AFIN 867
International Financial Management
Due: Various (refer to iLearn for specific details)
This assignment is worth 30% of your final grade and requires you to complete it on a group basis. Groups will be signed up for in iLearn and be of a maximum of 2 and a minimum of 2 people.
The length of this assignment is 2000 words. Only the first 2000 words (10% allowance) will be read and your mark will be based on this. Ensure that all sources are referenced using the Harvard Referencing Style and that all assertions etc are supported by literature. Assignments must be presented in a professional manner and should be spelling and grammar checked.
This assignment consists of three parts, Part A and Part B & C. Be sure to read the assignment fully before proceeding.
Assignment Question
As a recent graduate of AFIN867 you and your colleagues have been lucky enough to be offered a consulting opportunity at a major listed company (see specific list in iLearn). The company is keen to have a review of their International Financial Management activities undertaken.
In this assignment you are required to review the International Financial Management of your assigned company by completing the tasks listed below.
You may choose to have a company assigned to you (this will be done randomly after the topic selection cutoff day) or select a company of your own choosing (subject to coordinator approval).
You may also choose to investigate another topic in international financial management. If you do so it must be approved by the coordinator. A separate, specific set of assignment questions will be given to you to facilitate this.
PART A (5%)
In this section you are required to give a presentation of your findings and recommendations (from Part C). This can take the form of a PowerPoint presentation or video of 10 minutes duration. (See ilearn for an example). This should be of a professional quality and emphasise the finding and recommendations and not just be a summary of the company’s activities. After 10 minutes groups will be prevented from continuing their presentation.
If you present slides the presentation should be no longer than 12 slides including a slide at the front detailing the group number and topic.
It is expected that the presenters will have undertaken enough research to be able to answer any questions raised by students of the lectuerer. Marks will be deducted where questions cannot be answered properly.
Presentations will be required to be submitted in iLearn prior to the lecture.
All group members will receive the same mark except where a member is absent.
This means that all members must perform at a high level to get a good mark. Those students who are absent will receive a zero grade except where a valid special consideration form is supplied and approved.
Simply providing a summary with no higher-‐ level analysis will not result in
a pass grade.
There is no requirement for all members to present, but they must
participate in the process of completing the assignment.
Part B (5%)
On a weekly basis, groups will be randomly assigned to ask questions relating to the presentation as if they were a member of the board being presented to. The questions they ask need to be detailed and demonstrate knowledge of the topic being presented. The questions need to challenge the presenter and allow both the presenter and questioner to demonstrate their knowledge. Asking questions will also assist students in preparing their essays. All group members will receive the same mark except where members have clearly not contributed or are absent. Those students who are absent will receive a zero grade except where a valid special consideration form is supplied and approved. Where students have clearly not contributed to the questioning/discussion process they will receive a reduced or zero mark.
Part C (15 Marks)
The report should be structured in the following manner (except where an alternative topic is chosen and approved):
- Executive Summary. This must clearly summarise the issues addressed, your findings and recommendations. (400 words max.)
- Critical analysis of the current financial risk management tools used by the company. Financial risk management relates to the management of commodity, currency and interest rate risk. This should also include recommended improvements. You also undertake a review of any risks that you believe are not being properly managed. This process should also include a comparison to practices provided by a competitor overseas. (800 words max.)
- Critical analysis of the funding used by your company. This should look at the types and sources of funding used. This should include any recommended improvements. This process should also include a comparison to practices provided by a competitor overseas. (800 words max.)
Any calculations should be contained in an appendix to the main report.
Use of dot points is acceptable.
The report and executive summary need to be of a high standard and contain persuasive but balanced arguments.
Assessment Criteria
- Presentation
- Depth of Research
- Quality of Analysis
- Level of Persuasive Argument
At then end of the report each student must write a statement detailing how they
have contributed to the group.
It is expected that groups will meet to discuss the assignment. A group should have a minimum of two meetings. In this regard the group is also to submit the minutes of these meetings with details on where you met, who was present and the work allocated and what was decided etc.
Failure to include these tasks will result in a reduced mark for the essay.
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