English and Literature
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Rogerian Essay Nuclear Energy
$15.00Rogerian Essay Rubric
Essay has a specific central idea that is clearly stated in the opening paragraph. The first paragraph introduces the issue to the reader, offering adequate background to enable the reader to understand both the problem and significance of the issue. The issue is presented with sufficient information and objectivity and implements the Rogerian tone. The introduction includes a strong thesis statement that indicates the direction the essay will take.Presentation of First Perspective (The position that opposes your own concerning the issue):
This perspective articulates and/or presents the position of the argument in opposition to that of the student writing the essay. Concrete details support the central idea and show originality and focus. This perspective is presented with a fair-minded/neutral tone and implements sufficient support and development that includes secondary textual support. Introduces and discusses/analyzes the evidence integrated within this perspective.Emphathizing with the Opposing Argument:
Demonstrate an understanding of the opposing argument by defining circumstances under which it makes sense. Respond to the opposing viewpoint by explaining why what the opposing viewpoint is saying has some validity and displays reasonable judgment and/or reflects understandable areas for concern and consideration.Presentation of Second Perspective – (Your position concerning the issue):
This perspective presents this position/s with equal balance to the first. This perspective articulates and validates your point of view about the issue. Concrete details support the central idea and show originality and focus. This perspective is presented with a fair-minded/neutral tone and implements sufficient support and development that includes secondary textual support. The author introduces and discusses/analyzes the evidence integrated within this perspective.Conclusion:
The conclusion of this essay explores areas of common ground in the argument. It reminds the reader of the importance of the issue and suggests a compromise that benefits both points of view. The compromise must be a viable solution that considers both points of view in its implementation.Essay/Paragraph Organization:
Essay (Overall):
Organize your essay following the standard Rogerian argument organization, which follows a particular and non-classical paper order (given in the details above). Follow this order as you write your paper by heeding the advice of Rogerian Argument Structure sheet found in Moodle. Essay maintains clear transitions to prepare the reader for varying perspectives. Overall, essay maintains the same topic/idea/issue throughout, without abrupt shifts and/or jumps to non- related points or topics.Paragraph Organization:
Paragraph development is important! Each paragraph is ordered appropriately, supports the thesis statement and presents ideas in a unified, logical and clear fashion. Each paragraph should include topic sentences that relate to the essay’s original thesis statement and cohesively develop and focus that topic and controlling idea throughout the paragraph. Paragraphs should introduce, develop and analyze secondary sources that support the given topic with clarity and objectivity.
A copy of the student’s rough draft with feedback from a MyWritingLab Tutor should be submitted with the final draft of the essay.Requirements, Research and MLA format:
The paper meets the assignment requirements (1,500 words, 15% similarity etc.) is done in correct MLA format, has the required number of sources, and has the needed citations and work cited page done and correctly displayed.Style and Usage/Grammar:
The essay is written with adequate college-level sophistication with significant attention to detail, focus and clarity. The author considers the six journalistic questions in their overall presentation of ideas—who, what, why, where, when, how. This essay implements correct grammar usage, which includes but is not limited to correct verb tense usage, sentence structure implementation, comma usage, cutting vague pronouns, eliminating wordiness and cliches, adequate word choice etc. Overall, grammar problems are minor and do not distract from the paper.Another Fork On The Road
$15.00How to Prepare the REVIEW of the article “Another Fork in the Road”
1. Read the scientific article. Make notes summarizing key ideas and noting critical portions of the text.
2. The review should be 4 pages, with 1100 words, single-spaced or 1.5 spaces using a standard 12-point font (such as Times New Roman).
3. Include no more than one figure. FOR THIS REVIEW IT WILL BE FIGURE 2.
4. Please address the following points in your review:
a. In 300-500 describe how DNA-binding of p53 can target gene selectivity. Use FIGURE 2 as the CENTRAL FOCUS of you review.
b. In 300-500 describe how PTM can regulate promoter selectivity.
c. Include a short description of the final section p52 and therapeutic approaches.
