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3D Printing in Education
$5.003D Printing in Education
Reading Response 2:
This is your second question for the Disrupting Class book reading responses. reply in approximately 300 words in a Word document.
According to Christensen, in order for disruption to occur, a new product or service has to “substitute” an old product or service. Christensen describes factors that accelerate this substitution related to online learning. In your response, identify what 3D printing could substitute for (what does it replace?) in education, and describe what factors you think could accelerate the replacement/substitution.
1 Page
APA 2 References
Print Awareness And Enhancement Of Children’s Language Development
$37.50The Relationship Between Print Awareness And The General Enhancement Of Children’s Language Development
Assignment #4: Research Paper (50 points)
The purpose of this assignment is to identify and critically evaluate the scientific literature, to synthesize information, and use it in writing a graduate level research paper. As part of this paper students are required to conduct a comprehensive search of the professional literature using the strategies discussed in class meetings and assigned readings.
Students may select a topic from the topics below or they may select a topic of their interest; however, no more than two or three students will be allowed to write on the same topic (and cannot use the same references).
- Your paper should be 4-6 pages of text (excluding your cover page, abstract and references). You are expected to review and critically evaluate all relevant information.
- You should include a minimum of 12 references in your paper. These must be from peer-reviewed journals. At least eight of the articles must be original research (i.e., research studies as opposed to opinion papers).
- Be certain to document ALL sources in the body of the paper as well as in the list of references a according to the APA Publication Manual, 6th edition and the APA supplement. References should be current. Summarize the information and synthesize it into a paper that is well organized and well written.
- All of the major points must be supported by references to the professional literature.
- Do not rely on a single source for a given section of the paper.
- This paper must reflect your original work. Plagiarism or other academic improprieties will be dealt with in accordance with program policies (see catalog).
- Plagiarism or late submission will result in a grade of zero on the assignment.
- The information from each study must be derived from a primary source.
- A minimum of eight of the references must be original research. That means that the article should include a hypothesis or research question, methodology, results and discussion.
- Headings must be used in your paper.
- Textbooks and other secondary sources may be referenced, but do not count toward the required primary source references.
- APA 6th Edition style must be used throughout.
- Use Times New Roman 12 point type and one inch margin all around
- This paper may not be used for other classes.
- Class notes or discussions with your colleagues and instructors may not be referenced.
- You must keep a copy of your paper.
Grading: The paper will be graded both on content (accuracy, thoroughness, appropriateness of conclusions, amount of support, etc.), and writing (APA style, grammar, organization, transitions, coherence, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, paragraph structure, etc.). Please proofread carefully before handing in your paper
Students will submit their papers to The instructor will discuss in class the procedure for submitting the paper to
IMPORTANT: No late submissions on assignments are allowed; while points will be deducted for late submissions on the Critical Review, the Annotated Bibliography or the Outline, a late submission on the Midterm, Final or Research Paper assignments will result on zero points awarded. There will be no exceptions to this.
CONTENT (30 Points) Points Main points are clearly stated 9.0 Logical conclusions are drawn 4.5 Smooth transitions between paragraphs 4.5 Positions are well-developed and supported by data-based research 9.0 Abstract – succinct, relevant 3.0 GRAMMAR and APA (20 Points) Grammar 6.0 References (List) 6.0 In text citations 6.0 Quotations (should be used sparingly and only if these add significance) 2.0 TOTAL 50 7 Pages
APA 12 references
3D Printing in Education: Ready-made model/design lesson
$20.00- Visit view the Standards for Teachers.
- Explore these links (some are repeated) to find a model/design that someone in the maker community has developed and shared. You will design a piece of instruction around the model, using an ISTE standard (or standards) you have chosen.
Chosen this model for the essay:
- Design the lesson. Please include:
- What ISTE standard(s) are you addressing? (5 points)
- Who is the audience/learner? (5 Points)
- What subject area(s) will the lesson cover? (5 points)
- What is the timeframe for the lesson? (5 points)
- What materials will be needed (multiple prints of the design/model? Others?) (5 points)
- What pre-requisite skills/knowledge do the students need to be successful in the lesson? (10 points)
- Describe how you will use the model to augment your instruction. (40 points)
- How will you assess student understanding of the lesson content? (10 points)
- How will the design/model be helpful in conveying your instructional message to your students? (15 points)
4 pages
3D Printer Evaluation Grant/Rubric
$15.00For this assignment, assume that you are in the 3D printer market for your school or business. A granting agency (me) has money for purchasing a 3D printer, but they want to make sure you have done your homework and know exactly what you need and want. Your task is to create a rubric that you will use to evaluate a number of printers (5-10). The list below highlights some of the things to think about when purchasing a 3D printer.
