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Advantages and disadvantages of Hospital Payment Systems
Discuss the advantage and disadvantage of the following hospital payment systems on cost containment and provider behavior:
• Fee-for-service
• Per diem
• The DRG-based payment system (i.e., Medicare’s Inpatient Prospective Payment System)
• Capitation
SLP Assignment Expectations:
• Cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of the paper.Locate a recent example in the media of a scientific study involving the placebo effect
Locate a recent example in the media of a scientific study involving the placebo effect.
- Identify and explain the placebo effect’s function in each step of the scientific method: observation, hypothesis, experimentation, verification.
- Describe how the placebo effect impacted the results of the study.
- State whether or not you were surprised by the results and why.
Consider the elements of persuasive thinking with regard to your topic for your Critical Thinking paper.
- Identify the values and needs of your audience.
- Identify an appeal that you can make to your audience and explain why this might be an effective form of persuasion.
- Identify a type of fallacy that you need to be aware of and should strive to avoid in your persuasive argument.
“5 Steps of Persuasion.” Please respond to the following:
- Explain how you will follow the five steps of persuasion in your Critical Thinking paper: 1) establishing credibility, 2) acknowledging the audience’s position, 3) constructing a rationale, 4) transplanting root elements, and 5) asking for a response.
From the following scenario:
Although everything was fine five minutes ago, a secretary cannot get her computer to send a document to the printer. The document must be printed for the meeting her boss has scheduled to begin in fifteen minutes.
- Identify the components in the problem.
- Explain from how you would get more information to solve the problem.
- Provide the best solution for solving the problem.
- Explain the reasons why you believe your solution would solve the problem.
BioW7 – 2 paragraphs needed
“Effective Evolution and Processes Affecting Evolution” Please respond to the following:
- The human appendix, a vestigal extension off the large intestine, is homologous to a structure called a caecum, generally larger than our appendix, and houses bacteria that aid in digesting cellulose, the main component of plants. Explain how the presence of the appendix might be used to show our common ancestry with other mammals, and determine what it might tell us about the dietary history of humans. Provide an example with your response.
BioW8- 2 paragraphs needed
“Evolution of Disease and Plant Evolution” Please respond to the following;
- Several algae blooms have been in the news recently. Use the Internet to find one (1) article about an algae bloom. Summarize the main points of the article you found. Explain how this article relates to this week’s lesson, and give three (3) examples with your response. (In your discussion, provide the URL for the article.)
BioW9- 2 paragraphs needed
“Evolution in Animals and Population of Humans” Please respond to the following:
- Humans belong to the genus Homo and chimpanzees to the genus Pan, yet studies of primate genes show that chimpanzees and humans are more closely related to one another than each is to any other animals. In light of this result, some researchers suggest that chimpanzees should be renamed as members of the genus Homo. Discuss at least three (3) practical, scientific, and / or ethical issues that might be raised by such a change in naming.
4 pages
Assignment 4.1: Report Plan
$10.00Assignment 4.1: Report Plan
Remember this plan is just explaining to the professor what the report is going to consist of.
Very important to follow each instructed bullet.
The report plan is a plan written for the professor explaining what the report will consist of. Your audience is the professor. (The report plan is different than the actual report.)Create a plan that identifies what information you will need to prepare a justification report making a recommendation to an organization to implement a particular product, service, or program. The organization may have a business, governmental, professional, or social focus.
The report may focus on a “real” or “made-up” recommendation, but you should direct the report to an actual organization, even if you do not plan to submit the report.
For the report, the audience within the organization will be whatever level is most appropriate to make a decision on the topic of your report.
- Identify the recipient of the report. (To what organization will the recommendation be directed?)
- Identify the topic of the report. (What product, service, or program will you recommend?)
- Identify the purpose of the report. (What need or problem will the product, service, or program resolve?)
- Identify potential resources that will be needed for support.
- Identify methods to be used to gather information.
- Identify criteria to be used to evaluate the information collected. (What factors will you consider to make your recommendation?)
