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$35.00main topic- MANAGING INNOVATION IN A MULTINATIONAL FIRM (choose Nike). Innovation, in all its dimensions, is a critical determinant of business success in the 21st century. it is more then technology and can encompass management, design, customer service, and other features of a company’s, operation. present and analyze one or more aspects of innovation in the international firm, evaluate and critically, discuss, its impact on internal firm operations, customers, and shareholders. emphasize the challenges of managing innovations in the firm and provide a blue print for successfully implementing and managing innovation in companies.
The firm i am supposed to write about is NIKE.
7 pages
$20.00Explain the ‘self’ as a key concept in interaction and socialization
Identify social psychological sources of and consequences of structural inequality
Compare and contrast key social psychological theories including Symbolic Interactionism, Exchange Theory, and Micro-structural Sociology as tools for analysis in varied areas of social life
Analyze interpersonal interaction from a variety of social psychological frameworks including dramaturgy, ethnomethodology and exchange approach
Critically evaluate sociological research and theories on how larger structural conditions impact the individual, emphasizing issues of race, class, and gender.
Apply concepts and theories to analysis of field observations, interviews, and archivesHW1: FIELD OBSERVATION ASSIGNMENT PART I (100 points):
PURPOSE: The purpose of this two-step exercise is for you to conduct inductive and deductive research using qualitative methods.
Note: it is important that you conduct the observations for HW1 and HW2 as two distinct events during this class; ‘recalling’ past observations is not the same as purposefully observing your surroundings from a sociological perspective, and applying two different types of reasoning to one observation will not be ‘truthful’ or successful.
The purpose of this exercise if for you to observe ONE social setting to begin to detect patterns in human behavior – observance of norms and potentially behaviors that deviate from the norm.
For HW1: Without any prep work, you will need to go to ONE public place and observe the people for 1 hour. Note people’s behavior, their demeanor, their reactions/interactions to/with each other.
For HW2: You will develop a research design with research problem, hypothesis and operational definitions for variables; then you will conduct another 1 hour of observations.
For HW1: Without any prep work, you will need to go to ONE public place and observe the people for 1 hour in a particular social setting. Note people’s behavior, their demeanor, their reactions/interactions to/with each other. NOTE: For additional information on hypotheses, operational definitions, and other research methodology concepts, see Lessons.
Here are the steps:
- Choose the social setting in which will be conducting non-participant observation. This should be a public place such as a park, mall, restaurant, church, coffee shop, etc.
- For your inductive approach, you will simply choose a time and location where you are going to conduct your observations
- Go to the specified location and proceed with your observations. You must be a keen social observer; a ‘peeping Tom’ in the sociological sense. Take handwritten (recommended) and/or mental notes of:
-details about your chosen location (time of day, lighting, furniture, plants, sounds, temperature, smell, vibe/energy, etc)
-the people around you, not only their behavior but general information about their sociodemographic characteristics (age, race/ethnicity, gender, SES, etc);
-your thoughts and feelings while making observations.
- When you have returned from you observation, type up your notes. Review your notes for patterns in behavior, socio-demographic characteristics, etc.
- Write-up your observations using ‘thick description’ of the location (i.e. building you were in (what is the architecture like), descriptions of people there (in terms of socio-demographic characteristics: age, race/ethnicity, gender, socio-economic status), sounds, smells, temperature, time of day and week, etc);
- Discuss trends and patterns of behavior that you noticed in your observation. What is a possible sociological/theoretical explanation for the trends you observed? Analyze your observations using a minimum of 4 sociological concepts and one theory from the textbook.
4 pages
HSA 4180; Case Study #4 Medical Group Management Association
$10.00Professional Development – Worth 100 points
Select four of the organizations listed below and discuss the purpose of the organization, the specific healthcare professionals it is likely to attract, provide a synopsis of the professional development opportunities offered and the certifications offered along with the requirement and your personal opinion of the organization and value of the credential(s) and certifications. You may also select another Healthcare Professional Organization that serves as a credentialing and/or certifying organization for any other group of healthcare professionals for one of your selected organizations. If you do clearly specify the name of the organization and what specific group of professionals the group represents. Your response is to be in a word document format ( doc. or docx. only). Cover all of the issues for each organization you choose and use good writing and presentation techniques and address the issue(s) in detail. Answer in bullet format where possible.
- (HIM Majors MUST use HIMSS as one of the four)
- American College of Healthcare Executives
- Health Information Management Systems Society
- American College of Physician Executives
- American Association of Medical Administrators
- American Organization of Nurse Executives
- Healthcare Financial Management Association
- Medical Group Management Association
- American College of Medical Practice Executives
- The Managed Care Executive Group
You must cite references used in your submission
Harley Davidson: A Unique, Loyal Stakeholder Base
$20.00Harley Davidson: A Unique, Loyal Stakeholder Base
In this course we are going to be looking at Harley Davidson Motorcycles Corporation, Inc. from a strategic management perspective. This organization is quite unique in that it has worked very hard through the years to build its brand and has acquired a loyal following. This loyal customer following has actually been quite a phenomonen and many have even identified it as “cult like”. That is to say, HD is very unique, and particularly unique from a stakeholder perspective.
