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Ethical Issues in Information Systems
$10.00Assignment 1: Ethical Issues in Information Systems
Choose one (1) ethics issue found within Chapter 4 of the textbook. You may also use the Internet or the Strayer Library to research articles on ethical issues in information systems and choose one (1) ethics issue of interest to you.Write a two to three (2-3) page research paper in which you:
Summarize the issue that you have chosen.
Express your own opinion of, or position on, the issue that you have chosen.
Identify two to three (2-3) human and technological protective measures that you would use as security safeguards and enforcement actions in order to address the ethics issue that you have chosen.
Identify at least three (3) problems related to management information systems that may arise from the issue that you have chosen. Next, propose at least one (1) solution to address each problem in question. Provide a rationale to support your response.
Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the studentas name, the professoras name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:Describe how and why information systems are used today.
Evaluate the ethical concerns that information systems raise in society, and the impact of information systems on crime, terrorism, or war.
Explain how to secure information systems resources that focus on both human and technological safeguards.
Identify how to mitigate risks as well as plan for and recover from disasters.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in information management.
Write clearly and concisely about management of information systems using proper writing mechanics.2 Pages
APA – 3 References
Supporting vulnerable children in the community and contact centres
$35.00Empowering and Supporting Individuals
The essay needs to be about supporting vulnerable children in the community and contact centres. It needs to provide lots of different quality references – and not websites. Consider the roles of different agencies involved in the development of family life. It needs to be about holistic care but not be descriptive.Only provide 1 theorist such as Maslow.
- Discuss the impact of not providing Advocacy, Confidentiality, Equality, Empowerment or unconditional positive regard.
- Discuss humanistic approach and diverse community with individual needs. Focus on treating children and young people with respect and dignity regardless of their background. Discuss current relevant policies on inclusion and children’s act.
- Examine concepts of empowerment relating to the individual needs of the target group. Provide analysis.
- Discuss ramifications of not being empowered and supported.
- An investigative assignment on empowerment examining physical, psychological and social effects of special needs on individuals and carers. Use Harvard referencing system. Please use English not English American.
Infant mortality disparities Paper
$25.00Please prepare a paper on an area you found interesting this semester (Infant mortality disparities). Write a two page outline pertaining to the paper. Please include the following
- (A) Brief History of the subject matter
- (B) What would happen if this area is not addressed 1.content from this area should be from 3 sources from Race, Ethnicity, and health 2nd edition Laveist or Essentials of Public health second edition Turnock 2.Peer reviewed sources that explore your issue area
- (C) Is there an agency /office or health care system that can aid in addressing the issues in this population
- (D) How does the affordable care act address this issue? What are some solutions to addressing this issue?
- (E) It should also explore its implications on community health and organizations in public health that address the selected area. This is to be included but the rest of the paper is up to you.
Hospitality Law
FINAL PAPER HANDOUTTwenty-five per cent of your course grade will be based on the final paper. The purpose of this hand out is to give you guidance on the following matters relating to it:
1.) General philosophy behind this course requirement
2.) Topic guidance
3.) Grading criteria
General Philosophy Behind This Course Requirement
The main idea behind doing the term paper is to give you the opportunity to personally relate the information studied in the course to you career goals as well as to simulate a “real world” dynamic. It is not meant to be a mechanical exercise where you are required to grind out eight or more pages of dispassionate text.
In the “real world” you will most likely be working for an entity in the hospitality industry where you have a boss or a direct supervisor who assigns you projects. Sometimes those projects are very task specific and defined for you. More often than not, they are assignments that will require you to exercise your creativity, resourcefulness and ingenuity. This is what gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your worth to your employer. It gets you raises, promotions and the opportunity to advance.
Most of you want to be hospitality managers. As such, you are being hired to solve problems your boss does not want to confront, is not equipped to confront or simply does not have time to confront. When you are given a project, in addition to having to meet certain goals your boss is also saying, “Lighten MY burden and impress me with the results.” He/she does not expect to do the project for you or spoon feed you step by step directions. Although a reasonable amount of initial direction is necessary, ultimately your boss does not want to be absorbed in the project. That is one of the reasons he hired you.
