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Financial Analysis Of Google, Inc Corporation (GOOG)
$15.00Analyse the financial statements of a company of your choice. Your analysis should include:
- • €A financial analysis that covers the last three years; and
- • €An analysis of the company’s place within the industry sector.
Your chosen company must be a public limited company (plc) or equivalent. You should include a copy of your chosen company’s statement of comprehensive income (‘income statement’), statement of financial position (‘balance sheet’) and statement of cash flows (‘cash flow statement’) in an appendix to your assignment. The work, which will be largely numerical and graphical, is to be completed individually.
The Future Prospects of Google, Inc.
$35.00The Future Prospects of Google, Inc.
Title: Evaluation of future prospects
Learning outcome to be assessed: evaluate the influence of external factors on the company’s future prospects Analyse and evaluate the predicted future success or failure of your chosen company. Your analysis and evaluation should be based upon:- The analysis conducted in assignment part one
- Internal and external factors that are likely to affect the financial performance, financial position and share price of your chosen company.
Module Overview:
The analysis of financial statements can tell us a great deal about the health of a company and its ability to deal with future challenges. This module concentrates on using the financial information available to assess the relative strengths of companies and to assess the impact of outside forces on their viability. Analytical and forecasting skills will be used to aid decision making.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
- Analyse financial statements to make decisions on the strength and adaptability of a business
- Evaluate the influence of internal and external factors on the company’s future prospects Assessment Formative Activities & Assessment Formative activities are opportunities for you to apply, practice and make sense of the learning materials and content that you have encountered. In this module, these include multiple choice questions, critical analysis of source materials, and reflection on your learning. Summative Assessment Summative assessments are the pieces of coursework that you complete which contribute towards your final grade in this module. You should take the feedback that you receive from the completion of coursework in this module and use it to help you improve your performance in future assessments. Summative assessment in this module is two pieces of submitted coursework. You will be expected to submit your summative assignments via the Turnitin assessment points on the Assessment page in Course Resources. Assignment Part 1 (50%) Your report should be 1,000 words in total (your response will be largely numerical and graphical)
Title: Analysis of financial statements
Learning outcome to be assessed: analyse financial statements to make decisions on the strength and adaptability of a business
Analyse the financial statements of a company of your choice. Your analysis should include:
- A financial analysis that covers the last three years; and
- An analysis of the company’s place within the industry sector. Your chosen company must be a public limited company (plc) or equivalent. You should include a copy of your chosen company’s statement of comprehensive income (‘income statement’), statement of financial position (‘balance sheet’) and statement of cash flows (‘cash flow statement’) in an appendix to your assignment. The work, which will be largely numerical and graphical, is to be completed individually. Submission date: 13 November 2014 before 11:59 p.m. GMT via turnitin Marking scheme 30%: subject matter knowledge. 40%: critical analysis. 10%: evidence of wider reading 10%: coherence. (This means that the ideas should be smoothly joined together.) 10%: presentation and English.
- Assignment Part 2 (50%) Your report should be 2,000 words in total Title: Evaluation of future prospects Learning outcome to be assessed: evaluate the influence of external factors on the company’s future prospects Analyse and evaluate the predicted future success or failure of your chosen company. Your analysis and evaluation should be based upon:
- The analysis conducted in assignment part one
- Internal and external factors that are likely to affect the financial performance, financial position and share price of your chosen company. The work is to be completed individually.
A Prediction of Political, Economic, and Environmental Situations and Their Influence on Different Regions of the World
$30.00MAKE 3 PREDICTIONS… about situations or events you believe will have significant world regional or global effects during the next 5 to 10 years using what you have learned during the course this semester. Each of your predictions should be significant for 1 or more of the world regions we’ve discussed — or important for Planet Earth as a whole. In other words, your predictions are about things that matter for multiple countries in terms of their results or consequences.
One prediction must be environmental in nature. Events or situations could, for example, be related to: global warming, greenhouse gas emssions, desertification, salinization, biodiversity, or air, water, or soil pollution.
One prediction must be political in nature. Events or situations could, for example, be related to: increased or decreased tensions between countries (war, conflict resolution, boundary disputes, militarization or demilitarization) or between religious, ethnic, or other groups (intra-faith conflicts, religious fundamentalism, regional or global terrorism, internal political conflicts with regional spillover effects, nationalism, et cetera).
