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Comparison paper – OT Frame of Reference
$17.50As a TEAM, identify a market that your team believe is “oligopolistic” or “monopolistic competition.” Your text can help you with this. You can NOT pick a product that was selected last week or this week by yourself, classmate or another team (well not if you want credit for it anyways).
Tell us why the market you selected meets the criteria of an oligopoly or monopolistic competition. Then tell us what that means for rational business price and production decisions.
Evaluate the result in (2) from perspectives of efficiency and equity drawing upon price/cost margins for your explanation. Click on the highlighted terms above if you are unclear on this.You may want to also consider issues involving the stability of collusive cartels. Please start with your assigned study teams. If you find yourself solo after Tuesday midnight (C.S.T.) because of team inactivity, you may join with another solo classmate.As always, you will profit by reading and responding to your fellow budding economists’ postings.3 pages
APA – 3 References
Family Divorce and Romantic Relationships in Early Adolescence
$25.00CHTH 435: Human Response to Stress – Paper 4: Relationships
Paper Requirements:
Please complete the following:
1. Using the reading available on D2L, summarize the article, “Family Divorce and Romantic Relationships in Early Adolescence” by Marina Heifetz , Jennifer Connolly, Debra Pepler & Wendy Craig
2. Did you agree or disagree with the findings of this article? Why or why not?
3. What did you find to be the most interesting finding from this research? Why?Personal Statement – Economics major
$10.00What is your intended major? Discuss how your interest in the subject developed and describe any experience you have had in the field — such as volunteer work, internships and employment, participation in student organizations and activities — and what you have gained from your involvement.
1 page
Describe how inner ear functions regarding frequency (pitch)
$10.00Inner ear functions regarding frequency (pitch)
Make sure that any works you consult are cited in your response. Your response should be written in your own words (no quotations, please), and you will be assessed on mechanics (spelling, punctuation, grammar, diction, and organization) as well as critical thinking, comprehensiveness, and accuracy.
Describe how inner ear functions regarding frequency (pitch).Allocative efficiency (origin of the idea)
$7.50First: enter this in the link bar: on the right hand side click for either ch 9 or 10 , it will automatically bring you to the module
After completing your readings in the text go to the Online Learning Center and examine the interactive graphs for each chapter. Upload to the Week 4 Dropbox your answers, in your own words, to the following:
Using the Chapter 9 “Origin of the Idea,” identify who gave us the concept of “allocative efficiency” and explain what that phrase means in your own words.
Explain how a firm in Pure Competition determines how much to produce and how long run equilibrium is affected by the long run cost structure in such an industry.
Using the “Monopoly” model found in the Chapter 10 “Origin of Idea” module, explain why a monopoly will never operate in the inelastic portion of the demand curve?
What are the underlying purposes of the antitrust policy in the United States? These concepts are discussed in the textbook reading for this week.APA
1 Reference
Competition and Monopoly Markets
$5.00Discussions: You are asked to identify a particular industry (non-government, that is) that meets the criteria for Pure Competition or Monopoly. Explain clearly why you think the industry is in Pure Competition or is a Monopoly and evaluate it from perspectives of efficiency and equity. You may post to both categories, but are required to only select one. Read the Discussion Instructions for Week 4 and identify the market characteristics, productive efficiency, allocative efficiency, and equity in the particular industry that you selected.
1 Page
APA – 1 Reference
Personal statement Applicant
$10.00Prompt for all applicants
Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?
2 Pages
Describe Auditory mechanisms involved in overcoming the impedance mismatch
Auditory mechanisms involved in overcoming the impedance mismatch
Make sure that any works you consult are cited in your response. Your response should be written in your own words (no quotations, please), and you will be assessed on mechanics (spelling, punctuation, grammar, diction, and organization) as well as critical thinking, comprehensiveness, and accuracy.
Describe all the auditory mechanisms that are involved in overcoming the impedance mismatch between air and fluid.Pharyngeal stage of alimentation
$10.00Make sure that any works you consult are cited in your response. Your response should be written in your own words (no quotations, please), and you will be assessed on mechanics (spelling, punctuation, grammar, diction, and organization) as well as critical thinking, comprehensiveness, and accuracy.
Describe the pharyngeal stage of alimentation, including all the skeletal and muscular structures that are involved.2 pages
APA – 3 References