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Efficacy of technology in education: Present your position about the efficacy of technology as a tool for developing student success
$50.00In recent years, there has been a growing interest and demand for distance learning, on-line instruction, and web-based courses for a variety of situations. At the same time, there has been ongoing research into brain based learning, differentiated instruction, and multiple intelligences. Current CDC statistics indicate, for ages 3-17, that 13.5 percent of boys and 5.4 percent of girls demonstrate symptoms of ADD or ADHD. Using recent literature and your professional perspective, present your current position about the efficacy of technology as a tool for developing and sustaining student success and appropriate academic achievement.
14 Pages
APA – 18 References
Research project to evaluate the impact of a Professional Learning Community (PLC) on teacher development and student achievement
$50.00Design and develop a research project to evaluate the impact of a Professional Learning Community (PLC) on teacher development and student achievement. In order to assess for effectiveness and outcomes of your PLC for your institution, you will need to conduct deep research about organizational elements and professional dispositions that predict successful outcome in this arena. For this question, generate a research proposal that will serve as the basis for assessing the impact of a PLC on faculty development and student achievement. Your proposed research study will be shared with local and state officials, administrators, curriculum specialists, parents, students, and others in the community
In your answer, be sure to include responses to the following questions:
- What types of data would need to be collected?
- What data collection methods would best suit your study?
- How would you analyze your different data sources?
- What is the value/importance of a study of this type?
- What do experts in this field say about this type of study, from both content and a research methodology perspective?
- What ethical issues might arise during and from this type of study? How would you lessen these concerns to protect participants?
- Would there be limitations for your study from a methodological perspective?
14 Pages
APA – 22 References
Report: Inclusion of the arts in K-12 curriculum in an era of sharply limited resources
$50.00Including the fine arts in a K-12 curriculum is a controversial issue in educational institutions and local school settings. Some educators and administrators view the arts as a “frivolous” appendage to the overall school program. Others believe they are an integral part of developing well-rounded individuals and contend that the arts support academic achievement. Since the arts are not included in high stakes testing, communities in support of fine arts programs are finding it difficult to justify the resources and time allocated for music, art, and drama when offered. In higher education, over the years, fine arts departments have built extensive community outreach programs for the local schools. Times are such that there is intensifying talk involving reducing the budget for such outreach programs. While these programs have relied less on actual dollars, the institutions acknowledged the work of faculty and staff in advancement programs and considered such support and outreach as a kind of monetary investment. As an instructional leader, you are being asked to develop a program that addresses inclusion of the arts in an era of sharply limited resources. You are to present to your immediate supervisor and ultimately the educational community a clear and thoroughly researched report with recommendations regarding this program
- What process in the creation of this plan would you use to identify and select the appropriate stakeholders?
- What are the curricular, instructional, professional development, and program evaluation issues that must be considered and addressed?
- What are the economic, legal, and ethical issues, implications, and ramifications of a plan as related to staff and a diverse student body?
14 Pages
APA – 18 References
Importance of rigor in education: Should educational rigor be a national or local responsibility?
$50.00“No Child Left Behind” (NCLB) created a good deal of focus on curriculum, instruction, and accountability through high stakes testing. The Common Core Standards have extended the focus of curriculum. However, unlike NCLB the Common Core are not accepted by every state for inclusion in the curriculum. Discuss and articulate your position regarding educational rigor related to student assessment and accountability. Should educational rigor be a national or local responsibility? Support your ideas by providing examples that have been presented in your reading, from research, and/or through your course work.
14 Pages
APA – 19 References
Research proposal: Assessing a Professional Learning Community
$50.00Design and develop a research project to evaluate the impact of a Professional Learning Community (PLC) on teacher development and student achievement. In order to assess for effectiveness and outcomes of your PLC for your institution, you will need to conduct deep research about organizational elements and professional dispositions that predict successful outcome in this arena. For this question, generate a research proposal that will serve as the basis for assessing the impact of a PLC on faculty development and student achievement. Your proposed research study will be shared with local and state officials, administrators, curriculum specialists, parents, students, and others in the community.
In your answer, be sure to include responses to the following questions:
- What types of data would need to be collected?
- What data collection methods would best suit your study?
- How would you analyze your different data sources?
- What is the value/importance of a study of this type?
- What do experts in this field say about this type of study, from both content and a research methodology perspective?
- What ethical issues might arise during and from this type of study? How would you lessen these concerns to protect participants?
- Would there be limitations for your study from a methodological perspective?
14 pages
Design and implement a protocol to establish a standard for better outcomes and measurability standards for College of Education graduates at a four-year, urban college campus
$79.00Accountability systems are intended to provide meaningful ways to assess program quality and to help organizations and institutions improve by identifying strengths and weaknesses. In recent years, following the closely chronicled accountability movement of K-12 education, higher education policymakers and leaders have evaluated the need to improve postsecondary schools, specifically, assessment mechanisms and measures.
As an educational research consultant you have been retained to design and implement a protocol to establish a standard for better outcomes and measurability standards for College of Education graduates at a four-year, urban college campus. The campus president and dean outlined their concerns, as presented below. You must respond by addressing each of these areas in your planning report before undertaking the specific needs of this particular campus. Although board priorities and concerns vary, the major issues and concerns for all constituents are:
35 Pages APA – 25 References
A Program that addresses inclusion of the arts in an era of sharply limited resources
$50.00Including fine arts in a K-12 curriculum is a controversial issue in educational institutions and local school settings. Some educators and administrators view the arts as a “frivolous” appendage to the overall school program. Others believe they are an integral part of developing well-rounded individuals and contend that the arts support academic achievement. Since the arts are not included in high stakes testing, communities in support of fine arts programs are finding it difficult to justify the resources and time allocated for music, art, and drama when offered. In higher education, over the years, fine arts departments have built extensive community outreach programs for the local schools. Times are such that there is intensifying talk involving reducing the budget for such outreach programs. While these programs have relied less on actual dollars, the institutions acknowledged the work of faculty and staff in advancement programs and considered such support and outreach as a kind of monetary investment. As an instructional leader, you are being asked to develop a program that addresses inclusion of the arts in an era of sharply limited resources.
- What process in the creation of this plan would you use to identify and select the appropriate stakeholders?
- What are the curricular, instructional, professional development, and program evaluation issues that must be considered and addressed?
- What are the economic, legal, and ethical issues, implications, and ramifications of a plan as related to staff and a diverse student body?
15 pages
APA – 22 References
How are New Employee Orientation (NEO) and On-boarding defined
$15.00**Be sure to search for and utilize a minimum of four journal articles, which present research findings that inform the questions you are exploring.
Students will explore the following questions regarding new hire orientation and on-boarding programs:
How are New Employee Orientation (NEO) and On-boarding defined?
Why should organizations utilize these programs?
What are effective, and ineffective, practices for orienting and socializing new employees? What are the intended outcomes of NEO and On-boarding programs?
What approaches can be used to develop and implement NEO and On-boarding programs?
What are potential barriers to effective design and successful implementation; and how can the barriers be overcome?The outcome of this assignment will be a paper with four sections:
Exploration Questions
Journal Article Review
Conclusions (including your own reflective comments on the topic)3 Pages
APA – 4 References
Which value(s) do you think have most impacted the development of accounting standards in the United States and why
$5.00According to Gray, societal values affect national accounting systems.Which value(s) do you think have most impacted the development of accounting standards in the United States and why?
1 page
APA – 2 References