special because it has zero thickness. This paint is sold by the square foot. Compute how many square feet of paint one would need to buy in order to paint all the faces of all the cubes in the Starter Set.
- b) Estimate how many square feet of paint one would need to buy in order to paint all the faces of all the cubes in the Deluxe Set.
- c) If instead of painting the entire cube, suppose only a thin stripe is painted on one edge of each cube of the Deluxe Set. Now suppose the cubes are stacked one on top of another so the stripes along the edges lineup. As you argue in the essay, this stripe would be arbitrarily long. Estimate how many square feet of special paint would be needed to paint this stripe. Would an infinite number of square feet of paint be needed?
- d) Can you explain the apparent paradoxes?
You may assume your reader knows basic algebra and will remember, when reminded, formulas for geometric series. However, the reader does not know about definite integrals or about divergent series. Thus, the challenge in writing this essay is to justify the claims about these sets of blocks using only the mathematics the reader already knows.
This assignment is a minor variant on earlier assignments of Baldwin, Berman and Radford and is based eventually on an exercise in Writing in the teaching and learning of mathematics, J. Meier and T. Rishel, MAA 1998.
Answers and Discussion
Review of literature about learning theories
$25.00Literature Review section on the topic ‘ Learning’ and with specific reference to the below learning theorists. The paper must show evidence of critical thinking.
Vygotsky (1978)
Bruner (1996)
Wertsch (1991)
Rogoff (1990,1995, 1998, 2003,2005)
Lave and Wenger (1991)
Wenger (1998)5 Pages
6 References