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Would King & Queen be liable to EFL
Impulse Pty Ltd (Impulse) is an entertainment system manufacturer that was established in 2005. Your audit firm King & Queen have been the auditor of Impulse since its formation. The audit report for the year ended 30 June 2012 was unqualified. Although Impulse had been suffering liquidity problems with a drop in both debtors’ turnover and inventory turnover, King & Queen did not consider that any additional audit work was necessary in regard to the valuation of these assets. In August 2012, Impulse obtained a large loan from a finance company, Easy Finance Limited (EFL), to provide additional working capital. However, Impulse continued to experience severe trading problems and was placed in liquidation in December 2012.King & Queen has been notified by EFL’s solicitors that they are taking action against your firm based on the audit of the 30 June 2012 financial report. EFL claim that the cause of Impulse’s failure related to the inadequate provision for doubtful debts and a fall in the value of inventories on hand, and that these problems were evident at 30 June 2012, but had not been adequately dealt with in the financial report due to your negligence. They also claim that they would not have given the loan to Impulse if the 2012 financial report had been qualified.
(a) Would King & Queen be liable to EFL? Provide specific case references to support your answer.
(b) Would your answer change if EFL had written to King & Queen advising you that they intended to make a loan to Impulse and were relying on the 2012 audited financial report to assist them in making their decision?
7 Pages
Cover Letter: Training at the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
$7.00Admission Services – Personal Statement
Describe your research interests, career goals, and reasons for applying for training at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) ; be certain that your cover letter is specific for this particular program.
2 Pages
A Rhetorical Analysis of “The Rise and Fall of Charm in American Men”
$15.00A Rhetorical Analysis of “The Rise and Fall of Charm in American Men”
The article link:
The article requirement:
In a 3-page essay, explain why you believe the writer used this unique group of devices and strategies to communicate with his/her audience.
You may want to consider the devices and strategies the writer does use, but also why he or she may not have used some others.The essay should contain the following:
specific examples and details from the text to support your ideas
at least 1 correctly incorporated direct quotation
at least 1 correctly incorporated paraphrase
Sample thesis:Poole uses ethos, pathos, and logos to illustrate the ways in which artifical enhancements affect human lives today.
Research and Analyze a Designer
$20.00Research and Analyze a Designer
-find a designer and find out:
1-what sort of style they like and use?
2-what sort of project they mainly do commercial or residential?
3-is the company run by one person or is there a team?
4-what countries do they have projects in and where are they based?
5-what do you like most about them? -
Applied Museum Studies Questionnaire: Personal Skills
$15.00Skills :Describe any skills you possess that demonstrate the following core competencies required to successfully complete the Applied Museum Studies program.
• Manual Dexterity: to have skilful performance or ability to accomplish dexterous tasks without difficulty with the hands.
• Visual Acuity: the ability for one to see clearly and render colours effectively.
• Attention to Detail: is thorough in accomplishing a task with concern for all the areas involved, no matter how small.
• Patience: is the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without acting on annoyance/anger in a negative way• Ability to work within a Team: demonstrate the attitudes and abilities necessary to work effectively in a group setting, such as active listening, effective resource utilization, establishing and measuring goals, etc.
Research Assignment – Essay on Cultural Differences
$30.00Assessment Item: Research Assignment – Essay on Cultural Differences
Length: 1,400 words (excluding reference list) plus or minus 10% as per standard university policy.
Essay Topic:
Select a European country and an Asian country and using the academic literature examine the impact of cultural differences on the negotiation process. Outline the cultural characteristics of each country and then provide a comparative analysis of how these cultural characteristics impact upon how they negotiate. Provide relevant examples from the academic literature and/or the contemporary world.Format:
The assignment must be in essay format (not report format) using complete sentences and paragraphs. Headings are acceptable and encouraged. You may include tables and diagrams if you wish. This is an individual assessment submission NOT a group submission.Structure:
Introduction: a succinct outline of the aims, purpose and structure of the paper and short summary of conclusions reached. An introduction in papers of this length is usually only one or two paragraphs. Your introduction must include a brief discussion of what you will discuss in your essay.
Body of the paper: the analysis. The social sciences technique of analysing involves more than just describing what happened. In this course, it is used to explain why events occurred, and to suggest implications of the events. The purpose of conceptual literature generally in the social sciences is broadly twofold: to predict and/or explain. The analysis in this paper must use the negotiation conceptual literature to answer the question. It is useful to critically evaluate the literature according to your experiences of negotiation inside as well as outside the classroom – did your experiences differ from the analysis in the literature? If so how? Rely on your own observations, but ensure that you support them by referring to the academic literature.