2 pages
PURPOSE: The purpose of exercise is to conduct a detailed, critical evaluation of the research design, methods and analysis of a study written up and published in a peer-reviewed journal. Students will be using Wolfer’s (2007) critical questions for evaluating written research to evaluate an article; these questions are provided below. Tips on Finding a Peer Reviewed Journal Article may be found under Lessons>Course Materials>Resources.
Article selection tips:
- select an article from a peer-reviewed Sociology Journal
- the article should clearly be written about a study the author conducted
- a meta-analysis of multiple studies is not appropriate for this assignment
- secondary data analysis of an existing national data set is OK, but be sure you understand what you are reading
Your evaluation should include
- ALL sections 1-5,
- 1 section from 6-10 (based on design in your article), and
- 1 section from 11-12 (based on analysis in your article).
This assignment does NOT have to be written in essay format. You may organize it by section/chapter number, question number with question text, and then your answer.
APA formatting should be used throughout. Any time your paraphrase or directly quote a source (such as your article), in-text citations should be used. A full APA-formatted reference should be included at the beginning or end of assignment. See Course Materials>Resources for APA Tips.
1.Title (3 pts)
- Is the title specific enough to differentiate it from other related topics?
- Do subtitles, if present, provide important information regarding the research?
- Are the main variables expressed in the title?
- Are the terms in the title easily understood by most people?
- Does the title avoid any reference to the study’s results?
- Overall, is this a good title? Why or why not?
- Ethical Evaluation (2.5 pts)
- Are the steps the researcher took to honor ethical responsibilities to individuals clear? Are they appropriate? Are they enough?
- If there were any findings (based on your readings of tables or other means of data presentation) that refuted the researcher’s hypothesis, did he address these findings?
- If any results were unexpected, did the researcher discuss any explanations for the unexpected effects?
- Did the researcher adequately acknowledge the limitations of the research?
- Overall, has the researcher adequately fulfilled his ethical obligations?
- Literature Review (4 pts)
- Is the material presented in the literature review relevant to your research interests?
- Is the special problem area identified in the first paragraph or two of the report?
- Does the researcher establish the importance of the research problem?
- Has the researcher been appropriately selective in deciding what studies to include in the literature review?
- Is the research cited recent?
- Is the literature review critical?
- Is the researcher clear as to what is research, theory and opinion?
- Overall, do you think this is an adequate literature review? Why or why not?
- Operationalization and Measurement (5.5 pts)
- Is the conceptualization suitably specific?
- Are the definitions productive?
- How many different dimensions are being measured at once?
- Are the various dimensions sufficient?
- Are the actual questions (or a sample of them) provided?
- Is the response format clear, or, when not already clear, does the researcher provide information on the response format? Is there any information on restrictions in respondents’ responses?
- If the researcher is using a published instrument, does he or she cite sources where additional information can be found?
- Has the researcher avoided overstating the preciseness of the measurement?
- Does the researcher provide some measure of reliability? What type of reliability is established? Do the measures indicate adequate reliability for your purposes?
- Does the research provide some measure of validity? What measures of validity are presented and are they adequate for your purposes?
- Overall, is the measurement appropriate and adequate given the research purpose?
- Sample Strategy (3 pts)
- Does the research goal lend itself to generalization? Is the broad sampling method appropriate for the research goal?
- Does the researcher provide information regarding the study population? The sample?
- Is the exact sampling method (e.g. simple random, purposive) specified? Remember, it is not sufficient for a researcher to simply state that a sample was selected ‘randomly.’
- Is the sample size sufficient, given the research goals, the degree of accuracy the researcher desires, and the nature of the population studied? Given the nature of the research, is the sample size sufficient?
- If the researcher uses a probability sample, does he or she generalize the findings to the appropriate population? If the researcher uses a non-probability sample, does he or she refrain from generalizing to a wider population?
- Overall, is the sampling appropriate?
Your evaluation should include ONE of the following sections (6-10) (4 pts):
- Experiments
- Can you identify a treatment variable that indicates that an experiment is the method of observation?
- How many groups were studied?
- If there were two or more groups, did the researcher use random assignments
- If the researcher did not use random assignment, did the researcher present evidence that the groups were similar regarding key variables at the beginning of the study?
