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Explain why roads are a publicly provided good while national defense is a public good
$5.00Choose and answer one of the following questions
DP #1:
Explain why roads are a publicly provided good (define) while national defense is a public good (define). Think of your own example of a good for which the government pays – decide and defend your decision as to whether this is a public good or a publicly provided good (you must provide an original example in order to receive credit for your response).DP #2
Seminole County wants to build a convention center. They want to tax tourists to pay for it. What will be the likely outcome (too small of a facility, too large of a facility or a facility that is just right)? Justify your answer using the terminology of a) benefits received = costs paid, b) benefits unequal, costs shared equally, or c) benefits equal, costsshared unequally (you may want to refer to the street light example given in the Powerpoint presentation for this material). After this question has been answered, new responses must include an original example of a publicly provided good and how it should be paid for.DP #3
Refer to the discussion in the “chapter at a glance material” to discuss why noise pollution at an airport would be better handled by using a coasian approach versus a pigouvian approach. Think of another example of pollution and come up with a coasian or pigovian approach and defend your answer (you must include your own example in order to receive credit for this response).DP#4
Discuss the topic of the the “tragedy of the commons” and provide one example from your experiences that you think illustrates this concept (you must provide one original example in order to receive credit).
Assignment:Activity—Strategies for Principal Leadership
$5.00Assignment: Activity—Strategies for Principal Leadership
Using the Online Library, locate and read the article:
- DuFour, R., & Marzano, R. J. (2009). High-leverage strategies for principal leadership. Educational Leadership, 66(5), 62.
Identify and be prepared to discuss the strategy that most appealed to you.
1 page
APA – 2 References
Assignment: Activity—Professional Learning Communities
$5.00Assignment: Activity—Professional Learning Communities
Listen to the online presentation:
- Reeves, D. B. (2009, February). Model teachers. ASCD (
Be prepared to discuss the concepts about professional learning communities that are being presented.
1 page
APA – 2 References
What strategies are used to evaluate or measure the effectiveness of professional development activities
$5.00Assignment: Discussion—Evaluating Effectiveness
Cite your work appropriately using APA 6 guidelines.
- What strategies are used to evaluate or measure the effectiveness of professional development activities?
- How do professional development activities relate to student performance, student achievement, and teacher evaluation?
1 Pages
APA 3 References
Environmental benefits and environmental costs of Solar Energy
$10.00This paper is mainly focus on the environmental benefits and environmental costs of Solar Energy (solar panel), keep in mind that the environmental benefits and environmental costs, Including the implications, and impact of solar energy and also the efficiency. please write from economic perspectives. This essay should divided into 4 small topics, which is benefits, costs, other sources and summary. please remember summary the essay at the end.
2 pages
What will hospitals need to do to adapt from volume based to value based models
$5.00Health Reform: On-Line PodCast.
Listen to the following PodCasts located at the Health Reform tab on the podcast link at Hospitals and Health Networks:
“From Volume to Value” by Valinda Rutledge
“Embracing Healthcare’s Age of Uncertainty” by Mary Grayson and answer the following questions:
- What will hospitals need to do to adapt from volume based to value based models?
- What did Valinda reference as being a community Role model?
- What are all the “U” words Mary Grayson references?
1 Pages
Introduction to Skilled nursing care facility
$13.00- Definition of Skilled nursing care facility
- Eligibility criteria for admission to a skilled nursing facility
- Strengths and weaknesses
- Influence of federal laws on skilled nursing facilities
2 pages
Skilled nursing facilities: How regulation affects your setting
$10.00The focus is on the regulation in your specific setting. You will also need to discuss how regulation affects your setting. In addition to your assigned readings, It is expected that you review the literature to understand how these issues have been examined and discussed by researchers and legislatures
2 pages
APA 2 references
Timeline of the historical development of nursing science, starting with Florence Nightingale
$10.00Create a 500 to 700 word timeline paper of the historical development of nursing science, starting with Florence Nightingale and continuing to the present.
Format the timeline however you wish, but the word count and assignment requirements must be met.
Include the following in your timeline:
- Explain the historical development of nursing science by citing specific years, theories, theorists, and events in the history of nursing.
- Explain the relationship between nursing science and the profession.
- Include the influences on nursing science of other disciplines, such as philosophy, religion, education, anthropology, the social sciences, and psychology.
Must be APA format