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Legalities and development of Private Adoptions Paper
$35.00Legalities and development of Private Adoptions
Your grade will depend upon the presentation of your analysis and research, the quality of the work presented – whether you give a detailed presentation or a vague overview, whether you addressed all parts of the question asked, and how you support your argument/discussion – as well as the citing of a variety of sources/use of references and whether you met the mandatory minimum page requirement. Please make sure to use AT LEAST 5 sources for your research.
Chapter 5: The DuFour and Boyer Blend
$10.00In this activity you will use a Venn diagram to outline the six observable characteristics of a professional learning community as outlined by Rick DuFour in chapters one to four. You will then summarize the characteristics of the Basic School model provided in chapter five. As you do so, those characteristics that are common will be listed in the overlapping central area of the diagram. This will leave the unique characteristics in separate circles.
Next you will create your own list of characteristics, based on the blend, with the words you prefer. Keep this list to assist you in your endeavors to create not only a learning community but an effective learning community.
2 Pages
Create a five-question survey that invites guest comments
$12.50QAWK5: answer each bullet with 1-2 paragraphs.
Create a five-question survey that invites guest comments to improve service in your fast-food restaurant and explain your reasoning behind each question.
As the manager of a fast-food restaurant, determine when guest comments would be not be helpful to improve service or product quality. In the event of repetitive negative comments about the quality of the food, recommend one “quick fix” method of remedying that condition.
Explain how social media review sites, such as Yelp and Trip Advisor, aid and hinder the hotel and tourism industries’ ability to offer exceptional service. For example, if a national chain received poor reviews (2 out of 5 ratings), discuss the impact this could have on your decision to visit the establishment.
Take a position on the following: Managers should offer dissatisfied customers who report on social media review sites an incentive to return.
Transformative Learning
$5.00Explore and discuss the theory of transformative learning by Mezirow connecting to portfolio. Have you experienced transformative learning during your MAED studies? Please explain.
Reference: Mezirow, J. (2003). Transformative Learning as Discourse. Journal of Transformative Education 1(1). 58-63. Retrieved October 2013 from
1 page
APA – 1 Reference
Explain the value of each course for your career or learning goals
$15.00Reflect upon your program of study, the courses that you have taken to complete your degree, and your experiences within this program of study at TUI.
This assignment is an opportunity for self evaluation of what you have accomplished.
Assignment Expectations
Identify the courses that you have taken to complete your degree (including the concentration courses) and explain the value of each course for your career or learning goals. You may choose five courses among them as a minimum to complete this assignment and demonstrate how each course represented your degree program. Discuss of value/challenges of each course reflecting on your overall degree program of study such as what you have learned, and how it fits in with your current/future career as an educator or trainer.
Conclude this assignment addressing the below:
Based on your personal learning experience in the program at TUI,
1) What is your idea of how to make learning more effective; or
Writing Expectations
Length: 3-4 pages in total.
The structure/format of your response is to demonstrate your ability to convey information in a clearly organized and coherent manner. Make sure to double-space your work. The essay should have a clear introduction, well-developed body, and concise conclusion.
MAE 500 Current Issues in Technology and Learning
The intent for this course is to provide students with knowledge and background so they can effectively discuss current topics related to technology -based learning. This course enables students to examine
how best to engage learners through the use of technology. This course also reviews creating technology -based learning activities, and students will participate in a session long project that culminates in the development of a technology -based learning compendium. This compendium will
consist of a series of web –based resources and scholarly readings addressing various aspects of Technology -based Learning. The course content concludes with a look at the future of technology-based learning.
Course Description
MAE 504 Research Methods in Education
This course is designed to provide a foundation whereby students gain an understanding and appreciation of the field of research in education, and have sufficient knowledge and vocabulary necessary to develop the principles and techniques. Thus the intent of the course is to make the student an intelligent “consumer” of research and to give an appreciation for the importance and utility of research. Emphasis will be placed on mastering the content related to the statistical concepts used by educational researchers in the broader context of one’s professional work
MAE 522 Curriculum Development in Adult Education
This course provides students with an overview of the contemporary issues in the field of curriculum development in adult education. Topics to be examined include history and theory, design models and organization, development and implementation, evaluation styles, and research and practice. The future of curriculum development in adult education is explored.
MAE 523 E-Learning Course Design and Curriculum Development
This course is designed for students who wish to understand and apply
the concepts of curriculum development to online training for adults. Both conceptual and technical aspects will be addressed. Design and development topics covered include conducting a needs analysis, instructional design, interface design, development and evaluation. Practical applications will support the course content providing hands -on experience
MAE 524 Adult Development and Learning
This course uses four basic assumptions about adult learners as starting point to examine the biological, psychological and cognitive development of an adult learner. Based on an understanding of these aspects of adult development, the contexts in which adult learning take place and the broader social implications of adult education will be explored, throughout this course.