A classroom environment does not directly lend itself to this dynamic. However, the goal of doing the term paper is an attempt to replicate it. You are being given very broad instructions and asked to use your mind to produce creative, original work product. Thus, your assignment is to research and create paper of no less than eight pages using a minimum of four outside sources on a topic of your choice that relates to the hospitality industry related legal concepts we’ve covered and your career goals. That’s it. There is no right and there is no wrong topic so long it falls within this broad parameter.Topic Guidance
Choosing a topic, narrowing it and determining where to get information may pose some difficulty at first. Asking yourself why you are a hospitality management major may give you direction. We’ve had students who want to become event planners, open bistros, manage a bed and breakfast, work at an airline, etc. Whatever your goal is, you will be forced to confront many of the legal issues presented in this course as you pursue it. Write about how they relate to these goals. We’ve also had students grapple with a topic that seems too large such as “The legal aspects of starting a restaurant.” This can be reduced to a manageable size by choosing several legal topics related to starting a restaurant and focusing on those at the expense of the multitude of others. Some options for research sources include conducting live interviews, use of the Internet, legal pamphlets by regulatory agencies, etc. Overall, you are given great latitude in choosing your thesis and how to research it because we want the paper to be personalized.
Grading Criteria
Often students are unsure of how they will be evaluated on the paper. It is a subjective evaluation. There is no way around that. However, in our attempt to relate this project to the real world we’ve found it best to remind students of the saying, “You get an ‘A’ for effort.” Generally, if you boss gives you a project even if you don’t do it to his/her complete satisfaction, if you demonstrate solid effort, originality, resourcefulness, etc. this will be recognized and valued. It’s the same with your term paper. If you hand in a paper that uses wide margins, is merely a summary of the class text, and is not proofread, do not expect to do well. Trust us, you would not get a raise or promotion for submitting work product that communicates disinterest and laziness to your boss. However, if you present a well researched, original, personalized paper that is a “good read,” you will do very well. Treat the project as if you are competing against coworkers for a promotion. Stand out from the crowd in terms of effort and quality.
By analogy, an A means you get a promotion because you exceeded the expectations of your bossyour effort and work product shined above the others, a B means you completed the task as assigned and did a decent job, a C means you did less than what was required and it shows.start looking for another job, a D means you are on probation with a slim chance of being asked back and an F means you were fired.
Good luck!8 Pages
APA – 6 References
Nationalism: Divisive or Beneficial?
$30.00Nationalism: Divisive or Beneficial? (Nationalism as a negative force in society)
6 Pages
MLA – 2 References
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
$7.50Your supervisor has been asked to give a presentation on the effects of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on employer discrimination at an upcoming conference. She has asked your team to research recent court decisions and analyze the impact the ADA is having in the workplace. She will create her presentation based on your findings.
Individual deliverable: 1-2 pages (45 points possible):
Use the Library or other web resources to locate a recent court decision involving the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA).
Summarize the relevant facts of the case
Discuss how the ADA applies to this caseAPA – 5 References
What do you think of the notion that a woman of today makes a choice
$15.00The Role of a Woman
Your essay should be understood as an extended form of a reflection paper. I am looking for you to provide a reflective engagement with the question that demonstrates not a quickly derived answer but rather demonstrates a consideration of the question as something that is pertinent to yourself and your life. What matters in this assignment is not your answer to the question but how you got to your answer. No research is required. Be Bold and clear in your thought.
QUESTION: What do you think of the notion that a woman of today makes a choice, if she is able, between going to work and staying at home with her children? Is the fact that this is presented to woman as their choice already demanding certain things of women that are not demanded in the same way of men? If so, does this suggest that the notion that this is the choice of a women already a pressure and a playing of a role?
How does our society through its many and often opposed voices, try to influence this decision for the individual woman? What is the connection to be found that unifies all these different voices and opinions and how does the fact that so many people have something to say about it speak to you about the ways we understand women in our society?
Agency for healthcare Research and quality Paper
$17.50Paper Criteria
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
- Agency/Center Mission, Vision and Direction
- What objectives or goals for Healthy People 2020 are applicable to your agency?
- What is the organizational structure and how it is broken down?
- Discuss three vacancies and the criteria for those vacancies in your agency (for those of you who cannot find a vacancy in your agency look up and explore vacancies that one may hold in your agency) be sure to be familiar with pay grades on the state and federal level
- Discuss internship opportunities for your agency or organization
- Does your agency have programs specifically targeted toward minorities or the undeserved?
- One interesting thing you learned about the agency
Please place paper and references in APA format. 3-5 pages not including references
Summary of Aristotle’s ethical system, his eudaimonism
$10.00The paperĀ focus on giving a summary of Aristotle’s ethical system, his eudaimonism.
What is a chief good. What is the chief good, and why? How does Aristotle define happiness in his function argument? How does he unpack that definition? What is virtue, vice, and how are they acquired? HavingĀ spelled this out I want you to apply the theory to the judgement of a particular life. Pick a life and apply the Aristotelian criteria for happiness to that life, judging whether or not it satisfies those criteria.
2 pages
MLA – 2 References