5. SELECT and DISCUSS one (1) of the In need of answers from Sidebar A that you think is the most interesting.
6. In 500 words SUMMARIZE your thoughts on p53.Additional Files:
How We Use Integration in Our Daily Life
$15.00An essay on How We Use Integration in Our Daily Life
Pages: 3, double spaced
Argumentation Essay: Smoking In Public Places (Draft)
$5.00Argumentation Essay
Write a 500-750 word argumentation/persuasion essay using any approach as a method of development.
An effective argumentative essay must have evidence to make its case; most arguments that occur in daily life happen in the heat of the moment and are more likely directed toward saving one’s own pride than toward giving clear and supportive proof to one’s claims.
Writing Approach
Knowing how to brainstorm is going to save you from writing a weak essay. Also, knowing how to support your claims with evidence from outside sources will further strengthen your essay. For that reason, this assignment requires the use of two references (no internet sources). In addition, you will add a Works Cited page at the end of your essay. Finally, your Works Cited page will be in MLA (Modern Language Association) format so that all information provided will be easy for your reader to find.
Go to Writing Research Papers and Citing Sources at the Purdue OWL website for more on MLA, to include sample papers. The Purdue OWL: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/
Writing Assignment
Purpose: to persuade
Method of Development: your choice
TOPIC: Smoking in Public Places
- Brainstorm for topics.
- Choose one topic, choose a method of development, and organize all details accordingly.
- Research for appropriate evidence to support your argument. While you are researching, be sure to note all information necessary to filling out your Works Cited page for that entry.
- Remember your conclusion and your Works Cited page in MLA format.
- Check the syllabus for due dates.
English 101/118 Reflective Writing Project
$7.00Reflective Writing Project
Your final portfolio for English 101/118 will include revised and edited versions of the interpretive essays (2 out of the 3) you have been working on all semester. It will also include a final reflective project that attempts to account for the choices you have made in your writing given your rhetorical situation.
Over the course of this semester, you have produced and interpreted writing that presents a diverse array of composing strategies—poetry, comics, journalism, personal essays, academic essays, and so on. For this final piece, you should create a coherent text that considers your own composing and design strategies in the interpretive essays you included in your final portfolio.
Your final reflective project should include written text, but you can also feel free to incorporate other writing strategies and approaches as appropriate to your rhetorical situation. Consider the work you have produced in the interpretive essays as you make this decision. What kinds of writing strategies or mediums would help you to best reflect on the interpretive work you did this semester? What other mediums, outside of printing off words on a 8.5 x 11 inch paper, may you bring to this project? For example, you may want to consider creating your own comic, website, photo essay, or video. You could also integrate different media—like an interview-style or an opinion piece—into the how you decide to frame this writing.
You have many choices about how to compose your reflective essay and may integrate materials from other mediums with the written component. Keep in mind though, your final reflection should be a single, coherent project in the end.
Re-read the “Course Description and Addendum” again. You read this piece for assignment #1. Now read it again with the perspective of having completed this semester. What do you notice now that you didn’t the first time you read it? What new meaning does it have for you now? How was your writing affected by the curriculum of this class?
As a whole, this final reflective project should address the following in some way:
Significant writing choices you made in composing your interpretive essays and why you made them given your rhetorical situation. Be specific. Which choices were influenced by your purpose, audience, or context?
How you arrived at those choices through a process of successive revisions over the course of the semester. What changed between your initial draft and your final draft? Why? In response to which concerns? How does the new draft fit your rhetorical situation more successfully?
The ways your writing has been influenced by your writing community. How has the collaborative process of workshopping your own writing and the writing of others influenced your understanding of the social nature of writing?
Specific ways that your writing works to respond to others ethically. How do you envision “what matters” to others in the interpretations you made? Who do you think you are addressing in your interpretation? How did you need to shape your interpretive writing in order to make ethical writing choices for these audiences?
Be sure to use specific, concrete examples from your own interpretive writing to help you engage with these questions.