One prediction must be economic or social in nature. Events or situations could, for example, be related to: population and demographic change, urbanization or urban ways of life, cultural changes, conflicts between tradition and external influences, organized crime and illegal economic activities, globalization of language and culture, the economic rise or decline of regions, et cetera.
Please be advised: (1) Your 3 predictions must have different focal regions. In other words, although Southeast Asia might be your favorite region of all, only 1 of your predictions can be focused on it — the other 2 must be primarily linked to different world regions or to the planet as a whole
Assignment Outline
– Create a title that hints at your predictions or point of view
– Develop an introductory paragraph that provides the reader an overview of what you’ll be discussing
– Write 3 paragraphs, 1 for each of your predictions. For each prediction: (i) provide a background description of the current state of affairs; (ii) explain what you expect to develop or occur within the 5 to 10 years and why; and (iii) describe the consequences you anticipate in terms of how world regions and/or people will be affected (positive and adverse effects).
– Conclude your essay by discussing whether you feel optimistic, pessimist, or somewhere in between about the near future, based on your predictions.
Please choose 3 different countries from 3 different regions
Purchasing Power Parity Paper
$45.00‘In the assumed absence of transport costs and trade restrictions, perfect commodity arbitrage insures that each good is uniformly priced (in common currency units) throughout the world – the “law of one price” prevails’. In reality the law of one price is flagrantly and systematically violated by empirical data.
(Extract from: Isard, P., (1977 ), How Far Can we Push the “Law of One Price”?, American
Economic Review, 67 (5), 942-948).
Discuss and critically evaluate this statement with reference to the theory and empirical evidence relating to the law of one price (LoP) and the theory of purchasing power parity (PPP).Please use headings to help structure the essay
Double spacing Font size 12
use more scientific/ academic journals rather than internet sites. something around 18-20 academic journals requireddo not use/reference investopedia and wikipedia.
do not talk about covered and uncovered parity and fisher effect.
talk about LoP and PPP but you dont have to devote equal space to LoP and PPP. The LoP is more of a starting point, and you should spend more time on PPP.9 PagesAudit Report of Alshaya
$30.00Project (15%)
Students expect to complete one project during this course. You should obtain one audit report for a big Kuwaiti company. The company selected must be a big company in Kuwait and it should have its own website. Ask your instructor for assistance if you are unsure about the type of company you have chosen.Requirements:
1. Determine what the economic sector is for selected company and explain the importance of this sector for the local economy of Kuwait (i.e., Gross Domestic Product). (1 mark)
2. Provide a brief background about selected company (i.e., size, ownership, history, growth, main products, main markets,..etc.). (1 mark)
3. Describe the five circumstances when an unqualified report with an emphasis-of-matter explanatory paragraph or modified wording is appropriate. What is the type of the audit report of your selected company? Why? (4 marks)
4. Discuss the main parts of the Auditor Report for the company (list the 8 parts for audit report and match them with your selected auditor report). (4 marks)
5. List the several factors that have affected the increased number of lawsuits against CPAs. (2 marks)
6. List some of the ways in which the profession can positively respond and reduce liability in auditing. (2 marks)
Please note that you will only receive maximum marks for the project if yours meets the following criteria: use clear and concise language, well written and good logical flow between sentences, logical arguments and coherent discussion, free of grammatical and spelling mistakes, and correct formatting style. (1 mark)
The content of your project should be prepared using a Word Processing Package. Use the following formatting style: Times New Roman font, 12 point font size and 1.5 line spacing.
Student should submit his/her project in a Hard Copy format with a cover sheet by 2.00 pm
(Maximum 1500 words)
The company i have chosen is alshaya
this is their website evaluation of the importance of auditor independence
$45.00In 2014 the FRC published a research report ‘Improving Confidence in the Value of Audit’ which highlighted that:
“Concerns vary across different interest groups but are focussed around the core issue of independence, which they understand to be vital to effective, quality Auditing.”
(FRC, 2014, p.6)
Considering the statement above, you are required to submit in essay form:
- a critical evaluation of the importance of auditor independence in ensuring that statutory audit is a high quality product that meets the needs of stakeholder groups in the UK, including how auditor independence is regulated to enhance audit quality; and,
- a critical analysis of whether the expectations of stakeholders of auditor independence can be met in the UK, using examples to justify your comments with clear recommendations based on your analysis for improving auditor independence.
