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How do we manage the human population
$5.00Lesson 3 Discussion Topic
How do we manage the human population to avoid overtaking the Earth’s ability to sustain us while also preserving human rights?
Lesson 3 Discussion Forum
This week we will discuss human population growth
Please write at least TWO full paragraphs (four to five sentences each) that provide an example of the question prompt below. Use your discussion post to bring up new ideas, while also adding to the ideas shared in previous posts.
How are terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems affected by changes in biodiversity
$5.00Lesson 2 Discussion Forum
Lesson 2 Discussion Topic
How are terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems affected by changes in biodiversity, and how, in turn, do terrestrial and aquatic biomes shape the evolution and diversity of species living within them?
This week we will discuss ecosystem, evolution, biodiversity, and community ecology.
Please write at least TWO full paragraphs (four to five sentences each) that provide an example of the question prompt below. Use your discussion post to bring up new ideas, while also adding to the ideas shared in previous posts.
Impact of humans on the environment
$5.00Impact of humans on the environment
Lesson 1 Discussion Topic:
How does human development impact natural systems?
This week we will discuss the impact of humans on the environment.
Please write at least TWO full paragraphs (four to five sentences each) that provide an example of the question prompt below. Use your discussion post to bring up new ideas, while also adding to the ideas shared in previous posts.
Power, influence and rights to dignity
$20.00Power, influence and rights to dignity.
Definition and type of Power, Influence and right to dignity, theory involved and the theory against it, how it applicable. this as to be within working organisation, Policy that apply to it, impact of the policy in working environment.
Bullet point on the each slides and explain the bullet point on footnote. As to be UK source, 5 slides excluding referencing ,need introduction and conclusion. books recommended
- 1) Management & organisational behaviour – Laurie J. Mullins, Gill Christy 2016.
- 2) Organization theory: selected classic readings – Pugh, Derek Salman 2007.
- 3) Understanding organizations – Handy, Charles B. 1993.
- 4) Organizations: management without control – Greenwald, Howard P. 2008
Please UK source only
Developing an Emergency Operations Plan
$7.00The emergency operations plan (EOP) is intended to provide guidelines and some pre-configured pathways or solutions intended to assist emergency responders in rapidly assessing emergency situations, choosing or developing a response plan, and coordinating the various organizations and “actors” during the response to an event…as well as even helping with setting up recovery plans. Please describe how an EOP should be developed, and what its major components are. In a final paragraph, please describe some of the limitations to an EOP.
Discuss how social media increases brand awareness and customer engagement…
- Discuss how social media increases brand awareness and customer engagement in integrated marketing communications.
- Explain how new media differ from old media, and how PR practitioners incorporate the new media in their strategic campaigns. Give example/s to support your answer.
2 questions in separate word formats with the instructions
Please don’t forget to read the instructions:
Your answer to each question should be 1,000 words (+/- 10%); any responses outside
these limits will be downgraded by one classification. The same penalty will be applied if a
word count is absent.
Marking criteria Credit will be given for:
Focus on question set ;
Appropriate use of a wide range of relevant academic sources (properly referenced), and
relevant examples from practice ;
Understanding, and appropriate application, of key concepts and frameworks ;
A clear argument supported by key theoretical concepts and evidence from practice ;
Conclusions that demonstrate understanding and insight ;
Clarity and accuracy of writing, fluently expressed.
Assessment conduct and presentation. You are reminded of these important points:
• A word count must be given at the end of each answer separately (not collectively) ;
• All pages of your work must be numbered ;
• Assignments where plagiarism is proven will be failed. Poor, or lack of knowledge about
referencing is not a defence against plagiarism ;
• You must complete a cover sheet and include this as the front page of your work;Special Communication Issues Facing Single Parents
$12.50Special Communication Issues Facing Single Parents
Assignment 2: Week 4
- What are some of the special communication issues facing single parents? How can these issues be handled
most constructively?
(each assignment should be a full two-pages long – double-spaced – written in essay format using APA style
for all required sources):Use the text, plus 2 peer-reviewed academic journal articles to support your response.
Primary Health Care and Health Promotion Should Underpin the Practice of All Health Professionals
$37.50Primary Health Care and Health Promotion Should Underpin the Practice of All Health Professionals
Assessment item 1 Essay
Value: 30% Length: 1500-2000 words
Submission method options EASTS (online)
Discuss the view that ‘primary health care and health promotion should underpin the practice of all health professionals’.
In your response you must, at a minimum,
- define health promotion and primary health care
- consider the potential benefits of health promotion and primary health care to the practice of health professionals
- consider the potential challenges of health promotion and primary health care to the practice of health professionals
- consider the overall validity of the statement. That is, do you agree or disagree with the statement and why.
This task is designed to show student achievement of the following subject objectives:
- describe regional, national and international political agendas affecting current developments in health and wellness programs
- describe the interdisciplinary nature of health promotion and community development
- discuss issues surrounding health and wellbeing at a community level
A report of the USA Federal Reserve System and its Role as a Central Bank
$35.00ASB1202 Financial Markets and Institutions: Assignment
The aim of this assignment is to produce a well-structured, well-written and well-researched report, demonstrating your ability to apply the theoretical concepts of central banking to your chosen central bank.
Prepare a report on ONE of the following central banks:
- 1. The Bank of England
- 2. The European Central Bank
- 3. The Federal Reserve System
Your report should include the following:
- Definition of a central bank and a brief discussion of the organisational structure of your chosen central bank
- A brief discussion of the key roles of a central bank
- An overview of the tools of monetary policy and a discussion of the application of monetary policy by your chosen central bank
- Critically evaluate the lender of last resort (LOLR) function and briefly discuss your chosen central bank’s policy on LOLR and any recent applications of LOLR
This assignments counts for 40% of the final module mark.
Word limit: 2,000 words maximum (excluding references and appendices)
As the assignment will be marked electronically please apply the following formatting:
- Font size 12
- 1.5 line spacing
- Justified text
Your assignment should be referenced using the Harvard referencing style. Please see the following guide for further details:
Use a range of reliable sources (e.g. textbooks, journal articles, financial press) to inform your work.
Suggested structure for the report:
- Title page
- Abstract/executive summary: 200-400 word summary of the report, easily understandable for readers who are not familiar with the
- Contents page
- Introduction: providing and introduction to your work, including a broad description of the topic, providing an outline for the rest of the report
- Main body of the report: discuss the main points of your report here
- Conclusion and reflection: summarise the main findings of your report, reflecting on what you have learned
- References: Harvard style
- Appendices: any additional information e.g. graphs, diagrams etc… ensuring that they have been referenced correctly (where applicable)
Marking criteria:
Marks will be assigned in accordance with the following criteria:
- Quality of background research and its analysis and presentation
- Structure and presentation of the report, including writing quality
- Appropriate and correct referencing, using the Harvard referencing style
- Ability to critically evaluate evidence i.e. to support your work with evidence from the relevant literature