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Health Care Minicases: You are a new administrator at Jonestown Medical Center…
$10.00Respond to three of the scenarios below. Please label your mini-cases. Your response is to be in a word document format( doc. or docx. only). Cover all of the issues in each case you choose and use good writing and presentation techniques and address the issue(s) in detail. Answer in bullet format where possible.
You are a new administrator at Jonestown Medical Center. You receive a telephone call from the nurse manager of the emergency room. Dr. Smith, an emergency room physician who is an employee of your hospital, has just reported for duty. The nurse manager suspects that Dr. Smith is intoxicated. What do you do?
You are the practice manager of Docs R Us, Ltd., a large multi-specialty medical practice employing over 100 physicians. You are conducting a random review of billing for doctors in the practice and you discover that one of the internists in your group who treats mostly Medicare recipients has been checking off the wrong code for her procedures on the billing form. The procedures on the patient record do not match the billing form codes. You pull up her files for the past 3 months and find a pattern of up-coding. When you meet with her to review this miscoding, she becomes very defensive and angry. What do you do?
You are the assistant director of the hospital medical staff office at The Rural Outreach Community Hospital in a tiny town in Arkansas. It is your job to verify physician credentials for staff privileges. Your hospital receives an application from a physician for staff privileges. On his application it states that he graduated from medical school in El Salvador. When you call to verify this, you are told that the medical school burned down 2 years ago and all the records were destroyed. What do you do?
You are the CEO of Sleepy Hollow Retirement Community and Nursing Center. A resident’s family has come to you to complain that their loved one, who is on pain medication, is in intolerable pain. Her medications appear not to be working anymore. One of the family members states, “My 90-year-old mother saw the nurse put the pain medicine in her pocket.” What do you do?You are a new administrator at a hospital, well know for pulmonary medicine. The physicians in the ICU, the ER, and the Department of Pulmonary Medicine have demanded to meet with you about the shortage of Respiratory Therapists. You stall them for 48 hours so you can gather data. What types of information will you need to collect to have an intelligent conversation with this powerful group of physicians?
An African American woman enters a healthcare facility where she is to receive an MRI of her spine. She has long hair in the style known as “locks”. She is taken to white male MRI Technician for a pre-procedure interview. He briefly describes the procedure and tells her she will have to remove all metal objects such as hair pins and jewelry. He also stays she should remove her hair for the process. The woman tells him that her hair is her own and cannot be removed. He responds stating that he has served many black women who have weaves and other false hair held in with pins and he is just being cautious. The woman is highly insulted and asks to speak to the administrator on duty. That is you, what do you do?
This is an exercise in your management abilities and knowledge. It should come from your own thoughts. References are not required. Cover each situation thoroughly.2 Pages
LASA 2—Authentic Assessment standardized report (PPT)
$20.00PowerPoint Presentation
From a school or a district, obtain a copy of a standardized report from the past year for a particular class or grade level. Discuss this report with an administrator or teacher to determine how they use and view such reports. During the discussion, determine the impact on instruction that the report is likely to have.
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation and speaker’s notes that include:
- A summary of the discussion with the administrator.
- Describe the assessment (criterion-referenced, norm-referenced, a combination, etc.).
- Identify the purpose of the test.
- Complete your own analysis of the report data using statistical analysis techniques (frequency distributions, measure of central tendency, measures of variability, standard scores, stanines, etc.) in your analysis.
- Based on your analysis, identify one or two classroom or grade improvement goals and actions or steps to be taken during the next year.
- Based on the goal(s) identified, include the description, purpose, and timing of a formative assessment that will be used to determine progress toward the goal.
For the complete write up of this PPT, please click here
14 Slides
Assignment: LASA 2—Authentic Assessment (standardized report)
$15.00From a school or a district, obtain a copy of a standardized report from the past year for a particular class or grade level. Discuss this report with an administrator or teacher to determine how they use and view such reports. During the discussion, determine the impact on instruction that the report is likely to have.
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation and speaker’s notes that include:
- A summary of the discussion with the administrator.
- Describe the assessment (criterion-referenced, norm-referenced, a combination, etc.).
- Identify the purpose of the test.
- Complete your own analysis of the report data using statistical analysis techniques (frequency distributions, measure of central tendency, measures of variability, standard scores, stanines, etc.) in your analysis.
- Based on your analysis, identify one or two classroom or grade improvement goals and actions or steps to be taken during the next year.
- Based on the goal(s) identified, include the description, purpose, and timing of a formative assessment that will be used to determine progress toward the goal.
For a PowerPoint presentation of this work, please click here
3 pages
Looking a new at criminal justice in late Imperial China
$10.00Synopsis: The Search for modern china” and “of arsenic and old laws looking a new at criminal justice in late Imperial China”
Ancient Chinese Society
Write a thoughtful, response/synopsis based on the current week’s lecture and reading content.
The two readings are ‘The Search for modern china” and “of arsenic and old laws looking a new at criminal justice in late Imperial China” by William P. Alford
Additional files:
2 pages
APA 2 References
Math Scores of Seniors who took Pre-Algebra
$10.00Math Scores of Seniors who took Pre-Algebra
Null Hypothesis: There is No difference on the Math Scores of Seniors who took Pre-Algebra class from all seniors, on the Algebra section of the SAT2 Achievement Test.
Given the scores of Five (4) seniors who took Pre-algebra Class, the mean, and standard deviation, provide the following:
Create a Table displaying the scores of the five students:
Senior #2 = X=130
Senior #3 = X=140
Senior #4 = X =110
Senior #5= X=160
The Mean is 135 and Standard deviation is 15
(Use your Graph pad to calculate our data)
1 Calculate z score for each senior
2 Calculate the p value for z score
3 Set your alpha p value to (p=.05)
4 Follow the Display of table on Module 3 Reading pages 6-9 (Retaining/Rejecting Null Hypothesis) for the display of data to indicate whether to Reject, or Retain the Null.