MAE 530 Presentation Skills for Trainers
This course is based on adult learning theory and the presentation skills are drawn from best practices in academic curriculum design, learning styles applications, active learning strategies, learner-centered instruction, and training. The course is designed to enhance the skills required to effectively plan and deliver a successful presentation in a training environment. The course addresses the pre-planning and organization of a presentation, the physical and psychological factors involved in the delivery of a presentation, development of a presentation, memory and retention, the role of supporting information and visual aids (e.g. statistics, examples, expert opinion), how to handle questions, objections and interruptions. This course is for people with limited to moderate experience in presentation skills
3 Pages
Conduct a literature review of 10 or more scholarly articles
$4.00Program of Study
The SLP is one long project (8-12 pages). However, you will write your paper during Modules 1-5 and you will submit each module as separate files for review and feedback. Note that the final grade on the SLP will be based on the modular components and on the final project report.
Before beginning the component of your SLP in this module, review the Session Long Project Overview below.
SLP Overview
Purpose of SLP: The purpose of this Session Long Project is to complete a thesis, which is a proposition that is maintained by argument or explanations based on the importance, value, or relevance of the program content under consideration.
Note: Your SLP topic must be directly related to your concentration of study in the MA Ed. Program.
SLP Assignment Expectations
The following is a general overview of how you will be submitting your SLP work. You can see that the SLP is a progression of sections that build upon each other until the final module.
Your final product for the Session Long Project thesis will contain the following sections:
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Main Discussion (organized with headings and subheadings)
- Conclusions
- Premise (supporting conclusions)
- Bibliography
By the end of Module 2: Conduct a literature review of 10 or more scholarly articles that you will be citing, reviewing, and referencing in your final paper. Be sure that you do not confuse a literature review with an annotated bibliography (a list of references). The literature review should be a discussion of the related literature, organized by topic (not just a “list” of the articles).
It is suggested that you conduct a search of “literature review” to gain a deeper understanding and to view a few examples if you are unsure of what a literature review entails.
This portion of the SLP (e.g., your thesis) should set the stage and establish the foundation for what is to come in the body of your paper.
This portion of the SLP is considered a signature assignment. A signature assignment reflects knowledge or skills essential to meeting a student learning outcome, in this case information literacy. The signature assignment can be viewed as a milestone in the student’s progress toward fulfilling one or more program outcomes.
Program of Study
Required Reading
All Things Admin (2011). Creating a professional portfolio. Retrieved September 2013 from
Ohio State University (December 2013). Teaching Portfolio. Retrieved January 2014 from
Federal Daily (2013). Featured jobs. Retrieved September 2013 from
Purdue Online Writing Lab (2013). Tips and examples for writing thesis statements. Retrieved September 2013 from
UNCF (2013). Developing your professional portfolio. Retrieved September 2013 from
4 Pages
APA – 10 References
Here’s the link to Module 1:
Healthcare Finance News
$10.00Please read and review one article from Healthcare Finance News that discusses finance issues and principles from a healthcare perspective at (Links to an external site.).This is the only source allowed.
The article must have been published no earlier than January 2014.
Discuss the financial or economic impact of the article. Please do not summarize the article. Provide only your insight to the issues found in the article.
Your review should include the name of the article as well as the hyperlink along with your assessment. Minimum length is 500 words.
The synopsis should be a text entry with your name in the top Right Margin.2 Pages
APA – 1 Reference
Class of the culture of the teacher, administration and student
$12.50Class of the culture of the teacher, administration and student
The paper answers the questions How may the culture of the teacher, and administration clash with the student? In relation to deaf students
2 Pages
2 References
Cross Cultural Paper
$30.00Your Assignment is to choose a culture outside of your own and develop a cross-cultural research paper.
Describe the culture of interest and explain why this culture interests you, include whether it is a collectivistic or individualistic culture.
Describe the culture you most identify with and its characteristics, include whether it is a collectivistic or individualistic culture.
Compare the similarities and differences between the culture you selected and your own related to time orientation, communication, physical and mental health, group relationships, and perceptions and measures of intelligence.
Describe a theory that will guide your analysis of both cultures.
Based on the theory, explain how each culture influences human development, identity development, and personality development within it.
Based on the theory, explain how each culture influences the expression of emotion, the development of morality, gender, aggression, and one other psychological process within it.
Explain any biases that may influence your analysis of these cultures and explain why.
You must use at least 10 references in APA style.
Support your responses using the Learning Resources and the current literature.
Support your Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.6 Pages
APA – 11 References