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McGregor’s Ltd. Department Store Solutions
$7.50MG655 Managerial Communication
Lesson #4 Assignment #3
Study the case, “McGregor’s Ltd. Department Store” on pages 81-85 of the text Management Communication: Principles and Practice (3rd Edition).
- Once McGregor has chosen his arguments, what structure will work best in this situation? One-sided or two-sided? Tell or sell? Given, since, therefore? Recommendations, rationale, implementation? Storytelling?
- In arriving at his decision to modify the discount program, McGregor considered many arguments in its favor. Identify his arguments with a suitable key word. Which seem most cogent and persuasive to you?
- What attitudes are the executives and buyers likely to have toward the new discount program? Which of McGregor’s arguments are likely to seem most persuasive to them? Can you devise new arguments that might be more acceptable to them?
- In designing his communication to his senior managers, should McGregor concentrate on one or two issues, or should he discuss all the issues that had a bearing on his decision?
- Do you find merit in Allen Lee’s suggestion that there might be more meaningful ways to cut costs and overhead than McGregor’s new discount program? What might they be? What arguments support your view?
- Suppose you disagree with McGregor about instituting the new program as it is described in the case. What changes would you make? Or would you leave the current plan in place? What arguments and what structure would you choose to persuade McGregor to modify or abandon his new program?
Minorities’ Perspective on Diabetes Self-Management Care
$10.00Minorities’ Perspective on Diabetes Self-Management Care
Select either the qualitative or quantitative study method for this assignment. The study method should connect to the practice problem of interest identified in Topic 1. This could be one of the previously selected articles from your literature review or a new peer-reviewed article.
In an essay of 1000-1,250 words, summarize the study, explain the ways in which the findings might be used in nursing practice, and address any ethical considerations associated with the conduct of the study.
Refer to the resource “Research Summary and Ethical Considerations Guidelines” for suggested headings for your paper.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
Research Summary and Ethical Considerations Guidelines
Background of study:
- Problem (why this issued is being studied)
- Significance to nursing
- Purpose
- Objectives: research question and/or hypothesis
- Concepts, phenomena
Methods of study:
- Quantitative or qualitative
- Research design
- Sample
- Procedures
Results of study:
- What did they find?
- Implications to nursing
- Explain how the findings contribute to nursing knowledge/science. Would it impact practice, education, administration, or all areas of nursing?
Ethical Considerations
- Was the study approved by an Institutional Review Board?
- Was patient privacy protected?
- Were there ethical considerations regarding the treatment or lack of?
BUS372 Week 5 Final Paper Unions
$17.50Focus of the Final Paper
Some unions feel that the organization does not compensate its members fairly, or the organizational working conditions are less than desired. Conversely, some employers feel unions interfere with management decisions and impede on a positive relationship between managers and employees. There may be some truth to both perceptions. The final paper is intended to provide a ‘blueprint’ or ‘roadmap’ on the effective strategies an organization can implement to create and maintain a conducive working relationship with unions, as well as the effective strategies a union can implement to create and maintain a conducive working relationship with management.
§ Briefly describe the role of management in an organization.
§ Similarly, briefly discuss the role of a union in an organization.
§ Finally, present:
– A minimum of two (2) strategies/actions an organization can implement to create and maintain a conducive working relationship with unions.
– A minimum of two (2) strategies/actions a union can implement to create and maintain a conducive working relationship with management
BSA555 Week 6 – Small Business Site Visit – Cre8 Salon & Spa
$27.50Table of Contents Executive Summary ……………………………….……..….…………………………. 2 Table of Contents ………………………………………………………………………. 3 Cre8 Salon and Spa: A New Beginning………………………………………………… 4 Business at Hand – A Good Cut ……………………………………………………….. 4 Business at Hand – A Bad Cut ….……….…………………………………………….. 7 Let It Grow ……………………………….…………………………………………….. 9 Advice For Your Neighbors ….. ..……….…………………………………………….. 9 Rinse and Repeat …………….. ..……….…………………………………………….. 10 Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………. 10 Appendix …………………………………………………………………………….….. 11 Reference ……………………………………………………………………………….. 13 CWV 101 Role Model Essay: Billy Graham
$7.50CWV 101 Role Model Essay: Billy Graham
Paper Contents
Compare/Contrast the Role Model’s Values and Actions with My Worldview Experience
- Social Issues
- Money/Career
- Nature of God
Is This an Individual I Would Choose as My Role Model??