Indicate Type I error and Type II Error on your findings.
Provide APA statement based on your findings.
(Follow exactly the way the table is set, for results on ADA students as being displayed)
Close reading Analysis: Love in a fallen city
$10.00Conduct a close reading of the short story uploaded. A “close reading” is an analysis that focuses on how elements internal to a literary text create meaning. These elements might include, for instance, language, character, structure, imagery, or symbolism.
In analyzing it, your job will be to explain how some element of its style or form illustrates a meaning conveyed by the story as a whole. “Meaning” might include a moral, a philosophy, a world view, or simply an attitude toward a particular issue or problem. This is an analytical assignment, not a research project, so the only
sources you will need are the literary text. Your analysis will focus on just one element, and the more specific you are the better.Additional files
Conduct a close reading of one passage in the short story –“Love in a Fallen City”. A “close reading” is an analysis that focuses on how elements internal to a literary text create meaning. These elements might include, for instance, language, character, structure, imagery, or symbolism. For the purposes of this assignment, they do not include external factors, such as historical context or the author’s biography. Your analysis will focus on just one element, and the more specific you are the better. Examples of “structure” might include use of narrative arc, parallelism, repetition, symmetry, and motif. Examples of “language” might include narrative tone, dialogue, idiom, hyperbole, and the like. Of course, you are not limited to these examples, which are purely illustrative. The passage you choose may be as short as a paragraph or as long as two pages. In analyzing it, your job will be to explain how some element of its style or form illustrates a meaning conveyed by the story as a whole. “Meaning” might include a moral, a philosophy, a world view, or simply an attitude toward a particular issue or problem.
This is an analytical assignment, not a research project, so the only sources you will need are the literary text.
Make sure to read the whole story first before you choose the passage to write on!
Evaluation criteria
-Follows assignment guidelines
-Includes a focused research question about an element of literary form or style
-Draws supporting evidence for the argument solely from the literary text under discussion
-Argument and supporting claims are supported by textual evidence
-Argumentation is clear, concise, and well structured
-Contains a conclusion that answers the research question
-Does not discuss author biography or historical context
-Defines key terms
-Language is correct and idiomatic
2 pages
MLA 1 Reference
Assignment: What Is Federalism?
$20.00Assignment: What Is Federalism?
Write a three (3) page paper on American federalism in which you:- Provide three (3) examples of how federalism has evolved from its origins to the American political system in place today.
- Examine three to five (3-5) factors that have allowed the concept of federalism to shape American political behavior.
- Discuss at least two (2) factors that illustrate how the relationship between the states and the U.S. federal government influences the creation of American policies overall.
- Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites to not qualify as academic resources.
4 Pages
APA 4 References
Political ideologies from the existence of only two parties
$10.00Political ideologies from the existence of only two parties
Please complete 1-2 paragraphs for each bullet. Need 1 reference for each bullet.
- Identify at least three effects on political ideologies that arise from the existence of only two major political parties in the U.S.
- Discuss one effect that the two-party system of the U.S. has on the political interests of American citizens. Suggest one reason why the two-party system has regulated the emergence and successful contention of a major third party in presidential elections.
- Describe key elements of the role that Congress plays within the U.S. federal system, with particular focus on Congress’ ability to reflect the will of the people. Support your argument with at least two concrete examples.
2 Pages
Discuss the best ways a vendor could demonstrate its product and services to Valley Practice staff
Discussion 1
- Drawing from the Valley Practice Scenario (case study document attached), discuss the best ways a vendor could demonstrate its product and services to Valley Practice staff. Provide specific examples to support your response.
- Analyze the system acquisition process and determine which step of the process would be the most difficult to execute correctly, as well as steps that could be taken to ensure proper execution.
Discussion 2
- Use the Internet to research systems that would be appropriate for Valley Practice (case study document attached), outline a sample implementation system plan for the health care provider you researched, including the types of individuals that should be involved.
- Analyze the things that can go wrong during system implementation and develop a list of five best practices that any organization could leverage to alleviate potential problems. Provide specific examples to support your response.
# 5
Discussion 1
- Evaluate the core technologies that currently support health care information systems and determine which is the most useful across the greatest number of situations. Explain your rationale.
- Anticipate how user interactions with systems will evolve over the next 20 years. Provide specific examples to support your response.
Discussion 2
- Analyze the various health care information system standards discussed in Chapter 9 (see attachment “Use for #5”) and determine if a list of best practices for the development of standards could be created, and if so, what recommendations it would include. Provide specific examples to support your response.
- Use the Internet to research one or more of the standards addressed in Chapter 9. Discuss what changes have been introduced to the standard(s) you researched since the publication of the textbook, and how you see them improving the overall quality of the health care system.
Additional files:
Discussion 1
- Analyze the various threats to the security of health care information and determine which one(s) you believe are the most threatening. Provide specific examples to support your response.
- Use the Internet to research recent articles discussing whether the HIPPA Security Rule is too stringent or not stringent enough. Determine if you believe the regulations laid out in the HIPPA Security Rule are stringent enough, not stringent enough, or appropriate. Explain your rationale.
Discussion 2
- Analyze the administrative, physical, and technological safeguards currently used in health care organizations and determine where the most work is still needed. Provide specific examples to support your response.
- Discuss ways not addressed in the text for minimizing the risks associated with using wireless networks and allowing remote access to health information.
7 Pages