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Organization and management of an Adult Day Care (PPT)
$30.00PowerPoint Presentation – 45 Minutes
Project Guidelines: The purpose of this project is to apply the principles of organization and management to a health agency of your choosing. You will select a type of health agency to study. Only the team leader will submit the Power Point presentation for the team (with narrative in the notes section if required), and appendices addressing the following managerial topics:
(SN: This is an PowerPoint Presentation the only things that need to be address is the everything under the Organization Design about Adult Care)
Organizational Design
Illustrate and explain the organizational structure for your business (organizational chart) (1-3 slides)
Plan the organizational linkages with key stakeholders (1-3 slides)
Prepare a staffing plan for your organization (1-3 slides)
Prepare job descriptions for 3 different positions (3-5 slides)
Explain recruitment procedures (1-3 slides)
Explain retention procedures (1-3 slides)
Leadership & Management:
Consider and justify which leadership style the CEO should use in this organization (1-3 slides)
Anticipate 3 problems and explain how the organization will handle them (3-5 slides)
Prepare a performance appraisal for 1 of the positions described in the staffing section (1-3 slides)
Regulatory Compliance
List 4 important laws, government policies, or regulations that must be met (2-5 slides)
Explain the importance of each of these laws and how you will achieve compliance (2-5 slides)the number of slides is a recommendation and not a ceiling, but don’t get carried away. Keep it to the point and short enough to be interesting. An old boss of mine told me a long time ago when I did a really in-depth 45 minute presentation for him (he had told me to give him a quick brief on the issue we were dealing with) >>> “When I ask you what time it is, don’t tell me how to build a clock.”<< So address the issues at the managerial level.
30 Slides
Ethical Principles Case Studies: It’s Over, Debbie and Sounding Board – Death and Dignity (A Case of Individualized Decision Making)
$10.00Please read the cases thoroughly and provide and analysis of the ethical issues presented in the case. Often, you will not have formal questions to answer, but should be able to identify ethical issues and dilemmas that stood out to you. You should provide more than 1 page per case to thoroughly address the issues that are present. Incorporate ethical principles and/or theories that apply to the cases. Please explain the issue or dilemma using information from the readings in the book and other sources (e.g., websites, articles, etc). Also, include your own thoughts/opinions as well as materials to support these. All references consulted (including the text) should be referenced appropriately within your response—APA style—and a list of references should be supplied at the end of your document.
Please submit cases to the Assignment tab, following these assignment protocols:
Microsoft Word document with 1” margins all around, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, and double-spaced work. Failure to follow assignment protocols will result in a 10% loss in possible points. Additionally, cases should be free from grammatical errors.
Additional Files:
1. It’s Over, Debbie
2. Sounding Board – Death and Dignity: A Case of Individualized Decision MakingCreating a Methodology Case Study: Discuss factors about the corporate culture that were at play
$5.00Prepare 1 page pager on Creating A Methodology Case Study (separate attachment)
- Discuss factors about the corporate culture that were at play, and suggest central reasons why the executive staff waited as long as they had to consider the development of an enterprise project management methodology (EPM).
- Recommend to both the senior executives (i.e., the company) and John Compton (i.e., the president) whether the project management office (PMO) should report to the chief information officer (CIO) or to someone else. Justify the response.
- Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
- Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
- Describe the key concepts, processes, and components of project management.
- Analyze the interrelationships among the principal elements (time, cost, resources) in the performance of project management.
- Evaluate the general systems factors affecting performance throughout the project life cycle.
- Use technology and information resources to research issues in project management.
- Write clearly and concisely about project management using proper writing mechanics.
Additional files:
1 Pages
APA – 4 References
Compare and contrast functional organization and matrix organization that are associated with project organizations
$35.00Title: PMC2
- Compare and contrast functional organization and matrix organization that are associated with project organizations. Next, examine one (1) advantage and disadvantage of each type that you have chosen. Support your response with real-world examples of such advantages and disadvantages.
- The project office is an organization developed to support the project manager in carrying out his duties. Determine the type of project office that exists in your current or past organization and analyze how closely it resembles the model project offices described in the Kerzner text. If a project office does not exist in your current or past organization, provide a rationale for or against establishing a project office and describe its type.
Title: PMC3
- Assume you are a functional manager tasked with assembling a project team. However, 2 people have conflicts and they were not able to come up with their part to start the project. For each conflict identified, propose a resolution. Support your response with real-world examples of such conflicts and corresponding resolutions.
- Explain the assertion that one (1) disadvantage of the pure project organization is the project professionals’ tendency to fall behind in areas of technical expertise that they do not use on projects. Demonstrate two (2) strategies which a project manager might use in order to avoid the stated disadvantage. Support your response with examples of the use of the identified strategies.
Title: PMC4
- Select one (1) common source of conflict in the project environment. Next, suggest one (1) possible solution or preventive measure the project manager can take to avoid or minimize the conflict. Support your response with one (1) real-world example of related solutions or measures.
Title: BP2
- Research on the Internet and provide the mission and vision statements for the company you chose. Explain why you feel they are not well written.
- Provide a new mission statement and mission statement that you believe would be better for the company. Explain why your proposed mission and vision statements are better than the current versions.
- Create a mission statement and vision statement for JetBlue.
- Explain how you would convince the Board of Directors to adopt your proposed mission and vision statement.
Title: BP3
- Choose an industry that has businesses in your city, for example, restaurants, automobile dealerships, or hotels. Research on the Internet each of the five broad categories of external forces that apply to this industry in your city. Explain in detail how each of these forces influences this industry, and propose how the business should respond or react to each force. (The five external forces are: Economic force; Social, cultural, demographic, environment and natural forces; Political, legal and government forces; Technological forces; and Competitive forces)
- Businesses not only respond and react to external forces, but can also attempt to influence them. Discuss in detail one step that a local business in this industry can take to influence each of these external forces.