Additional Files:
Examine the structure and activities in the Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW) organization and identify two projects or events that required an investment.
One should be a ‘current project’ and the other long-term investment project.For each project or event, identify the preferable source of funding.
You may not have access to the actual source of funding so limit your paper to the source YOU feel is most appropriate.
Then explain why you feel that source is most appropriate.Assignment Expectations
Identify two projects or events that required an investment.
Identify the preferable source of funding and explain why you feel that source is most appropriate.
Write 2-4 pages, showing computations and discussing the results.
List supporting references and cite sources.
Use appropriate writing style (organization, grammar, & spellingMeasurement Issues In Accounting
$40.00Measurement Issues In Accounting
Assignment information
The IASB and FASB joint project is being conducted in eight phases. Please see the attached file IASB2010Meeting. The meeting notes relate to Phase C: Measurement. Different views were presented by staff in July 2010 meeting.
Use the meeting notes as a starting point to discuss the measurement issues in accounting.
Some useful links:
- Word limit: 2200 words
- Harvard style reference preferred
Question 1: Implications of the objective of financial reporting
Are the views about the implications of the objective properly articulated? Are
there other views that should be described? Do you support any of these views? If so, which one? If not, what is your view?
Question 2: Implications of the fundamental qualitative characteristics
Are Views A and B about the general implications of the fundamental qualitative characteristics properly articulated? Are there other views that should be described? Which view do you generally support? (This question is not about whether you support the specific points in B(a) through B(f). That is question 3,
which will be asked only if a majority of board members generally support View B.
Question 3: Particular points in View B
If you support View B generally, and you agree with View C in Question 1, are there any particular points in (a) through (f) that you do not support or that need better articulation? Are there any particular points that you would add to View B? If you agree with View B generally but do not agree with View C in Question 1, do
you have any suggestions about the points to be included in View B?
Question 4: Specific implications of QCs for historic cost and fair value
Are the views about the specific implications of the fundamental QCs for historic cost and fair value properly articulated? Are there other views that should be described? Which view do you support?
Question 5: What the measurement chapter should accomplish
Are the views about what the measurement chapter should accomplish properly articulated? Are there other views that should be described? Which view do you support?
Additional Files:
EQUITY AND DEBT FIN301 Module 5 Case Study
$15.00EQUITY AND DEBT FIN301 Module 5 Case Study
Assignment Overview
American Superconductor
As you know from reading through the background materials, the decision to use debt or equity to raise money is not a decision taken lightly by management. So when several years ago, in 2003 American Superconductor decided to raise funds through equity it was definitely a major decision that required intense discussions at the highest levels of management.
Read the article below about American Superconductor and do some of your own research using the CyberLibrary and internet search engines. You can also take a look at the official American Superconductor webpage.
Assignment Expectations
After doing your research, apply what you learned from the background materials and write a three to five page paper answering the following questions:
What are the advantages and disadvantages for AMSC to forgo their debt financing and take on equity financing? Do you agree with their decision? How can a company’s cost of equity be determined? Is there a tax deduction from the use of debt financing? Please explain.
Explain both of your answers thoroughly. Be sure to support your opinions on these assignment questions with references to the background materials or to other articles in your paper.
Read the article below available in ProQuest:
American Superconductor switch ; Westboro company plans to raise money through a stock offering, Andi Esposito. Telegram & Gazette. Worcester, Mass.: Aug 26, 2003. pg. E.1
Abstract (Article Summary)
“AMSC’s management and board of directors believe the decision to forgo a secured debt financing and to adopt an equity financing strategy under current market conditions is in the best interests of our shareholders,” said Gregory J. Yurek, chief executive officer of AMSC. The 265-employee company has operations in Westboro and Devens and in Wisconsin.
Finally, the Northeast blackout “shined a lot of light on the problems we have been talking about as a company for three to four years,” Mr. Yurek said. AMSC products, such as a system installed this year in the aging Connecticut grid and high temperature superconductor power cables and other devices bought by China for its grid, are designed to improve the cost, efficiency and reliability of systems that generate, deliver and use electric power. “We are a company with products out there solving problems today,” he said.
3 Pages