Writing Assignment #1: Demonstrating Global Literacy
$15.00Writing Assignment #1 :
Demonstrating Global LiteracyAs globalization surges with the use of technology, businesses and educators alike are evaluating the importance of global citizens in the workplace and the classroom. Throughout the world, many universities are seeking to develop programs and pedagogies, or Best Practices, that help to endow their students with “global literacy,” the knowledge (technical, historical, and political) and skills (social, interpersonal, and cross-cultural) to effectively participate and work in a globalized context. Businesses, too, are emphasizing professional Best Practices to attain effective and globally-literate employees.
Your Task:
You will be writing a 3-4 page (for Undergraduate students) or 5-6 page (for Graduate students) academic research paper that examines global literacy as follows:What are some of the current Best Practices used to develop global literacy?
You will read the article The challenge of Global Literacy: An ideal opportunity for Liberal Professional Education by Indira Nair, Marie Norman, G. Richard Tucker and Amy Burkert to start your research and understanding of the concept. You must use this article as one (1) of the required scholarly sources for your paper.
You will be assigned a context (Business or Education), as well as a field/discipline to research. Your paper should focus on real-world institutions that put “global literacy” into practice, and how. Your paper must also provide a clear definition of “global literacy,” as addressed with your scholarly sources, and how this definition is embodied in your real-world institutions.You will be writing a draft and final version of your research paper. After completion of your Final Version, you will present individually on your findings.
Requirements for Draft:
Your draft must contain all of the following:
- Thesis statement
Your thesis statement must describe the overall argument behind your research.
- A Print Out of Scholarly Sources
You must submit a hard-copy version of the two (2) previously approved credible and scholarly sources that you are considering using in your paper. This includes newspaper, magazine and journal articles, informative and reputable websites, and book chapters.
- Annotated Bibliography of Scholarly Sources
You must create an annotated bibliography of all three (3) of your scholarly sources (including the one provided for you in this assignment). An annotated bibliography is a document that cites your scholarly sources in APA formatting, and gives a brief one-paragraph summary about each individual source. A sample of an APA Annotated Bibliography can be found at: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/614/03/
Requirements for Final Paper:
Your Final paper must be formatted as follows:
- 3-4 pages (body) for Undergraduate or 5-6 pages (body) for Graduate, typed in double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, with 1” margins on all sides of the page. Flush left margins (do not justify the right margin) with page numbers on the lower right-hand corner of the page.
- A single-spaced name heading on the top left-hand side of your paper, including your name, your professor’s name, course catalog number, semester, assignment name and due date.
- A title for your paper, below your name heading and before your first paragraph.
- Proofread work before submission. You can receive feedback on your paper at the Metro Writing Studio (MWS) or the Academic Resource Center (ARC) at the Metropolitan Campus and at the Academic Support Center (ASC) at the Florham Campus.
- Use 6th edition APA format for in-text citations and end of text references to any of the sources that you have used (company website, news articles, etc.). Use direct and indirect quotes appropriately.
- A rewrite may be required of the paper. Submit the original paper with the written paper.
RHET 110N Food Essay
P!olicy Essay: Food
Be sure to shape your essays with ethos, pathos, and logos, to provide concrete and cited examples, and to map your essay so the structure is clear with only one idea per paragraph. Map and proofread your essay, but also be mindful of Trimble’s techniques as you write. Slow down to make sure you develop your ideas so they both concrete and e!asy to follow. Know your subject and your audience! Feel free to play with style.
Length: 5-6 pages in MLA Format
The Assignment:
The purpose of this assignment is to practice and demonstrate your skill in academic research, rhetorical strategies, and creativity on a question about food. We have read essays and watched films about food (Fed Up, “Why McDonald’s Fries Taste So Good,” “What’s Eating America?,” and “Consider the Lobster”), exploring topics such as organic verses nonorganic, the way corn affects the environment, the moral choice to eat lobster (or any other meat), the impact of artificial flavoring or sugar on us or the environment. Whatever policy essay (using the word “should”) you choose to craft, be sure to cite the readings and include outside research
A very important part of this assignment is your ability to craft your own thesis statement.