- Is the treatment and any pre- or posttests described in sufficient detail that facilitates replication?
- Is deception necessary?
- If so, is the deception within the parameters of the research topic?
- Have the participants been debriefed so they know the true nature of the study (and can enact their right to privacy by declining to participate after the fact?)
- Based on the description of treatment and experimental procedure, do you see any red flags regarding ethical issues?
- Did the researcher use assistants?
- If so, did the researcher state that they were properly trained?
- If so, did the researcher specify any special measures to make sure that the assistants administered the treatment properly?
- Is the setting natural or artificial (in a laboratory)?
- If it’s in a laboratory, does the researcher recognize that external validity may be weak?
- If it’s in a natural setting, does the researcher recognize that there may be some differences in the environments of the various groups?
- Overall, do you think the experimental design is sound?
- Survey
- Is the research topic worded appropriately for survey research?
- Did the researcher specifically state which type of survey method was used?
- Do the survey questions adequately address the topic?
- Are the survey questions constructed correctly?
- Did the researcher provide any information about the response rate? Did the researcher provide any information about follow-up mailings or other ways of increasing response rate? What are the implications of the response rate?
- Did the researcher explain how he or she guaranteed anonymity or confidentiality?
- Overall, is the survey methodology effective and appropriate?
- Field Research
- Does the research describe the selected site? Does the research provide some explanation as to how that site was chosen?
- Did the researchers explain how they addressed gatekeepers?
- Did the researcher address how he developed field relations? If conflict arose, did the researcher make any comment about how personal or research problems in the field were addressed?
- Did the researcher adequately protect the identity of the respondents? Did the researcher address other ethical considerations?
- Did the researcher describe, at least in passing, his method of note taking? Does the method seem adequate?
- In the analysis, does the researcher present general patterns of behavior and support those patterns with data such as quoted comments? Does the researcher use quotes selectively?
- Does the researcher make any mention of issues of validity and/or reliability?
- Overall, is the research adequate?
- Unobtrusive Measures
- What is the researcher’s research purpose or hypothesis? Is content analysis an appropriate method of observation?
- What are the researcher’s units of analysis? What are the units of observation (if they are different than the units of analysis)?
- Is the researcher studying a population or a sample of these units? If the researcher is studying a sample, is it a probability sample? If so, was it correctly drawn? If the researcher is not studying a population or a probability sample, is he or she appropriately cautious about the nature of any conclusions?
- Does the researcher identify the characteristics and level of content being analyzed? Does the researcher explain how material is coded, especially for issues of latent content?
- Did the researcher do any type of pretest with other coders to test for reliability? Where they any tests for validity?
- Are the conclusions consistent with the units of analysis?
- Are the results clearly presented and the conclusions appropriate?
- Generally, is the method of observation done appropriately?
- Evaluation Research
- What is the purpose of the evaluation presented?
- Is the nature of the program described in detail?
- Are the goals presented and can the goals that the author presents be evaluated?
- What type of observation method is used? Is it appropriate, given the real-life restrictions of evaluation research?
- Is a control group used? If so, how has the researcher tried to show that it is equivalent to the experimental group? If not, does the researcher adequately explain its omission?
- How are people selected for program participation? Does this affect the interpretation of findings, and, if so, does the researcher discuss this?
- Are the results clearly explained?
- How does the article address the other areas of evaluation discussed in earlier chapters?
Your evaluation should include ONE of the following sections (3 pts):
- Qualitative Analysis
- Is the results section a cohesive essay?
- Does the researcher connect the results to any general research questions or goals?
- Is the perspective of the results presentation appropriate? Does it match the research technique?
- Has the writer presented enough examples to support the conclusions? Do the examples make the readers ‘believe’ the researcher’s points?
- Do you have reason to believe that the presence of the researcher influenced the actions or statements of other group members? If this is possible, has the researcher addressed it in the research?
- Especially in field research (although this may be an issue to a lesser degree in other forms of qualitative data gathering), does the researcher discuss how he or she interacted with subjects in the field, what problems arose, and how the researcher addressed them?
