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Business Ethics and Social Responsibility (Endorsing the use of ephedrine)
$24.00Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
Endorsing the use of ephedrine
6 Pages
Explain the role of ethics and social responsibility in developing a strategic plan
$10.00•Explain the role of ethics and social responsibility in developing a strategic plan, considering stakeholder needs.
•Explain how your ethical perspective has evolved throughout the program.
(Master program for business management MBA, the program is 18 month long, this class is the last class of the program, required is ethical perspective throughout the program).2 Pages
APA 3 References
Bankcard Fraud
$36.00The paper is about bankcard frauds and major concepts surrounding the crime in the present technological world. It also points to some practical measures that can combat this crime.
9 pages
Number of live births among women of Hispanic origin in the United States
$40.00The purpose of this project is to analyze healthcare data based on the information that you learned in class. This project will be different for each student since students have the ability to select their own data from the Center for Disease Control’s website. (There is no charge for information from this website.)
Log onto the Center for Disease Control’s website at This will take you directly to the National Center for Health Statistics.
Note: You may find it helpful to get familiar with the website before doing major research. Feel free to click on all the different sources of information on the site…i.e., “Feature Topics”, “New Releases”, “Survey and Data Collections”, etc. Once you identify a topic, feel free to utilize the search engine on the site for additional information about your topic.
Find a topic that you would like to do some more research in. For example, “Injuries.” You will find that there is an abundance of information for you to complete your report on in most categories. However, you may choose to do your report on Injuries in Alaska, and you will run into problems since there isn’t a lot of data. Make certain that you select a topic and parameters that lend themselves to complete analysis.
Note: There are tutorials available for you to view on the website if you need help with your data.
Your topic needs to include at least 5 variables. Example: Unintentional injuries in Females over the age of 65 in the state of Nevada. (Variable List: 1) Injuries, 2) Unintentional, 3) Females, 4) over 65, and 5) Nevada.)
Now, do an analysis of this information using the information that you learned in class and your book. Make certain to include charts, graphs, and narrative. If you find that you need more information to complete your analysis, broaden your topic. Prepare your analysis as if it is going to be published in a journal making sure to site all of our sources properly. Writing Assignment should be 6-8 pages in content, not to include title and reference pages.
7 Pages
APA 5 References
Policies governing receipt delivery of infertility treatment
$5.00Reproductive Technology -Policy and Advocacy: describing policies governing the receipt and/or delivery of infertility treatment in your U.S. state of residence
For your Session Long Project, choose one of the following two options:
Option #1 – Policy and Advocacy
This option entails describing policies governing the receipt and/or delivery of infertility treatment in your U.S. state of residence; identifying stakeholders “weighing in” on this issue; assessing demand for infertility treatment services among state residents; and characterizing access to these services in your state.
Option One Task:
Visit the Resolve: The National Infertility Association web site ( to determine whether your state mandates infertility treatment coverage in health insurance plans offered to its residents. (NOTE: In some states, insurance companies are only required to offer riders for infertility treatment, and employers can choose whether or not to make these services available to their employees.) If applicable, what specific infertility treatment services are covered, and which ones are excluded from this mandate? What alternatives exist for persons, both with and without health insurance, who wish to receive infertility treatment? Please limit your response to 1 page.
Required Reading: Page
APA 2 References
In what ways might infertility influence emotional health
$5.00Reproductive Technology In the 21st Century
James and Lucille
James and Lucille met at a holiday party, and it was love at first sight. After four years of marriage, during which the two co-parented James’ two sons from his first marriage, the couple decides that they would like to expand their family by having a biological child together. A year goes by, and they have not been able to conceive; the two become concerned.
Lucille schedules an appointment with her primary care physician to discuss her situation. She is subsequently referred to an infertility specialist (specifically a reproductive endocrinologist or “RE”). The couple meets with the specialist, who ultimately determines that the following factors are preventing the couple from achieving pregnancy (see common cause of infertility and male factor infertility):
James, who underwent a vasectomy reversal in the previous year, is now making antibodies to his own sperm. But, according to the RE, should the couple decide to undergo infertility treatment, this is something that could be overcome with the use of an enzyme that halts the action of the antibodies.
Lucille has extensive endometriosis, which her RE indicates will need to be addressed before proceeding with infertility treatment. Six months go by, during which time Lucille’s endometriosis is treated, and she is now ready to attempt conception. On the advice of the RE, the couple decides to undergo in artificial insemination (also referred to as intrauterine insemination (IUI)). After three unsuccessful attempts with IUI, the couple, in consultation with their RE, makes a decision to undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF). Five years later, during their fourth IVF cycle, the couple learns that Lucille is now pregnant, and 39 weeks later, the couple’s third son makes his entrance into the world.
Your Task:
After reading the materials provided in this section and in the background readings for this module, please address the following questions in a 1 page paper:
1. In what ways might infertility influence emotional health? In what ways might it affect overall physical health?
2. How might Lucille’s general practitioner support the couple as they undergo infertility treatment?
3. With what, if any, infertility-related resources should the couple’s general practitioner be familiar? Why?
4. What are some of the key infertility treatment options/procedures with which James’ and Lucille’s primary care providers should be familiar? Why?
Case Assignment Expectations:
After reading the background materials for this assignment and visiting the links that appear in the case, write a paper in which you provide your responses to the specific questions that I have posed above.
LENGTH: 1 page
Required reading : Do We Know About The Causes Of ADHD?
$32.002000-2500 Research paper on ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder)
The paper provides researched information on what We Know About The Causes Of ADHD?
8 Pages
APA 4 Primary Sources, 6 Secondary Sources
Do the female portraits of the ancient epic tradition reflect woman’s nature
$15.00The female perception of male poets in traditional epics
Do the female portraits of the ancient epic tradition reflect woman’s nature or merely the perception of woman’s nature as the male mind perceived it? Discuss
3 Pages
MLA 2 References
Urbanization in two Korean stories
$25.00Urbanization in two Korean stories: “Seoul: Winter, 1964” and “A Dream of Good Fortune
Authors: Sung-ok Kim and Hwang Sogyong
5 Pages
MLA 2 references