4 Pages
Roles and Responsibilities and relationships in lifelong learning
$7.00Roles and Responsibilities and relationships in lifelong learning
Level 4
The following paper aims to review to key roles and responsibilities and relationships in lifelong learning. The review will look in detail at the following areas:
- I will aim to examine my own roles and responsibilities in lifelong learning
- Understand the relationship between teachers and other professionals in lifelong learning
- Identify my own responsibilities for maintaining a safe and learning environment.
ASN1 Week 6 Homework: Rheumatoid Arthritis
$7.00ASN1 Week 6 Homework: Rheumatoid Arthritis
Paper Contents:
- Introduction
- Autoimmune Diseases
- Signs and Symptoms
- RA Early and Long Term Effects
- Heredity and RA
- RA Diagnosis
- Conclusion
3 Pages
LDR 625 Week 2 – Process vs. Content
$7.50LDR 625 Week 2 – Process vs. Content
Paper Contents:
- Process-Driven Change Intervention
- Content Driven Change Intervention
- Task Alignment
- Planning for Process-Driven Intervention and Task Alignment
4 pages
CASE STUDY WEEK 8 on PHG (People’s home gadgets)
$5.00CASE STUDY WEEK 8 on PHG (People’s home gadgets)
People’s Home Gadgets (PHG) is a relatively young company that competes in the consumer electronics and appliances industry (TVs, computers, kitchen appliances, etc.). It has quite a large selection of items, and the range of the products PHG carries spans the price spectrum of very low cost to very high end. For example, some of the company’s kitchen ovens cost just under $400, while others cost well over $4,000. The company also has low-end affordable televisions under $400, as well as very pricy large plasma televisions that cost over $6,000. Throughout the price range, PHG strives to be a low-cost leader for the quality of the product. Compared to its competition, PHG offers a very competitive, if not the lowest, price. In addition to the cost focus, PHG prides itself on providing exceptional one-on-one customer service. In fact, the name of the company–People’s Home Gadgets–is intended to reflect both the strategy and the philosophy of the organization. With a focus on costs and customer service, the name reflects the company’s concern with the financial burdens customers face as well as the vast amounts of information that customers must process when making purchasing decisions.
The name PHG also refers to the company’s philosophy for managing customer service representatives: The company cares about its employees’ long-term well-being and success. Most customer service representatives who work at PHG are typically hired through personal referrals of current employees, or occasionally an advertisement will be placed in the newspaper when more than one opening exists. Each month, customer service representatives receive product training to explore the new products they will be selling to ensure that they are knowledgeable and can respond to customer questions. To motivate them to sell, they are rewarded on a commission-based pay plan. What is interesting about this particular incentive plan is that the customer service representatives have some discretion regarding the final price of the products. Most products have a standard markup of 10% to 25%, of which the employee gets a portion. While many of the products sell for the list price, sophisticated buyers and repeat customers are often able to negotiate lower prices for their products. The challenge with this plan is that the company has a reputation for low costs, and customer service representatives who are not willing to negotiate the sales price are viewed as going against this objective. By lowering the prices, however, they are cutting into their own take-home pay.
Up to this point, the company has done fairly well, and it now has six stores on the East Coast between Philadelphia and New York. With a focus on low costs and customer service, the company has been able to sustain reasonable growth–it just opened two new stores–and a modest level of customer satisfaction among its consumers. At the same time, however, while the customer service representatives seem to be fairly happy and work hard, their turnover is around 70% per year. This turnover obviously involves costs associated with constantly hiring new employees, and it also has a negative impact on customer loyalty and the level of experience of the customer service representatives.
As the company has grown, Lukas Phillips, president of PHG, has realized that he doesn’t have the time or expertise to attend to all the issues related to policies for managing people. Recognizing that it is time to hire a full-time director of HR, Lukas has decided to hire Paula Hillman. Paula has seven years of experience in HR in a manufacturing facility located nearby. Although Paula’s experience is in manufacturing, Lukas was encouraged by her enthusiasm for creating a fun and effective workplace. During the course of their discussions, Lukas told Paula that his main goal for her in her new job is to design an HR system that reduces the turnover among customer service representatives, encourages them to work hard toward the company’s competitive advantage of low costs and high customer service, and adheres to his principles of taking care of employees.
Answer the following questions by applying the concepts learned in Chapter 14. Also, conduct literature reviews on the subject of discussion and use to support your case study answers:
- Provide advice to Paula regarding the nature of the HR system she should recommend for the customer service representatives at the six stores.
- Identify a key strategic performance driver for this organization.
- How do the customer service representatives contribute to the strategic performance driver you identified?
- Design an HR system to realize the strategic performance driver you identified. Be certain to explain how you would (a) design the work environment, (b) manage employee competencies, and (c) manage employee attitudes and behaviors.