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MNGT 311: Leadership, Communication and Teams Personal Reflection Paper
$15.00MNGT 311: Leadership, Communication and Teams
Personal Reflection Paper
50 points possible
Submit to Blackboard as .doc, .docx., or .rtf attachment by: Tuesday, October 4 at 1200 noon
When reflecting on your own views of leadership, followership, and teams, it’s important to look back to where and how those views were formed, your current views, as well as look ahead to the future. This writing assignment will allow you to engage in reflection, analysis, and goal-setting.
Quality papers begin with an attention-getting introduction which previews what you’ll talk about in the paper in the exact order it is discussed.
Part 1: Personal Profile (approx. 1 page)
Discuss in a separate paragraph each of the following aspects.
- Followership experiences that have influenced you and how.
- Leadership skills/abilities you believe you naturally possess (things that come easily to you) along with leadership skills/abilities you have developed through your various experiences
- Your greatest accomplishments as part of a group (regardless of whether you were a leader or follower in that group). Point to specific or tangible/concrete accomplishments).
**Throughout this section, I will look for connections to course material (theories, concepts, etc.) as you explain each part of your profile!**
Part 2: Personal Leadership Philosophy (approx. 3/4 to 1 page)
In this a substantial paragraph, answer the following questions, highlighting the key concepts that are bolded below so I am sure to see them. Be sure to write in a cohesive paragraph—do not just number your answers.
- What is your code of ethics as a leader? In other words, what principles/values are essential to your leadership behaviors?
- Discuss your style of leadership (pulling on course material, naturally).
- Share your viewpoints about what makes you an effective leader.
Part 3: Personal Leadership/Followership Goals (approx. 3/4 to 1 page)
Regardless of your future plans and/or career path, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate and refine your group interaction skills.
Begin this section discussing how your past group experiences (in which you were a leader and/or a follower) relate or have prepared you for your career demands as well as your personal life.
Finish the section with three specific goals for the coming years that relate to either leadership or followership. These should be goals that you can begin working on yet this semester. You certainly do not have to achieve these goals by December 2015, but you should lay out a specific, tangible plan for how you can begin practicing and improving your abilities. Your plan should address a) the steps will you take in order to reach these goals; b) when these steps will take place, and c) how you will know when you’ve been successful in reaching your goals.
End the paper with a conclusion that reviews the ideas you’ve covered in the same order they appear, wrapping up the paper succinctly.
Final thoughts
This paper could easily be twice or even three times as long as the section length approximations specify. You likely will not find it particularly difficult to meet the recommended lengths. However, please note I will not read past the third page of your paper. Consider this an opportunity to make your thoughts concise, choosing your wording carefully.
You can and should use first-person in this paper, as it is your reflection.
Correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar are expected. Papers with excessive typos or errors will not be read or evaluated.
The paper should be written in essay format. You are strongly encouraged to use subheadings for each section to organize your thoughts, along with bolding key terms or concepts.
The paper should use double-spacing, 1-inch margins, and 12 point Times New Roman font.
You do not need to provide citations for course material if you are simply referencing concepts or terms. You should provide citations in APA format if you are using direct or paraphrased quotes from either textbook.
Communication Major Admission Letter
$2.001) What do you hope to learn in this major and how will it further your career and personal goals?
2) Why are you interested in Communication as a college major?
3) Why do you think Communication is an important field of knowledge today?
4) What past experiences prepare you for a Communication major/career?
CJA 334 Early Family Group
$12.50Locate a recent criminal justice research article from a recognized peer-reviewed professional journal or government publication.
Note. Non-peer-reviewed newspaper articles or articles from popular magazines, such as Time or Newsweek, are not acceptable. For assistance on determining what constitutes a professional peer-reviewed resource, contact your facilitator.
Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in which you address the following:- Identify the purpose of the research study, problem, and questions.
- Describe the design of the study.
- Identify an operational definition used by the researchers.
- Provide one example of inductive logic and one example of deductive logic presented in the results.
