Stacey Antine – Entrepreneurial Profile
Research Stacey Antine before answering the questions.
This week, we talked to Stacey Antine, a New Jersey entrepreneur to hear her story directly.
HealthBarn USA‘s mission includes being committed to helping families raise their nutrition literacy through hands-on learning about where our food comes from, and why fresh tastes best and is best for bodies, minds and souls. They offer a variety of programs, classes, school assemblies and functions for children ages 3-12 and parents aimed at teaching nutrition, healthy eating, and the process of growing food. Peruse HealthBarn’s website to learn more about the organization. Be sure to check out the TV Highlights to see some of the media exposure Stacey and HealthBarn USA has received.
What are your thoughts on Stacey’s entrepreneurial journey? Did anything surprise you about Stacey’s path to entrepreneurship or the challenges/issues that she currently faces or has faced in the past?
In addition to teaching classes on healthy eating, Stacey also goes out into communities and schools and talks about healthier eating choices. Recently, the Bergen Record challenged Stacey to buy food for a family of four using food stamps.
This is the link to the article:
What are the business implications of accepting this challenge? In what ways does the article affect her business? How does it relate to and further her business mission? Entrepreneurs make decisions daily on what activities they should partake in to further their business. Interviews, social networking, challenges such as this one, etc., all take time and effort, and so most entrepreneurs are very judicious in their choices. What are your thoughts on the importance of outreach, especially in a business model such as Health Barn’s?
One concept that we discussed was Social Entrepreneurship. For more information on social entrepreneurs use this link:
You can also check out “The New Heroes” on, which contains profiles on and information about social entrepreneurs.
After learning more about Social Entrepreneurship, how do you think HealthBarn fits into that business model? Would you consider it to be a socially conscious venture? What aspects of it best fit with what you have learned about social entrepreneurship? Stacey also talked about the Ben Applebaum Foundation, which provided help for her when she was starting HealthBarn.
Social Entrepreneurship is a relatively new term. Do you think that it is a new concept or have their been social entrepreneurs throughout history? Why do you think people are choosing to start socially conscious firms? What makes them different from not-for-profit organizations? Do you they it can be a sustainable business model? What decisions do you think social entrepreneurs might think differently about than traditional for-profit entrepreneurs (if any)?
What are some ways to manage challenges when faced with them? How much consideration should you give them when starting a new company? What happens if the challenge cannot be overcome? How can you adapt without closing the business? Thinking about what might happen down the road in your business is an important step when you are first starting it, and something to think about at frequent intervals as you proceed with the business.
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