- Quantitative Analysis
- Is the results section a cohesive essay with the important findings highlighted?
- In the essay, does the researcher tie the results to the research hypotheses or goals stated in the introduction?
- If there are tables or graphs, are they clearly presented?
- Does the researcher present any descriptive statistics?
- Are the statistics appropriate for the level of measurement?
- Are the conclusions the researcher draws appropriate for the statistical information?
- In the discussion section, does the researcher briefly summarize the research purposes, methodologies, and key findings (in a non-statistical manner)?
- Does the researcher acknowledge any methodological or statistical weaknesses?
- Are the implications of the research or suggestions for future research discussed?
- Overall, is the results section adequate?
- Overall, is the discussion section adequate?
9 Pages
APA – 1 reference
Distinguish selected spheres of organizational behavior and business influences
$5.00Please answer the following question:
Distinguish selected spheres of organizational behavior and business influences on advanced practice nursing from an anecdotal perspective derived in your healthcare environment.
Instruction from the instructor:
This week we will further discuss the role of the APN in terms of building a business toolbox, such as contract negotiation, malpractice insurance, prescriptive authority, and marketing yourself as an APN. This week we’ll discuss these issues (and others) and how they influence advanced nursing practice. Please continue to think of examples from your own healthcare environment as you discuss.
No more than 200 words needed for this assignment.Determine what kind of services people might need and help them schedule appointments
$10.00Guidelines: This assignment requires you to post an original thought and respond to one of your classmates thoughts. In total, you will need to make two posts. Your original thought must be at least two paragraphs in length with five sentences in each paragraph (should include a FULL citation (not just a web link – see info on “sources” below). Your response post must be at least one paragraph in length with five sentences (does not need a citation). While the original post should include a citation, please remember that this is not a formal academic paper and your postings should retain a “discussion” flavor.
Topic: The setting is a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) located in rural, western Kansas. There are approximately 30 people on staff. Two of these staff are physicians, about 20 are nurses who work rotating shifts, and the remaining eight hold various administrative positions. The FQHC provides mainly primary care services although they do have an x-ray machine so can handle uncomplicated sprains, bone breaks, etc. The FQHC serves a diverse population but includes mostly farmers and their extended families, Native Americans, and migrant workers. The FQHC has decided to hire a community outreach worker that will work in the community to inform and connect people with available services. They have hired you as a consultant to help them with the hiring process. They tell you that the community outreach worker must have a college degree and familiarity with the health care industry. They must be friendly and approachable, and able to build trust with people in the community. They prefer someone who has experience working with Native American and/or migrant farm workers but it is not essential. They also prefer someone who is bilingual.
Key tasks will be: 1) traveling throughout the county to the various farms and reservations to inform people about the FQHC services; 2) determine what kind of services people might need and help them schedule appointments; and 3) distribute preventive health information particularly on diabetes and heart disease which are major issues in the community.
Original Post They have already posted the job and collected a stack of applications. Your job is to develop for them a set of 10 questions they will use to interview their top 5 candidates so they can make a decision. Your interview questions should include 5 situational questions and 5 experience-based questions that are relevant to the position and will help them gather more information about the candidate. They have also asked that you recommend any pre or post-employment testing that should occur.
Your original discussion post should include the 10 questions you recommend as well. Please indicate whether they are situational or experience-based. The post should also include a discussion of any pre or post-offer testing that should occur (make sure to indicate when it should occur). Please make sure to weigh the costs and benefits of requiring testing – is it worthwhile?
Response Post Your second post should constructively critique one of your classmate’s proposed interview questions and testing recommendations.
Sources: To receive full credit, you must cite at least one academic or government source to support your position in your original thought post. Please do not cite your book – this assignment requires you to do additional work. The following websites are not appropriate academic citations:;;; or anything in the same genre.
2 pages
APA – 1 reference
Assignment 3.1: Persuasive Message
$10.00Assignment 3.1: Persuasive Message
Write a four (4) paragraph form letter to potential customers on the range of services your business or organization can provide. (The business/organization and customer(s) may be “real” or fictitious.)
The letter should include the following: (Very important to include the following)
- The structure of the letter follows the four-point persuasive outline, AIDA – Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.