You will also want to pay particular attention to the concreteness, tightness, and clarity of your sentences and tod!evelop your own sense of style, keeping in mind the various techniques of the authors we have studied. Requirements:
The paper should be structured (roughly) according to the following format:Introduction: You’ll want to start by engaging the reader’s attention, perhaps with a striking anecdote, statistic, quotation, or question. Also, you need to focus your reader’s attention on the issue or question you’ll be addressing. Without going into too much detail (that you should do in the first half of the body of the essay; see below), establish this question or issue by providing very brief background (a few or several sentences) to your argument. Then, present a clear, assertive, and specific thesis statement that will serve as the focus of your paper.
Background: Here you should present in more detail any background information your reader needs to know to understand the issue you’re addressing. You might include definitions of key terms, explanations of important concepts, etc. For example, a paper assessing the effectiveness of California law enforcement in preventing the use of false identification documents might start with a discussion of current laws governing the use of such documents and statistics regarding the prevalence of their use. In any case, start the body of the paper by explaining in some detail the situation or events that have led to the question or problem you’re addressing; in other words, explain why you’re writing the argument.
Arguments and Counter-Arguments: Consider addressing counter-arguments first (before your main supporting reasons), so that your arguments are framed as a “response” to those opposing your thesis.
Rhetorical Strategies: In addition to building ethos by using an objective tone and addressing and /or refuting counter-arguments, you will want to review your paper for authoritative support, clearly defined ideas, statistics, data, logical development (syllogism, logical inference, deduction), personal anecdotes, style and polish, and any other strategies you have learned this semester. You do not need to use them all, but show me that you know how to craft a persuasive essay with specific techniques.
Conclusion: You should remind your reader of the significance of the issue you’re addressing – why it is important, why it should matter to him or her. Consider returning to an anecdote, statistic, or quotation with which you began the paper to reinforce the reader’s attention and the importance of your argument. What policy should we adopt?
UC Admission Personal Statement
$7.00Applying for UC major is statistics or business mathematics.
Less than 500 words
The personal insight questions are about getting to know you better — your life experience, interests, ambitions and inspirations.
Think of it as your interview with the admissions office. Be open. Be reflective. Find your individual voice and express it.
While this section of the application is just one part we consider when making our admission decision, it helps provide context for the rest of your application.
Bullying cause emotional problems
$27.50Does bullying cause emotional problems? A prospective study of young teenagers
- Assignment
Question 1
Bond, Carlin, Thomas, Rubin and Patton: Does bullying cause emotional problems? A prospective study of young teenagers
from the British Medical Journal 2001 ; Vol 323, 1st September page 480-484 (also available online through
http://www.bmj.com/cgi/reprint/323/7311/480 and answer the questions below.
Statement of objectives
- What were the investigators’ aims and objectives? If they are not stated explicitly in the paper, what do you think they were?
- What was the hypothesis that the authors were testing? If no hypothesis is stated, what do you think it was?
Study design
- What type of study was carried out? The name of a study type as stated by the investigators (eg randomised controlled trial) is not sufficient, describe in your own words what they did. Do you think the study design is appropriate to the aims and objectives?
- What other study designs could have been used? Discuss the advantage and disadvantages of each.
Target/reference population
- What is an appropriate target/reference population for this study? (That is, to whom did the investigators want to generalise the results?)
Source/sampled population
- Describe the source or sampled population from which sample was drawn. Is this an appropriate choice? Are there any potential biases introduced through specific groups being missed or under-presented?
Sample frame
- Did the investigators use a sample frame? If so, describe the sample frame and comment on its appropriateness. If not, what would you recommend as a sample frame and why?
Sample selection
- How was the study sample selected? Is this an appropriate sampling strategy? What, if any, are the potential biases in the sample selection?
Method of measurement
- What method(s) was (were) used to obtain data from the sample? Comment on the appropriateness of the method(s). Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of other methods that could have been used.
Measurement instrument
- How were the main variables of interest measured? Were valid and reliable measures obtained? What were the main outcome (dependent) variable(s) and study factors (or exposures or independent variables) of interest?
Statistical analysis
- Suppose that you were assisting the authors with the data analysis and had to help them with the interpretation of the findings. Describe in your own words the results presented in Table 1 to Table 4.
Authors’ conclusions
- What were the main conclusions drawn by the authors? Are they justified? Based on your reading of the paper, do you agree with them?