Research Outline
Topic: Team Management and Assets of a Strong Leader
Thesis Statement: Leaders need an array of leadership assets to manage teams, effectively, in light of the growing diversity in the workplace so that the organization can realize benefits of teamwork.
- Introduction
- Leadership Assets
- Who is a strong leader?
- What are leadership assets
- Examples of leadership assets
- Team Management
- What is a team?
- Importance of teamwork
- The evolution of teamwork
- Impact of diversity in team work
- Diversity
- What is diversity?
- Importance of diversity
- The impact of diversity on teamwork
- Challenges
- Benefits
- Recommendations
- The interplay between strong leadership, team management, and diversity
- Importance of strong leaders in team work
- Leadership strategies to manage a diverse workforce
- Various leadership assets that help in managing teamwork
- Influence on diversity
- Importance of strong leadership assets in team management
- Impact on performance
- Impact on diversity
- Conclusion
- References
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