- Identify whether the research study is a quantitative or qualitative design. Explain your answer.
- Identify the methodology, population, sampling methods, and return rate, if applicable.
- What were the findings of the study?
- Describe the author’s conclusions and recommendations.
- In your opinion, could the study have been done differently or improved? Detail your response.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
Ford Hybrid Case Study
$7.00Ford Hybrid Case Study
Using questions 1, 2, 3, and 5, develop and submit an essay in Word in response to this case
- Which stages of the project life cycle in figure 6.6 are evident in this case? Explain
- Was it a good idea for Phil Martens, head of product development, to have two project managers- first Prabhaker Patil and then Mary Ann Wright- to head the escape hybrid project? Explain
- From a project manager’s standpoint, what are the thoughest challenges with this sort of high-visibility, high-risk project? Explain
- Which of the project manager roles in table 6.2 did Mary Ann Wright play in this case? Explain
- Would you like to have been a member of this team? Why or why not?
Significance of Nathan Hale’s quote to George Washington’s Secret Six
$5.00It is said that Nathan Hale’s last words before he died on September 22, 1776 were :” I only regret that I have but one life to lose for country.”
What is the significance of Nathan Hale’s quote to George Washington’s Secret Six?Korean 155 Prompt Paper
What do the final 3 movies in Weeks 5 and 6 say about how women reconcile (or do not reconcile) themselves with external expectations? How do the female characters maintain and discard masks in the process of being true to themselves? In what ways do women today shed or maintain “tradition” social roles and expectations, relative to some of the earlier films we have seen?Movies:
- 200 Pounds Beauty (2006) by Yong-hwa Kim
- Sunny (2011) by Kang Heyeong-cheol
- The Actresses (2009) by E J-yong
Your essays will be graded according to the following rubric, so be sure to consider this as a checklist for your essay.
Content: Is there specific and in-depth discussion of the films? Don’t give a long plot summary, but do discuss specific characters and scenes. (Do not give time codes.)
Analysis: Is there adequate analysis of the issues? Is there critical engagement with the subject matter? Ex: instead of just summarizing content, do you provide analysis?
Evidence: Do you build your argument throughout the essay, referring to the films and readings to support your position?
Prompt: Does your essay cover the topic assigned and address the specific elements of the prompt?
Sources: Are relevant assigned readings used in the essay? Outside research is encouraged, but be sure to provide a complete citation in the Works Cited section.
Mechanics: Is the essay readable and mostly free of errors? Does your essay use standard citation format? Are the works cited entries in correct format so a reader can locate each item?Current Event 2015: Bill Would Ban Abortions for Disability, Gender
$7.50Find an article from a reputable internet or print news source, or radio or TV news report about an issue regarding people with disabilities. These articles or reports may not be more than 2 months old.
Read or listen to the report.
Write a 2 page paper using the following guidelines:- a. Summarize the report.
- b. Discuss how this issue relates to what you are experiencing in your service learning or to the class readings. OR whether you feel this portrays a positive or negative view of people with disabilities.
- c. Remember to add two questions for a class discussion
- d. Conclusion with final thoughts
Chapter Two: Chromosomes and Cellular Reproduction COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS
$7.50- All organisms have the same universal genetic system. What are the implications of this universal genetic system?
- Why are the viruses that infect mammalian cells useful for studying the genetics of mammals?
*3. List three fundamental events that must take place in cell reproduction.
- Outline the process by which prokaryotic cells reproduce.
- Name three essential structural elements of a functional eukaryotic chromosome and describe their functions.
*6. Sketch and label four different types of chromosomes based on the position of the centromere.
- List the stages of interphase and the major events that take place in each.
*8. List the stages of mitosis and the major events that take place in each.
*9. What are the genetically important results of the cell cycle?
- Why are the two cells produced by the cell cycle genetically identical?
- What are checkpoints? What two general classes of compounds regulate progression through the cell cycles?
- What are the stages of meiosis and what major events take place in each?