Conclusion: Some concluding statements which summarise your overall evaluation. It should be a paragraph which restates your argument and sums up your principal conclusions in the paper. The conclusion should not introduce any new material or quotes.Referencing
The in-text citations and reference list for your essay should be consistent. You should use a minimum of 25 academic sources. Below in this document is an explanation as to different types of sources. It will help you understand what is and what is not considered an academic source. Please speak to your tutor or the convenor if you are still unsure. Students may use some non-academic sources in the essay if they choose, but should still include a minimum of 10 academic sources for the essay to be acceptable. Students should attempt to go beyond the text and materials provided on the Learning@Griffith Course Website, such as lecture notes.
Please note that references to Wikipedia or other non-academic sources are not acceptable for analysis. Non-academic online references may only be used to illustrate examples or comparisons, and must include the URL and details in accordance with the guidelines.
Students may choose either of the Harvard or APA referencing style. Information on both the Harvard and APA style of referencing is available on the Learning@Griffith Course Website under the link to the GBS resource bank. -
Easy Jet Case Study
$15.00Answering questions regarding EasyJet using its financial statements.
Answer the following questions.
- What is/are the firm’s credit rating(s)? Any recent changes? Do you think a change is likely in the near future (1-2 years)? (5% of project grade)
- Review management’s discussion and analysis of results of operations and financial condition of your company’s annual report. Identify key strengths and weaknesses with regard to capital resources, liquidity, results of operations, etc. (5% of project grade)
- Review the Independent Auditors’ Report of your company’s annual report and answer the following questions. (5% of project grade)
- Who was the company’s auditor and where is it located?
- What is the responsibility of the auditor?
- Who is responsible for the preparation of and information within the company’s financial statement?
- The audit was conducted in accordance with what?
- What was the opinion of the auditor?
- What method(s) of depreciation does the firm use? Discuss the implications for the firm. (5% of project grade)
- What method for accounting for inventory does the firm use? Discuss the implications for the firm. (5% of project grade)
- Give some details about the amount of options and convertible securities that are outstanding? Discuss the implications for the firm. (5% of project grade)
- Has the firm been returning money to its shareholders and, if so, how? Discuss the effect on the firm’s creditworthiness. (5% of project grade)
- Discuss the firm’s acquisition activity, including form of payment. (5% of project grade)
- What is the most interesting thing you learned about this firm not covered by any of the above? (5% of project grade)
Additional Files:
Evaluating Case Study Research – 2 Case Studies
Learning outcomes assessed:1. Appreciate the role of Case Study Research in the context of Business Research.
3. Critically evaluate Case Study Research as a method of research through the analysis of contemporary case study research articles.ASSESSMENT DETAILS
Required:Using your knowledge and research write a report which critiques two articles which have used case study methodology in carrying out the research.
Your report should
1. Discuss the role of Case Study Research in the context of Business Research.
2. Critically evaluate the use of case study research in two research articles.
2000 wordsA possible Writing Frame
How can case study research be defined?
Does everyone agree?
What types of case studies/strategies are there?
How useful (in business management) is case study research?
What questions can it answer?
What are their benefits and limitations for business management research?
Or research in general?
Guide- 900-1100 wordsHow might we assess the use of case study research?
For each case (must evaluate TWO from the folder or any that have been agreed as suitable with your tutor) examine the validity, reliability and generalizability of the research
What are the benefits of the case approach in the study?
What are the limitations in terms of validity, reliability, generalizability?
Do the researchers acknowledge limitations to the study?
And then reach an overall conclusion on use of case study research in each study.Have you used a wide and suitable range of sources including journals?
- Investigating the Factors that Influence Mobile Phone Adoption amongst the Youth in South Africa
- On the Move: Technology, Mobility, and the Mediation of Social Time and Space
Guide 900-1100 words
15 Pages, double spaced
Additional Files:
Tesco Financial Analysis
$25.00Individual Written Coursework 2
Financial Analysis of a company – 30% of the overall module mark.
The assignment is a 1,500 word report. Word count +/- 10% is acceptable.
Your report should be an analysis of the financial performance of Tesco PLC (Company number 00445790).
Start the main body of your report with an overview of Tesco’s recent history and any significant
changes that have happened within the company.
You should calculate at least 2 financial ratios from each of the 5 types of ratios: Profitability; Efficiency; Liquidity; Financial Structure; Stock Market measures (i.e. 10 in total). For each of your 10 ratios, calculate 2 successive years’ performance – e.g. 2012 and 2013.
You should analyse and discuss any differences between the ratios calculated and suggest reasons why the figures are different. For example, if Gross Margin % has decreased, is this due to an increase in costs, or a decrease in revenue? If costs have increased, might this be to increase oil prices? Remember to back up statements with evidence (referenced appropriately) and logical, reasoned argument. You may wish to also use a ratio from a company in a similar market, or a competitor to Whitbread and draw appropriate conclusions.
Repetitive statements along the lines of “It’s because of the recession” will not be rewarded! Try and be more creative, original, and THINK!
In your assignment, you should ensure that you cite and reference all your sources properly, according to the Harvard convention.
If you have doubts about how to use this convention, refer to the document at
You should include references to all cited sources in a single list at the end of the assignment