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Week 6 Checkpoint PEACE – Domestic Violence Agency


Hsm 270 Week 6 Checkpoint (PEACE Domestic Violence Agency)
CheckPoint : Revised Evaluation Plan
  • Create a revised version of your original evaluation plan:
  • Review your instructor’s feedback from your evaluation plan in Week Five. Consider your group’s list of essential elements for a program plan.
  • Make improvements to your evaluation plan based on the feedback from your instructor and your list of essential elements. Are there areas you should incorporate into your evaluation plan that you did not address before?
  • Post in Assignments in the Gradebook
5 pages
SKU: week-6-checkpoint-peace-domestic-violence-agency Category:
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Hsm 270 Week 6 Checkpoint (PEACE Domestic Violence Agency)
CheckPoint : Revised Evaluation Plan
  • Create a revised version of your original evaluation plan:
  • Review your instructor’s feedback from your evaluation plan in Week Five. Consider your group’s list of essential elements for a program plan.
  • Make improvements to your evaluation plan based on the feedback from your instructor and your list of essential elements. Are there areas you should incorporate into your evaluation plan that you did not address before?
  • Post in Assignments in the Gradebook
5 pages


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