- The content stresses a central theme, selling point, or appeal to the customer.
- The content includes supportive information and details describing the range of services your business or organization can provide.
- Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements.
- Follow writing principles of unity, coherence, and emphasis.
- Keep paragraphs short.
- Use concrete nouns and active verbs.
- Use specific language.
- Consider using bulleted lists to present information clearly. (Refer to Figures 8-9 and 8-10 in Professional Communications for sample letters.)
2 pages
Which party do you think should win this case and why
$10.00Guidelines: This assignment requires you to post an original thought that may require some research and outside readings and respond to at least one of your classmates thoughts. In total, you will need to make a minimum of two posts. Your original thought must be at least two paragraphs in length with five sentences in each paragraph (should include a citation – see info on “sources” below). Your response post must be at least one paragraph in length with five sentences (does not need a citation). While the original post should include a citation, please remember that this is not a formal academic paper and your postings should retain a “discussion” flavor (however “texting terms” are not acceptable.
Topic: A hospital has on staff an orthopedic surgeon who is found to be HIV-positive. The hospital initially terminates the doctor’s surgical privileges then reinstates them on the condition that he notifies his patients of his HIV status prior to performing any procedures. The hospital also removes the doctor from referral lists for two non-surgical clinics it operates and widely circulates information to colleagues, staff and others who made referrals to the doctor that he is no longer providing patient care. The hospital asserts this was necessary to ensure patient safety. The doctor files suit and says the hospital is discriminating against him under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Previous cases have examined four factors in determining whether a person disabled by a communicable disease poses a “significant risk” sufficient to justify discrimination.
These include:
- 1) the nature of the risk (how the disease is transmitted);
- 2) the duration of the risk (how long the carrier is infectious);
- 3) the severity of the risk (the potential harm to third parties), and
- 4) the probability that the disease will be transmitted and cause varying degrees of harm.
The doctor argues that the risk of HIV transmission is infinitely small, less so than the risks associated with radiation from various machines used in patient care. He also points out that the hospital has other quality of care issues and it was more likely that a patient would die from a surgical mistake made by a physician than by him infecting the patient with HIV. He further argues that physicians with drug or alcohol abuse problems are not required to disclose this information to patients. The hospital maintains that its primary concern is patient safety, and that contracting HIV would result in a debilitating condition and even death for a patient.
Which party do you think should win this case and why? Be sure to back up your argument using the concepts discussed in the Learning Module this week plus any additional research you do to help with supporting your position.
Sources: To receive full credit, you must cite at least one academic or government source to support your position in your original thought post. Please do not cite your book – this assignment requires you to do additional work. The following websites are not appropriate academic citations:;;; or anything in the same genre.
What are the arguments for and against using professional judgment as the means for evaluating programs
$12.00Submit a minimum two-page paper which answers the following question:
Consider the program (or type of program) that you intend to evaluate for your final project.
- Create a logic model based on information presented in Module 2: m2-readings-d.parr_.docx
- Your project paper should be in Microsoft Word 2000 or higher. Remember to follow the most current APA style standards. Your paper should be double-spaced and in 12 point font. It should not exceed five pages and should include an additional page that lists your citations.
Every week, your assignment should be submitted using proper APA format. A cover page will not be required. However, the first page of the assignment should include a title and proper headings for sections of your response. In-text citations should follow APA guidelines, and you should include a Reference list as a separate page with entries that match in-text citations. You may include an Appendix if you have additional information (e.g., assessment instruments, tables/figures, other supporting documentation).
All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.
5 First Approaches: Expertise and Consumer-Oriented Approaches
Orienting Questions
- 1. What are the arguments for and against using professional judgment as the means for evaluating programs?
- 2. What are the different types of expertise-oriented approaches? How are they alike and how do they differ?
- 3. Why is accreditation of institutions of higher education controversial today? How do these controversies reflect the controversies that frequently arise in many evaluations?
- 4. How is the consumer-oriented evaluation approach like the expertise-oriented approach? How is it different?
- 5. How do these approaches influence the practice of evaluation today?