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The Road Not Taken: Annotated Bibliography
$0.00The Road Not Taken: Annotated Bibliography
Are there situations that are morally acceptable to be dishonest
$49.00Course Writing Assignment
In your writing assignment you will analyze a moral question from the perspective of the four families of moral values.
Your first step is to select a moral question from Section 1 (The Personal), Section 2 (The Public), or Section 3 (The Political) of George’s What Should I Do?
Once you have selected a moral question, you must prepare an analysis of that question that consists of six sections. The sections of your analysis must be completed in the following way.Section One
In Section One you must first state the moral question you are working with and then give a summary of what the philosopher or philosophers say about that question in George, What Should I Do?. Also include a brief commentary on what the philosophers’ response, that is, say what you found to be most important in the philosophers’ response and why, and say what you found most controversial in the philosophers’ response and why. Write at least two pages for Section One (and please do not write more than four pages).Sections Two, Three, Four, and Five
In the next four sections you must analyze the question from four different moral points of view:
Section Two: Kant’s Categorical Imperative (pp. 126-130 of Weston)
Section Three: Utilitarianism (pp. 148-155 of Weston)
Section Four: Virtue (pp. 173-188 of Weston)
Section Five: Ethics of Care (pp. 201-216 of Weston)Your analysis in each case must consist of the following two components. First, you must explain how moral questions are framed and answered from within that perspective. Second, you must say how the moral question you are working with would be answered from that perspective and explain why. Sections Two, Three, Four and Five should be at least two pages long (and please do not write more than four pages for each section).
Section Six
Section Six is your conclusion in which you state your own considered answer to the moral question. Be sure to explain in detail why you believe that your answer is the correct answer. Your answer may be that you are not sure what the correct answer to the question is, along with an explanation of why different moral values or perspectives seem to be pulling you in different directions on that question.Format Requirements
You must use a bold heading for each section (Section One, Section Two, etc.). Your name and the words “Ethics, PHIL 1103” must appear at the top of your submission. You must number the pages. Your submission must be prepared as an MS Word or pdf file. You must submit your writing assignment to the appropriate Dropbox folder by the deadline (the deadline is given in the Course Calendar).Tips for good philosophical writing
Clarity of expression is of maximum importance in this sort of writing; clarity is the chief stylistic aim. One strategy for writing clearly is to write as simply as possible: write short sentences in the active voice, avoid rhetorical questions, patiently explain each move your thinking is taking, and spend time making your strange or controversial claims sound plausible. Reading your paper aloud to yourself will help to expose places where explanation would be helpful. Remember that the goal is not just to express your ideas, but to express your ideas in a way that can be understood by others. Drawing distinctions is one of the most important tasks of philosophical writing about ethics. There are many different kinds of rights and virtues, many different ways to understand what ‘well-being’ and ‘care’ mean. Always ask yourself “what are some different senses here” of any concept or notion that plays an important role in your work.
Standards of Evaluation
In grading your submission, attention will be given to the following: use of English (grammar, spelling, punctuation), whether each of the required tasks in each section was attempted, clarity of expression, the detail in which the ideas are explored, and imagination.12 pages
Causes of Lehman brothers’ collapse Paper
$40.00This research paper extensively discusses the causes of collapse of Lehman brothers.
This research paper in finding and discussing the causes of collapse of the bank will highly contribute in saving other banks or similar institutions from falling victim of the same. Additionally, it will play a major role in educating investors on the way to follow when investing in such banks. The research paper will be great in advising institutions that control such investment bank to check on their limits to avoid leading them to collapse. This research paper will extensively discuss the causes of collapse of Lehman brothers.
17 Pages
APA – 11 References
Human Resource Development: Complete training program
$45.00How to deal with assignment and exam
HRD – Assignment task
You are a HR management team for a mid-sized service company. Your CEO asked you to design a complete training program (covering the full training cycle) for all levels of managers, from supervisors to vice-presidents. The purpose is to ensure that management staff are kept up to date with competencies within their own functional departments in an increasingly competitive landscape. Write out a comprehensive report with both broad outlines, as well as specific examples within 2 functional departments (e.g. customer service, sales etc.). You may choose an existing or hypothetical organization in the service sector.
Assignment task
Write a report:
- Importance of a comprehensive training programme
- Arguments for integrating training with business
- Outline of the complete training programme
- The Training Cycle
- Detailed training programme for 2 functional departments
- How to approach the task?
- What does the company do?
- You can either look at existing company or invent your own
- What is company’s strategy?
- Mission
- Goals
- Strategic objectives
- Competitive strategy
- How to approach the task?
- What are the skills, knowledge, attitudes needed to execute this strategy?
- Training needs analysis
- What is the skill gap?