Factors to consider:
- Cost
- Kit or pre-built
- Build Platform type/leveling/material used to adhere material to plate (tape? hairspray?)
- Closed or Open Build Envelope
- Cold or heated build plate
- Internet Connectivity?
- Operating System Requirements
- Material used to print –Generic? Proprietary feed? Color?
- Cost of material used to print
- Ease-of-use/Special tools needed?
- Customer service plan/Cost for service/Turnaround
- Manufacturer Issues
- Build Envelope Dimensions
- Print Resolution
- Print Technology (Stereolithography, Extrusion, Phase Change Inkjet )
Sites with printer information: (Interactive)
You will see charts comparing the printers. Consider using a similar chart to organize the printers you evaluate. Assign point vales for the different categories. The printer with the highest scores should be the one you select, unless you have a compelling reason to pick the 2nd or 3rd highest scoring printer.
Once you have evaluated the printers with your rubric, write up a short justification (275 words) in Word, explaining why you chose the printer you chose, what you will do with it, and how it will improve your classroom or business.
Write up Rubric (One point for name on paper) Item / Value 0 2 3 Write Up Fewer than 275 words 275+ words Learning/business need Report lacks information about learning/business need Report includes reference to learning/business need, but lacks connection from hardware decision to need Report includes information about the learning/business
need and ties the hardware
decision to the need
Rubric Results No discussion or chart is included in report Chart of rubric results is included but not discussed in write up Rubric results are shown in chart and are discussed
in write up
Rubric Rubric Item / Value 0 10 20 Rubric Rubric lacks comparative factors related to the decision Rubric analyzes hardware on the basis of three or fewer factors, or factors are unrelated to the decision Rubric analyzes hardware using a variety of factors
(five or more factors-
there are 15 in the list)
related to the decision
# of printers evaluated One printer evaluated 2-4 printers evaluated 5-10 printers evaluated 3 Pages
Care of Vulnerable Populations – The Pregnant Homeless Youth
$72.50Care of Vulnerable Populations – The Pregnant Homeless Youth
The paper explores the vulnerability of pregnant homeless youth.
Paper Guideline
I. Purpose and focus
The purpose of this assignment is to develop an understanding of the lived experience of those who are members of a vulnerable population. This increased awareness will provide the foundation for understanding the scope of health problems, and for planning and implementing effective health care programs aimed at confronting health problems correlated with vulnerability.II. Guidelines
A. Describe the characteristics of the selected vulnerable
B. Describe risk indicators/relative risk factors for this population (utilize vulnerable population theory to assess the population and identify risk)
C. Describe the health issues/concerns of the population (utilize Health People 2020 to assist in identifying health issues; additional issues may be added).
D. Analyze current policies and programs/services that address health problems of the population
E. Describe the quality of their access to health care
F. Discuss policies and programs that are still needed to improve the quality of their careNo more than 15 pages, double spaced (excluding the title page and references)
III. Evaluation
The paper will be graded as follows (45% of the Total Grade):
Characteristics of the vulnerable 15
Risk indicators 15
Health Indicators/Concerns 20
Availability of current programs/services 20
Accessibility 10
Needed policies/programs/services 10
Overall Writing
Style/format, Spelling & Grammar, and Organization 10
ReferencesIV. Format
The paper will be referenced and written following the APA format established in the latest edition of the APA. Use 12 point font, Times New Roman. Submit it to Turn In It. Papers are due on the dates indicated in the syllabus unless other
Part I Points points) Comments
Characteristics of the vulnerable 15
Risk Indicators 15
Health indicators/concerns 20
Availability of Program/Services 20
Accessibility 10
Needed programs and policies 10
Overall Writing for Points (10 points)
Style/format, Spelling & Grammar, Paper organization, References 10
Total Points /100 Grade for the Paper14 Pages
APA 35 References
The Literature Review of 3D Printing in Education
$40.003D Printing in Education Literature Review
Use the Carpenter Library website to locate current journal articles (past 3-5 years) in peer-reviewed journals. I found over 10,000 articles using the search term “3D printing in education,” limited to peer reviewed journals from 2010 to 2016. You may consider narrowing your review to:
- • specific curricular areas
- • the impact of 3D printing on student learning