- Determine in detail how each of Porter’s five forces influences that company you chose. (The five Porter’s forces are: Potential development of substitute products; Bargaining power of suppliers; Rivalry among competing firms; Bargaining power of consumers; and Potential entry of new competitors)
- Assume you are a senior manager at the company you discussed in the previous discussion topic. Clarify in detail how these forces you identified would influence the strategic plans you develop.
Title: `BP4
- Research on the Internet the published financial statements for a public corporation for the most recent two fiscal years. Identify and calculate the four financial ratios you think are most important for this company.
- Recommend the strategies you would develop to help improve the financial ratios you identified in the previous topic and state why you feel the strategies will help.
7 pages
Discuss your own “working” definition of healthcare ethics
$10.00Discuss your own “working” definition of healthcare ethics. You may need to refer back to previously covered chapters, in addition to consulting Chapters 13 and 14. Think about the following: What morals/values are important to you? What are your moral bottom lines (i.e. how far is too far; what would you quit your job over, etc.)? What kind of healthcare employee (clinical or managerial) do you want to be?
Reflection: Reducing errors and health care quality improvement
$5.00For this discussion assignment, think back to your initial discussion. You stated what you felt the impact of quality improvement had on healthcare and your experiences with it. Now that you have finished the content of the course, how have your opinions changed or have they stayed the same? How do you feel the concepts and theories you learned in this course will assist you in your future career?
1 page
APA – 2 references
“Interdisciplinary” ethics committee – Jimmy is an 11-year old boy who suffers from lymphoma Case Study
$10.00Think like an “interdisciplinary” ethics committee. Chapter 10 contains information on Ethics Committees.
Review the case below and adopt 2-3 roles (below) and develop a response to this case. The perspective of each role you choose may look different. For example, a CEO will respond differently than a physician than will a nurse.
Case for review:
Jimmy is an 11-year old boy who suffers from lymphoma. His oncologist has indicated that without chemotherapy, he is likely to die within 6 months. She has also indicated that in most cases, chemotherapy provides an effective cure in only 20 percent of cases like Jimmy’s; in most cases, chemotherapy produces at best an additional 3-6 month extension of life.
Jimmy is also compromised by an incurable neurological disease. This disease will eventually make it impossible for him to walk, talk or use his hands effectively. Already, he speech is slurred and he cannot hold a pencil. Even without lymphoma, the prognosis– because of the neurological disease– is death by the age of 18.
Jimmy has been raised in a strong religious environment, and his belief in God has been an important comforting factor to him. After having the facts fully explained to him, he has accepted his situation and the inevitability of his death at a young age. He says he does not want the chemotherapy and that he is ready to “go to God.” His parents, however, cannot reconcile themselves to losing Jimmy. They want to override his decision/proceed with chemotherapy.
Adopt 2-3 of these roles and develop a response to the case. Include specific perspectives for each role you adopt:
– Administrator/CEO
– Physician
– Nurse
– Oncologist
– Social Worker
– Psychologist
– Clergy/Chaplain
– Community member
– Lawyer
– Ethicist
– Health Services Administration/Health Professions Undergraduate StudentWhat kind of LEGAL steps would you take to try to discourage the formation of a union
$5.00Topic: The setting is a 100-bed nursing home facility which employs about 135 employees and none of them are currently unionized. About one quarter of these employees are either administrators or supervisors and cannot be unionized. There has been significant turnover in leadership at the facility in recent years which has resulted in changing rules and procedures for all staff. Management staff that has remained thinks that they have done everything they can to keep employees happy. They even held a company barbeque last summer for everyone. They say that their hands are tied because the revenue streams for the facility have decreased because of cutbacks in reimbursement from Medicare and Medicaid, and private payers are also starting to negotiate lower rates. The nurses are increasingly being asked to work double shifts and patient care is starting to suffer. Wage increases have been non-existent or minimal. Supervisors appear to be ill-trained and are grouchy with everyone. The free bus passes employees used to get as a benefit have been revoked. One of the nursing staff decided she was fed up and is now trying to organize her colleagues under a union.
Original Post You are a health care administrator within the facility. You are informed by one of your supervisors that this nurse is attempting to organize employees into a union. Assume that you are opposed to this action, what kind of LEGAL steps would you take to try to discourage the formation of a union or to show that it really isn’t needed? (Note that you will have had to follow the instructions in the learning module for this week, which required you to “jump to” the NLRB website to successfully respond to this question).
Response Post Respond to one of your classmate’s post from the perspective of the nurse union organizer. Describe why such working conditions are a problem for you and why starting a union is the best solution to those problems.
Sources: To receive full credit, you must cite at least one academic or government source to support your position in your original thought post. Please do not cite your book – this assignment requires you to do additional work. The following websites are not appropriate academic citations:;;; or anything in the same genre.
1 page
APA – 2 References
Facility disaster management plan: You are a new health services administrator at Good-Patient Hospital
$5.00Topic: You are a new health services administrator at Good-Patient Hospital located on the east coast of Florida. Upon reviewing different aspects of the facility, you realize that there is no facility disaster management plan in place. You are specifically worried about hurricanes but recognize that there may be other types of disasters that need attention. Good sources to look is publications from the JCAHO and the Florida Dept of Health.
Original Post You have three options available to you to develop the plan. These include:
- assign the task to one of the junior health services administrators within the facility;
- form a planning committee of employees to develop the plan; or
- bring in an experience contractor to create the plan.
In your original post discuss:
- Which of these options, or combination of options, do you think will help you create the best plan possible? and
- What types of organizations outside your facility might be important partners to include in the plan because they would be key in responding to a disaster?