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Movements of the tongue for speech
$11.50Make sure that any works you consult are cited in your response. Your response should be written in your own words (no quotations, please), and you will be assessed on mechanics (spelling, punctuation, grammar, diction, and organization) as well as critical thinking, comprehensiveness, and accuracy.
Describe the movements of the tongue for speech. Include all the anatomical structures involved and the manners in which they function to produce the characteristics of consonants and vowels.2.5 pages
APA – 4 References
Movements of the Mandible for Speech and Alimentation
$10.00Make sure that any works you consult are cited in your response. Your response should be written in your own words (no quotations, please), and you will be assessed on mechanics (spelling, punctuation, grammar, diction, and organization) as well as critical thinking, comprehensiveness, and accuracy.
Describe the movements of the mandible for both speech and alimentation. Include all the anatomical structures involved and the manners in which they function.2 Pages
APA – 2 References
Use of sociological research in pushing forward special interest group agendas
$6.50The purpose of this week’s forum is to think critically about how sociological research is used to push forward special interest group agendas and how it impacts Public Policy.
This week’s main forum includes 3 steps:
1) Read the two examples of sociology being used for special interest group agendas and public policy.
2) Start a thoughtful dialogue about the pros and cons of how sociological research has been applied in these examples. What are the ramifications/consequences/implications of how this research has been applied?
3) Identify and provide an example of another type of public policy that has been impacted by sociological research.
a. This should include proper use of APA citations.Additional Files:
1 Pages
APA – 3 References
Paper Outline – Gender and Career Choice
$15.00HW6: Paper Outline – Gender and Career Choice
Research question: How do gender differences influence the choice of career?
Begin to organize your research process and paper with an OUTLINE
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is for you to clearly organize the presentation and flow of your final paper/project. It should serve as a map that outlines the structure and organization of your ideas for your research paper. How are you going to go about exploring your research question? How will you clearly organize the presentation and flow of your research paper? There is a natural degree of subjectivity in how you organize your outline.
The completed outline (2-4 pages) should include, at minimum
– organized using Roman Numerals;
– a heading for each section and/or subsection– inclusion of at least the following required sections: Introduction, Literature Review/background; Future Research; Conclusion
– a 2-4 sentence summary of each section/subsection that includes a note on how it is relevant to your overall research question or thesis;– APA formatted full references for any sources cited in outline
Example Outline:
Research Question: How have changes in print ad portrayal of females over the last 15 years affected gender socialization?
- Introduction – In this section I will introduce my research question and I why I am interested in it. I will identify any preconceived notions I have had about the research question. I will identify how the research question is sociological in nature and briefly discuss how the sociological perspective has been used to investigate it.
- Literature Review [this will be the meat of your paper]
- Using Goffman’s theories and work to study this, body display in advertisements affecting gender behaviors from 1979-1991 (Yang, 1997)
- Methodology and analysis used –
- Quantitative: primary data analysis – from data collected by the researcher OR secondary data analysis – from a database; statistical model used
- Qualitative (e.g. interview, content analysis, observation)
- Level of analysis (micro, meso, macro)
- Sample size and composition (i.e. n=2,500; 90% respondents white females ages 21-48 drawn from a national probability sample)
- Methodology and analysis used –
- Using Goffman’s theories and work to study this, body display in advertisements affecting gender behaviors from 1979-1991 (Yang, 1997)
- Identification of key variables and their measurement
- Independent variable(s) and dependent variable(s)
- Measurement: e.g. gender role attitudes were measured on a Likert Scale (1-5) from very traditional to very egalitarian.
- Hypotheses of the authors
- Key findings
- Analyze strengths and weaknesses of article
- Differences in affects of gendered stereotypes in print ads on gendered socialization in patriarchal vs matriarchal countries (Oderkerken-Schroder, du Wulf and Hofstee, 2002)
- Reflection hypothesis to understand how gender role socialization is affected by print advertisements (source TBD)
- Analysis/Synthesis of sources and how they answer my research Q
- Future Research – In this section, I will identify some additional related questions that came to mind during my research but were not answered in the literature I reviewed.
- Conclusion – In this section I will recap my research question and key findings.
Henslin, J.J. (2008). Sociology: A Down to Earn Approach. (9th ed). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Okerkerken-Schroder, G., De Wulf, K, and Hoftsee, N. (2002). Is gender stereotyping in advertising more prevalent in masculine countries? A cross-national analysis. International Marketing Review, 19(4): 408-419.
Yang, M. (1997). The portrayal of women’s images in magazine advertisements: Goffman’s gender analysis revisited. Sex Roles, 37(11-12): 1573-2762.
Study on The Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC) (Le Corbusier) ideas
$10.00Study on The Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC) (Le Corbusier) ideas – Outline
Create an outline of the proposed research paper (Paragraph Format) taking into account information and understanding of the case study and how this will be critically assessed in terms of the ‘Idea’.This Outline is related to a research paper that you are going to write about in the near future.
This involves an in-depth research paper, in which you have to read the book and applies it to a case study building (In this case: It is going to be the Dubai International Financial Center). You need to find out the main ideas in the text and apply the ideas and arguments found there to the DIFC Building. You will explore this research question, idea or argument, in order to:
1) Analyze, interpret and explain design issues.
2) Describe the connection between existing design issues and ideas about architecture, the historical context of a site and broader trends in architecture.Required reading:
Smith, K. H. (2013). Introducing architectural theory: Debating a discipline. New York: Routledge
Depression among Elderly People Paper
$40.00Depression among Elderly People
This paper is a 6 to 8 page professional review of research on a topic that is related to adult development or aging. The student should gather information from research publications and put together a logical discussion that provides information on research findings related to that topic.
Do not use interviews or personal experiences in this paper. This is also not a personal reflections paper; just report the research findings you have gathered.