The corporation is now reaching to other countries in an attempt to expand its niche across borders and oversees. There is a lot of competition in the motorcycle market. Some competitors include Kawasaki, Yamaha, Suzuki, Indian, Victory, BMW and Triumph motorcycles. And although HD dominated the heavy-weight motorcycle market in America for many years, in recent decades many of the above mentioned competitors have developed cruisers and touring bikes of their own, emulating HD’s bikes to include a V-twin engine design.
For this assignment, you are to read the information in the background material, spend some time getting a feel for HDs history, strategy and key stakeholders, and then write a 3 to 4 pages report for your professor and the executives of Harley Davidson by addressing the following assignment requirements:
- i) Discuss to what degree you believe Harley Davidson is currently proceeding towards its mission, vision, and values.
- ii) Identify two or three of HD’s most important stakeholders and discuss whether Harley Davidson’s current strategic direction is aligned with the needs of the corporation’s stakeholders? Please explain your reasoning.
- iii) Based on your analysis and findings, what would you recommend to the executives of Harley Davidson? Why? Please explain your reasoning.
- i) Please note that this is an advanced level course so you must show and demonstrate your ability to provide a well reasoned response.
- ii) Also please note that your report/assignment will not be accepted without proper citations and references. You must use the sources from the background material together with the sources you find your own.
Case expectations:
This paper should include:
An introduction stating the thesis, position, or central theme you plan to take in your paper.
A main body discussing:
- 1. Your interpretation of HD’s mission and vision.
- 2. Your assessment of the stakeholders and their needs/goals.
- 3. Your critical assessment as to whether HD’s mission and vision takes their stakeholders into account.
- 4. Your recommendations to HD executives.
A conclusion concisely stating the main points of your analysis and the conclusions you reached.
Be sure to document your sources and provide in-text citations whenever you use information you obtained from a background reading or other outside source, as well as a separate reference list at the end of the paper. You may use footnotes instead, if you prefer, but you MUST document where you got the information you are using in your papers!
The following criteria will also be used to assess your paper:
- 1. Precision: Does the paper address the question(s) or task(s)?
- 2. Breadth: Is the full breadth of the subject, i.e., all the keys to the assignment, addressed?
- 3. Depth: Does the paper/report address all elements of the topic in sufficient depth? Does it include and apply the background readings and other background resources? Are they included as references?
- 4. Critical thinking: Are the concepts of this module applied accurately, logically, and relevantly?
- 5. Organization: Is the paper organized in a coherent and systematic manner? Are headings included in all papers greater than 2 pages
- 6. Clarity: Is the writing clear and the concepts articulated properly? Are paraphrasing and synthesis of concepts the primary means of response to the questions, or are thoughts conveyed through excessive use of quotations?
Improving Teacher Professional Development (PPT)
$12.50PowerPoint Presentation
Using the Online Library, locate and read the article:
- Hill, H. C. (2009). Fixing teacher professional development. Phi Delta Kappan, 90(7), 470–476.
Identify and be prepared to discuss the article as related to your work environment.
13 Slides
APA 2 References
How would you evaluate the credibility of an Internet site that offers legal information
$5.00Online Legal Research
- How would you evaluate the credibility of an Internet site that offers legal information?
- What are the problems that you might encounter if you try to research a legal project from start to finish using only free online materials?
- What effect does the transience of some sites have on Internet legal research and on citing to online sources?
Teacher learning: What matters?
$5.00Does Teacher Learning Matter?
Using the Online Library, locate and read and provide a 1-page synopsis of the article
- Darling-Hammond, L., & Richardson, N. (2009). Teacher learning: What matters? Educational Leadership, 66(5), 46–53.
Be prepared to discuss your review in class.
1 pages
APA 2 References
Implementing a Professional Development Model
$5.00Implementing a Professional Development Model
- Who determines what professional development is needed?
- What role does the district or school administration play in planning for implementing a professional development model?
- What strategies can be used to assess the professional development needs of staff?
Assignment: Political Parties and the Electoral Process
$25.00Assignment: Political Parties and the Electoral Process
Write a paper on the relationship between political parties and the electoral process in which you:- Identify three to four (3-4) ideological differences between America’s two (2) major political parties.
- Analyze key reasons why third parties have never been successful at the presidential level.
- Determine the role of the campaign process in maintaining the two-party system. Use examples to support your response.
- Use at least four (4) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites to not qualify as academic resources.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are to:
- Infer a theory why the U.S. has only two major political parties.
- Develop reasoned written and spoken presentations on issues and questions involving the U.S. government and national political processes using information in the course.
- Use technology and information resources to research issues in the field of U.S. government and politics.
4 pages