*13. What are the major results of meiosis?
- What two processes unique to meiosis are responsible for genetic variation? At what point in meiosis do these processes take place?
*15. List similarities and differences between mitosis and meiosis. Which differences do you think are most important and why?
- Outline the process by which male gametes are produced in plants. Outline the process of female gamete formation in plants.
- Outline the process of spermatogenesis in animals. Outline the process of oogenesis in animals.
- A certain species has three pairs of chromosomes: an acrocentric pair, a metacentric pair, and a submetacentric pair. Draw a cell of this species as it would appear in metaphase of mitosis.
- A biologist examines a series of cells and counts 160 cells in interphase, 20 cells in prophase, 6 cells in prometaphase, 2 cells in metaphase, 7 cells in anaphase, and 5 cells in telophase. If the complete cell cycle requires 24 hours, what is the average duration of M phase in these cells? Of metaphase?
*20. A cell in G1 of interphase has 12 chromosomes. How many chromosomes and DNA molecules will be found per cell when this original cell progresses to the following stages?
*21. All of the following cells, shown in various stages of mitosis and meiosis, come from the same rare species of plant. What is the diploid number of chromosomes in this plant? Give the names of each stage of mitosis or meiosis shown.
- A cell has 1x amount of DNA in G1 of interphase. How much DNA (in multiples or fractions of x) will be present per cell at the following stages?
- A cell in prophase II of meiosis contains 12 chromosomes. How many chromosomes would be present in a cell from the same organism if it were in prophase of mitosis? Prophase I of meiosis?
*24. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has four pairs of chromosomes, whereas the house fly Musca domestica has six pairs of chromosomes. Other things being equal, in which species would you expect to see more genetic variation among the progeny of a cross? Explain your answer.
*25. A cell has two pairs of submetacentric chromosomes, which we will call chromosomes Ia, Ib, IIa, and IIb (chromosomes Ia and Ib are homologs, and chromosomes IIa and IIb are homologs). Allele M is located on the long arm of chromosome Ia and allele m is located at the same position on chromosome Ib. Allele P is located on the short arm of chromosome Ia and allele p is located at the same position on chromosome Ib. Allele R is located on chromosome IIa and allele r is located at the same position on chromosome IIb.
- A horse has 64 chromosomes and a donkey has 62 chromosomes. A cross between a female horse and a male donkey produces a mule, which is usually sterile. How many chromosomes does a mule have? Can you think of any reasons for the fact that most mules are sterile?
- Suppose that life exists elsewhere in the universe. All life must contain some type of genetic information, but alien genomes might not consist of nucleic acids and have the same features as those found in the genomes of life on Earth. What do you think might be the common features of all genomes, no matter where they exist?
- On average, what proportion of the genome in the following pairs of humans would be exactly the same if no crossing over occurred? (For the purposes of this question only, we will ignore the special case of the X and Y sex chromosomes and assume that all genes are located on nonsex chromosomes.)
- Females bees are diploid and male bees are haploid. The haploid males produce sperm and can successfully mate with diploid females. Fertilized eggs develop into females and unfertilized eggs develop into males. How do you think the process of sperm production in male bees differs from sperm production in other animals?
- Rec8 is a protein that is found in yeast chromosome arms and centromeres. Rec8 persists throughout meiosis I but breaks down at anaphase II. When the gene that codes for Rec8 is deleted, sister chromatids separate in anaphase I.
- (a) From these observations, propose a mechanism for the role of Rec8 in meiosis that helps to explain why sister chromatids normally separate in anaphase II but not anaphase I.
- (b) Make a prediction about the presence or absence of Rec8 during the various stages of mitosis
What change in Lear do you note between 3.2.1-9 and 3.2.68-73/ 3.4.24-37
$3.00Read King Lear. Ed. Philip Weller. Shakespeare Navigators, n.d. Web. 6 Aug. 2016. Acts 3-4.
What change in Lear do you note between 3.2.1-9 and 3.2.68-73/ 3.4.24-37?