This paper MUST address some aspect of adult development. In fact, issues related to mid- or later life should be the focus of the paper. For example, do not write a paper on domestic violence that either does not address aging couples, or only has brief mention of that fact. The focus of the paper should be on aging and of domestic violence.
Include at least 6-8 references to back up the information presented in your paper.
The following are instructions for gathering appropriate references.
Research Journals: Information should be gathered mostly from research journals.
Books: Do not use books or chapters in books. Stick to research articles published in refereed research journals.
Internet: Some Internet sites may be appropriate sources of information. For example, The American Medical Association, The World Health Organization, or The National Institute of Mental Health are examples of professional Websites.
Avoid personal Websites or Websites run by unknown or questionable organizations.
1. News papers or magazines or any other publication that is a secondary source of information.
2. Do not use the textbook, or any other textbook as a primary reference. Go to the original research article.
3. Never use notes from this class or any other class as a reference.
4. Avoid double citing (Smith as cited by Jones). Go to the original source.
5. Do NOT use interviews, personal experiences, or notes from this or any other class.
6. Do not use pictures, graphs, tables or figures in your paper. Write the information out narratively.
7. Never use Wikipedia as a reference. Do not use other encyclopedias or dictionaries either; the information can be accessed in research articles.The paper should be 6 – 8 pages (not counting the cover page, abstract, and reference page).
Everything should be double spaced.
Use 12 point Times New Roman font throughout the paper, including the cover page and running head.
Italics are used for sub-headings and for journal titles in the reference list
APA guidelines apply. The paper should have a running head and page numbers in the upper right corner, and headings and references should conform to APA format.The paper should have the following components:
Cover page: The cover page includes (1) title of the paper, (2) name of the course and course number, (3) semester and year, (4) author’s (your) name and student ID number, (5) the running head notation per APA guidelines.
Abstract: The abstract appears on the second page by itself. It is 100 words or less and should give a brief description of the topic and the major findings gathered from your review. You can include three or four key words at the bottom of the abstract.
Introduction: The introduction starts on page 3. It is usually about 1/2 page long…no longer than one page. The intro provides a brief description of the topic about to be discussed. This is the “grabber” section of the paper. It should “grab” the reader’s interest in the topic. Provide some information on how serious, or how prevalent, or why the topic is important.
Review of Literature: The review is the body of the paper. For this assignment, it is a review of research on the topic of your choice. This is a professional report of the research and knowledge available on your topic…it is not an opinion paper. No personal opinions or experiences should be included. Every paragraph should have a least one reference to back up the statements. The main points of discussion should be separated and a heading should be used to identify and separate those main points. The discussion should have a smooth and logical flow of information.
Discussion: The discussion is the finishing touch that ties everything together. This section typically is 1/2 to one page long. What were the major findings? Did the authors of the research you reported generally agree, or were the findings mixed? What can you conclude from the literature you reviewed?
References: Start the references on a new page. All references that appear on the list should also appear in the literature review and vice versa. Referencing should follow APA guidelines.
Avoid “direct quotes” even if they are cited correctly. For this assignment, “direct quotes” are not allowed.
3rd person format is better for this type of paper (avoid I, we, you, your, etc.).
Write in the active voice.
Use headings & subheadings (APA style)
HR Training Class
$40.00Imagine that you are a member of the HR department of a small retail company and upper management has asked you to create a new employee customer service training class for all new employees.
Write a six to seven (6-9) pages paper in which you:
1.Justify the use of a needs assessment of your company’s proposed employee customer service training, stressing five (5) ways in which such an assessment would expose any existing performance deficiencies.
2.Develop a customer service training implementation plan and determine the method of training (i.e., presentation, discussion, case study, discovery, role play, simulation, modeling, or on-the-job training).
3.Justify why you selected the training method that you did.
4.Propose two (2) ways to motivate an employee who has no interest in attending a training class.
5.Develop a survey to collect feedback from the employees who attend the training.
6.Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
•Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
•Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.8 Pages
APA – 6 References
Research paper on Mobile Security Threats
$35.00Research paper on Mobile Security Threats
Points covered include:
1) Malware
2)Device loss and theft
3)Applications and security models
4) Mobile commerce security threats.Paper Contents
Abstract –The abstract should be brief, definitely not longer than a half of a page.(70 words)
Introduction – introduce the problem; get a reader’s attention; explain motivation and significance of the problem.
Related Work – cover related work. Has this topic been studied yet? Do not just give an annotated list, Give a critical analysis of the previous work.
Problem Definition and Methodology – there is no good research without a research problem. Define it precisely.
Experiment Design.
Evaluation, validation, or discussion.
*The references please using an academic references (use an academic web sites , articles, books)
7 pages
APA – 9 References
Help people handle stress and life events in a healthy non harmful way
$15.00Capstone Assignment – Help people handle stress and life events in a healthy non harmful way
This assignment is designed for you to connect what you learned in this course with your future career goals. To obtain full you will: State what your future career goals are (Engineer, Stay-at-home dad, Nurse, Musician, etc.). If you don’t know talk about your general area of interest (Sciences, education, etc.)
Choose 3 concepts/ideas/theories that you learned in this course and explain how learning these 3 different things will help you be successful in your career. Like Reality Assignments you will integrate information from the course into your paper, which will be evident through in-text citations from lecture videos (Vaterlaus, 2014) and the textbook (Seccombe, 2012).
The difference is that you will include 3 in-text citations (minimum) and they can all be from lecture, or all from the book, or a mix. Just make sure there are three. The assignment will be typed, 2-3 pages (no more no less), double spaced, have one-inch margins, use 12-point font, and use Times New Roman font. The assignment will be submitted as an attachment on D2L on or before the due date