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  • Terrorism Argumentative Essay


    An argument of evaluation is an argument that states why something is good/bad, successful/not successful, effective/ineffective, competent/incompetent, and so forth. It’s essentially a judgment which ranks a subject on a specific scale or spectrum using clearly stated criteria. These types of arguments can be made in numerous ways and on numerous topics.
    Choosing a topic:

    Choose one of the five arguments from your inventory as a starting point for your research. So that you’re not simply restating what someone else has said, it must meet one of these two conditions:

    • The original argument is not primarily an evaluation; it is one of the other four types. Your job, then, is to find an angle to the argument (or a closely related argument) which would work as an evaluation. For example, if I wanted to start with an article which is primarily an argument of fact about gluten intolerance, I could write an argument of evaluation which evaluates how effective a gluten-free diet really is for the average person.

    – OR –

    • The original argument is primarily an evaluation, but you disagree with the author’s stance and want to argue the complete opposite. In this case, although you could use some content from the original argument for your naysayer, you will need to research and find support for your opposing claim.


    1. Consider your topic thoughtfully. Make sure you can place it into a certain For instance, if you were evaluating The Notebook, you would rank it in the romantic film category. If you were evaluating one of Obama’s policies on education, it would be considered in the category of similar policies he has made. This will help you to choose criteria of judgment.
    2. Pick a specific audienceto whom you will address this argument. Think about who would be interested in this issue. College students? Younger women in the workplace? Baseball fans? Narrow it down—the audience should never be “everybody” or “all Americans.” What type of style, evidence, and tone would work best for that intended audience?
    3. Write your essay. It must include the following things:
    • A clear thesis with a claim and a reason
      • Consider whether or not you need to qualifyyour thesis (Example: Instead of “Jon Stewart is the funniest person on TV,” you would say “Jon Stewart is one of the most influential TV personalities of this decade.” Don’t make claims you can’t support.)
    • briefoverview of your topic (a sort of background paragraph or summary)
    • An explanation or defense of your criteria
      • What criteria/standards are you using to judge your topic? Can you justify these criteria?
      • Example: What features make a film a classic? (quotability? reviews? money made?)
    • Evidence that your subject meets or fails to meet the criteria you set
    • Consider and address the alternate views(opposing viewpoints and counterarguments)
      • What would those that oppose you say? How can you refute their arguments?
    • Pathos, Logos, and Ethos: Try to use all 3 appeals in your argument, keeping in mind which ones will be most effective for your audience. (See textbook for help.)
    • Outside sources
      • You must include 3-4 credible outside sources
      • You must incorporate ideas from those sources into your essay. Make sure to introduce the author/site and state why he/she/it is relevant
      • Use MLA citations throughout your paper
    • Works cited
    • Correct page length
      • 3-4 pages, notincluding heading, images, or works cited information
      • 12 point Times News Roman, double-spaced, 1” margins, and stapled

    2 Pages

    4 References

  • Marijuana Should Be Legalized


    The research paper explores some of the reasons why Marijuana should be legalized.

    3 pages

    MLA 4 Citations

  • Sustainable Travel of Football (Athletic) Teams


    This is a research paper discussing the various Sustainable Travel of Football (Athletic) Teams to come up with viable recommendations.

    7 pages


  • Effects of Authoritarian Parenting


    Essay on the Effects of Authoritarian Parenting

    The papers discusses the effects of authoritarian parenting on the children, and their lives.

    4 Pages

    MLA 5 Citations

  • Foreign Terrorist


    Provide a comprehensive intelligence brief on an existing terrorist organization.  You are the department head of the intelligence unit for your organization and must provide a brief on a terrorist organization for your supervisor.  The brief must provide the following information on the organization of your choice:  name, size, member’s nationalities, locations, history, record of attacks, modus operandi, doctrine, strategy, motivations, leaders and senior members, organizational structure, weaponry, financial assets and summary.

    3 pages

  • Making College More Affordable


    The paper discusses the issue of expensive fees at college and the importance of making college education more affordable. It also proposes some of the ways that may be implemented to minimize the cost of education.

    8 pages

    MLA 3 Citations

  • Do Looks Matter?


    Personal Essay

    A simple essay on whether looks matter… Have a read

  • Los Angeles County Housing Element


    Personal Essay evaluating one element from General Plan (3-4 pages, 1200-1400 words) After completing this course, you should know something about General Plan. Please obtain a copy of general plan from any city, and pick one element. Evaluate one element. Does it cover what you have learned from this course? Does it make sense for the city you picked? What about time frame for the city? Is it practical or just a wishful idea? Since you only have 3-4 pages, we suggest that you write and present your evaluation clearly.

    4 pages

    MLA Format 3 Citations

  • ADHD: Medicating a Generation


    The paper analyses some of the medication options for ADHD and what more can be done to further medicate the generation.

    7 pages

    MLA Format 6 Citations

  • Podcast on Acculturation


    Create informative and persuasive communicative messages in different mediated contexts.

    We live in a world where anyone can create her or his own audio or video production and display it for the world. One such medium, podcasting, has become wildly popular. To help you understand what podcasts are and how they are changing modern media, start by reading the article, “What is Podcasting?” from

    Using the free audio editing program Audacity (free to download at, you will create a 5 to 10 minute Podcast explaining the history of a specific concept or theory discussed within the textbook. You must cite at least 3 peer-reviewed sources within your podcast. You cannot use the same topic you used for the voiced-over PowerPoint presentation for this assignment.

    Furthermore, only one person can create a podcast on a specific subject, so please make sure you post which topic you’ve chosen in the general discussion board this week. As always, this is a first-come, first-get process, so don’t wait until the last minute to select your topic. The following is a list of the fundamental components of your podcast:

    Must be a communication topic discussed in the textbook.
    You must use 3 peer-reviewed sources (not from the textbook).
    You must use music of some kind within the podcast.
    You must have at least one clear transition, a musical interlude that helps you switch topics, within the podcast.
    Podcast should be formatted as a news-based story on your topic.

    3 pages

    APA  4 References


  • Gun Control


    This is a research paper Question is “ What solutions do you propose to best address the issue of gun violence in the US”


    3 Pages

  • Global Warming


    The paper provides a speech on the issue of global warming in order to enlighten others on this issue and its effect in our lives

    2 Pages

    MLA 4 Citations

  • Different Types of Burial- Navajos vs Chinese


    The essay talks about different types of burials, particularly Navajos and Chinese and the differences that exist.

    3 Pages


  • Won the Lottery, Lost Lives


    A very interesting essay on how the lives of students in California change when they win the lottery.

    3 pages

  • Effects of globalization on a particular German economic actor (Volkswagen)


    The paper discusses the effects of globalization on Volkswagen

  • Machiavelli Philosophy and Western Civilizations


    The paper is about Machiavelli Philosophy and Western Civilizations

    2 Pages