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Apple positioned itself to take advantage of unique designs
$5.00How has Apple positioned itself to take advantage of unique designs to attract a sufficiently large niche market
Apple’s Global Position
Read the following article about Apple:
Think about the role of product differentiation in global context. How has Apple positioned itself to take advantage of unique designs to attract a sufficiently large niche market to surpass the competition in the United States and China?
In your response, please discuss and cite at least two professional sources to support your analysis (e.g., business or law journal articles, textbooks, news publications).1 Page
APA 2 References
Literature Review on Hypertension
$30.00Literature Review: Peer Review
OverviewThis is a two-step assignment related to preparing a literature review for a research proposal. In the first step, you will complete a literature review associated with the problem statement you developed for Assignment #2B: Problem Statement. The first draft of the literature review will be peer-reviewed by one of your classmates. In the second step, you will revise your literature review based on the peer review comments and submit a final draft to the instructor for grading.
The learning objectives of this assignment are to:
- 1) enable you to think critically about a health-related issue of interest;
- 2) learn how to conduct and prepare a literature review based upon academic resources; and
- 3) practice expressing your ideas in a clear and concise manner.
In this course we will practice, in a step-by-step manner, several key components of designing a research proposal. We will not actually conduct the research. The second step in this process will be to create a literature review, based upon the problem statement and associated research questions and hypotheses you previously submitted with Assignment #2B: Problem Statement.
For this assignment, you will prepare a five-page document. The literature review should provide more support for your problem statement and related research questions/hypotheses. It is essentially a summary of key research (or lack of research) related to your research issue of interest. The literature review should have at least 6 academic citations. In addition to lecture, I strongly recommend that you review the helpful tips on page 67-70 of your text. Please also make sure to review the Assignment #3A & B: Literature Review Discussion Board which will provide useful clarifying information on this assignment.
The peer review process will begin after the date for submission has passed. Please check the syllabus and course calendar so that you are aware of due dates. The peer review process requires that you: 1) Complete the grading rubric and 2) Provide substantive comments either within the grading rubric or via Crocodoc. The comments must be specific regarding where errors occur and why points are being deducted. Comprehensive comments SHOULD NOT be made via the “Add a Comment” option. The peer review process is extremely important – you are not doing your classmates any favors by “going easy” on them. Provide constructive feedback about how they can improve their work. A key point of the peer review is for you to help one another improve your work before it is submitted for final grading by the instructor.
Formatting Guidelines
Only your name in the header, right justified. No title on the paper.
No more than five pages in length with 1.5 spacing. One inch margins all around.
Page numbers centered in the footer.
Times New Roman Font, 12 point.
Use APA citation style and at least 6 academic sources (you may use your textbook or class materials, however these do not count toward the required sources). The following websites are not appropriate academic citations:;;;; or any websites in this same genre. Please review the UCF library modules or see Purdue OWL for additional assistance with proper APA formatting.6 Pages
APA 8 References
Assignment: LASA 1 Professional Development Models
$10.00Assignment: LASA 1 Preparation—Professional Development Models
In preparation for LASA 1, identify two professional development models that you will research and present in class. Begin working on your report in which you compare and contrast the two models.
2 pages
Summary: How Nations Invest in Teachers
$5.00Development Training Across Nations
Using the Online Library, locate and read the research review article:
- Wei, R., Andree, A., & Darling-Hammond, L. (2009). How Nations Invest in Teachers. Educational Leadership, 66(5), 28–33.
Be prepared to summarize and discuss the information presented in the article as compared with your professional development training.
Rationale encourage teachers continued professional development
$5.00Rationale encourage teachers continued professional development
Post your 2-3 paragraph response to the appropriate Discussion Area. Cite your work appropriately using APA 6 guidelines.
Respond to the following:
- What rationale should be provided to teachers to encourage continued professional development?
- How do other countries address the issue of professional development?
1 Pages
APA 2 References
The National Rifle Association (NRA) and The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)
$5.00Analyzing Interest Groups
Compare the following interest groups, The National Rifle Association (NRA) and The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) by visiting their websites. Discuss what type of interest group each is (Anomic, Non-associational, Institutional, or Associational) and discuss how each mobilizes its members to join and participate. What type of interest group system are they part of? What types of methods do they use to influence policy and public figures? How do these two interest groups engage with the executive and legislative branches?
Summary of IDEA, NCLB, ADA, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
$20.00Using the information from the readings for this week, prepare a three- to four-page written paper summarizing IDEA, NCLB, ADA, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Discuss the following elements:
The purpose or main function of each law and how they relate to special education in public schools- The six principles of IDEA
- The six principles of NCLB
- The important elements of Section 504 and ADA. Discuss the difference between Section 504 and IDEA
- The significance of educators having knowledge of these laws when educating students with disabilities
- Please use at least three scholarly sources along side the text.
4 Pages
Mathematics Assignment Solutions
$40.00Mathematics Assignment
Assignment 1
Work out the following assignments: 300 points total
- For the following three groups of scores find the:
- Total groups sum of squares,
- The between groups sum of squares,
- Within groups sum of squares
- Degree of freedom for within groups
- Degree of freedom for between groups
- The between groups mean square
- The within groups mean square
- The F value
Assignment 2
. For the following three groups of scores find the :
- total groups sum of squares,
- the between groups sum of squares,
- within groups sum of squares.
- Degree of freedom for within groups
- Degree of freedom for between groups
- The between groups mean square
- The within groups mean square
- The F value
Additional files
Tell us about a time you had all of the facts but missed the meaning
$10.00From David McCullough’s recent commencement address at BC: “Facts alone are never enough. Facts rarely if ever have any soul. In writing or trying to understand history one may have all manner of ‘data,’ and miss the point. One can have all the facts and miss the truth. It can be like the old piano teacher’s lament to her student, ‘I hear all the notes, but I hear no music.” Tell us about a time you had all of the facts but missed the meaning.
2 pages