- • adoption of 3D printers in educational settings
- • the use of 3D design tools for student learning
- • the overall influence of 3D printing in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (and Art and design if you wish to add it)
- • how libraries are utilizing and controlling student/patron 3D printing
- • the use of 3D printing for special needs populations, including ELL students
- • other instructor approved topics
Write a 7-8 page (not including cover and reference pages) literature review using APA formatting. A good source for the APA style can be found at the OWL website:
Category 10 5 1 Reference Sources Information is gathered from multiple, peer-reviewed sources. Information is gathered from a limited number of sources Information is gathered from a single source, or non-peer reviewed sources Topic Well organized, demonstrates logical sequencing and structure. Weakly organized with no logical sequencing or structure. No organization, sequencing, or structure. Writing Writing is in a scholarly voice, There is 1 or less grammatical/spelling/punctuation errors. Writing is in a semi-scholarly voice, There are 3-5 grammatical/spelling/punctuation errors. Writing is not in a scholarly voice, There are more than 5 grammatical/spelling/punctuation errors. Length Adheres to 7-8 page criteria. Exceeds or does not meet 7 – 8 page criteria by ½ to 1 page. Exceeds or does not meet 7– 8 page criteria by more than 1 page. Reference Page Information is cited properly and in APA format. Information is cited, but has errors. Information is not cited or is cited incorrectly. 8 Pages
APA 9 References
Red Bull Case Study
$15.00Red Bull Case Study
What is the critical thinking issue raised by the case?
Summarize the different types of marketing communications that Red Bull uses. Are theses “traditional” or “non-traditional”?
What communication goal does each of Red Bull’s marketing communication tools accomplish? Are you familiar with any additional brand touch points that aren’t mentioned in the case?
What is the risk of sponsoring a special event such as Felix Baumgartner’s historic dive?
Red Bull and other energy drinks have generated negative publicity regarding possible health hazards. Discuss
What makes Red Bull, in professor Kumar’s words, an “anti-brand brand”?
Don’t! The secret of self-control and Marshmallow experiment
$20.001. Read the following article:
Lehrer, J. (2009, May 18). Don’t! The secret of self-control. The New Yorker. Retrieved from:
- Watch the following video:
This video is entitled “Marshmallow experiment”.
- Your reaction paper should contain a) a summary of the article and video, and b) a description of your personal reactions to the material. Papers should be approximately one and a half single-spaced pages in length, have one-inch margins, and use either the Calibri 12-point font or Times New Roman 12-point font (set for black ink). At least half of the paper should address your personal reactions to the assigned material. The content of the reaction paper is most important, but grammar/spelling errors will be penalized.
- Specifically, your reaction paper should:
- Have one section entitled “Summary” in which you provide a summary of the assigned materials. This section should be at least 1/2 page in length (single-spaced). Place an emphasis on summarizing the material in your own words. Use direct quotes only occasionally.
- Have one section entitled “Personal Reactions” in which you describe your personal reactions and opinions to the material (e.g., what you find to be important and/or significant about the material, areas of agreement and/or disagreement that you have with the material, ideas/thoughts that came to mind as you consider what was said, etc.). The “Personal Reactions” section of your paper should be at least as long as the “Summary” section, but should not exceed one page in length (single-spaced). Again, use direct quotes only occasionally.
5 Pages
Apple’s Corporate Audit
$60.00Contents (tables) of the paper include:
FIGURE 1: Porter’s value chain
FIGURE 2: Brand audit
FIGURE 3: Apple SWOT Analysis
FIGURE 4: Measuring Brand strength Interbrand
FIGURE 5: PESTLE Analysis for Apple and the Print Industry
FIGURE 6: Porter’s 5 Forces
FIGURE 7: Bownam’s Strategy Clock
FIGURE 8: Competitor Product Analysis
FIGURE 9: Competing e-book Product Features Analysis
Figure 10: Key advantages to digital vs print
FIGURE 11: Competitor Resource Analysis
FIGURE 12: Competitor Resource Diagram
FIGURE 13: Product portfolio analysisFIGURE 14: Product lifecycle
FIGURE 16: BCG Matrix
FIGURE 17: US Print & e-books sales ($b)
FIGURE 18: Market attractiveness
FIGURE 19: Sales per market; Growth per market territory
FIGURE 20: 12Cs Framework – Doole and Lowe – Print Industry
FIGURE 21: McKinsey’s 7
FIGURE 22: Shareholder value tube
FIGURE 23: Core competencies & Competitive Advantage
FIGURE 24: Financial Position