- If you are analysing an existing organisation
- What is the best way to address the skill gap?
- Training/development design
- Short-term, long-term
- How to approach the task?
- What are the training objectives?
- 5 different outcomes
- What are the best training methods?
- Off the job
- On the job
- Outsourcing?
- What developmental activities should be undertook?
- Assessement
- Mentoring/coaching
- Career planning
- How to approach the task?
- What are the costs of these activities?
- How the effectiveness of each activity should be evaluated?
- Recommendations for the senior managers
- Important
- Incorporate the knowledge from the literature
- Course book
- Articles
- Referencing
Harvard style
A team project
3000 – 3500 words
About 15 – 18 pages
Basic tips
- Learn the basic materials Study guide / slides, Course book
- Incorporate some wider reading: This provides your raw materials and forms a vital part of exam success
- Readings assigned for each lecture should supply you with studies providing illustration to your question (examples)
- Practice applying this to exam questions and planning answers to the exam question
- Sample question
- Discuss how business strategy influences the type and amount of training in a company. In addressing this question you should draw on examples from your own organisation or one with which you are familiar.
- Understanding the question
Key words: discuss and how
- Perform an analysis
- Discuss – suggests that different kinds of influence/ different examples need to be presented
- Understanding the question
Performing analysis
- What is strategy
- How is strategy related to training? (training supports implementation of strategy)
- Influence on type of training (content, method, provider)
- Give examples of different strategies and their influences on type of training
- Influence on amount of training (whether to train at all, how much training is required)
- Give examples of different strategies and their influences on type of training
- Understanding the question
- Drawing conclusions
- Is business strategy important for designing effective training?
- The importance of this knowledge for top managers / HR managers?
- Areas to focus on
- Theories of learning and programme design (ch.4)
- Training evaluation (ch.6)
- Employee development (ch.9)
- Transfer of knowledge (ch.4)
- Training methods (ch.7,8)
- Special issues (additional) (ch.11)
13 Pages
APA – 17 References
Unit 9 Music of Then and Now: Jazz Vs. RNB
$15.00The paper compares the music of then with the music of now to determine whether they are any developments or changes.
3 Pages
MLA – 4 References
Dissertation Template
$0.00A template for writing a dissertation. It provides all the necessary areas to fill when writing your dissertation
Analysis of Major League Baseball statistics from 1997
All Excel output should be copied into a single Word document where you must enter all of your responses to the questions below. Format the document professionally so it flows well. Include a table of contents.
- Choose any published database from the internet or library (such as those from the Census Bureau or any financial sites). You may opt to use one of the data files provided by the instructor if applicable.
- Get advanced approval from the instructor on your chosen database.
- If the file is large, randomly choose 200 of the observations from the data.
- Explain each variable in the file that you are analyzing. Be sure your file includes at least 3 scale variables and at least 2 nominal variables.
- Conduct a descriptive analysis on any 2 interval/ratio variables you wish using xls and Frequency_Distribution.xls. Explain the output.
- Conduct 3 different hypothesis tests of your choice using appropriate variables from the file (note: you must use 3 different tests and not run one test on 3 different variables). In each case, state the variables being tested as well as the hypothesis, decision and conclusion. Use 3 of the following (1-Sample Test for Means, 1-Sample Test for Proportions, 2-Sample Test for Means – Independent Samples, 2-Sample Test for Means – Paired Samples, 2-Sample Test for Proportions, Analysis of Variance, Chi Square Goodness of Fit Test, Chi Square Test of Independence, Correlation Test).
- Develop a model to predict an interval / ratio variable using at least 2 other variables. Use xls and state the regression model and which variables are or are not significant. Also, use the model to make a prediction by making up values for each of the independent variables.
- Write a one to two page summary of your findings. Include the data file in the appendix.
You may use a data set from the internet or from your workplace, or you may use one of the files provided within course materials. The files are described here, and the variables are described within the files. If there is anything confusing about these data files, please ask your instructor.
BASEBALL: This file includes actual team by team data for the 1997 MLB season. The key variable to predict in Multiple Regression Analysis is the number of wins (or possibly the attendance). Lots of interesting analysis possibilities here, including how team salary relates to a team making the playoffs, or whether money buys wins, or how wins relate to attendance, or how performance on the field relates to the field surface, etc. If you know something about baseball, this file should make sense to you.
CARS: This file is self-explanatory after you open it. Several variables describe the car (sports car, SUV, engine size, horsepower, etc.), and several describe the car’s performance (CityMPG and Highway MPG). It also includes the Dealer Cost and Suggested Retail Price. The key variable to predict in Multiple Regression Analysis is the Suggested Retail Price. Lots of crosstabulation options for Chi Square Analysis, lots of ANOVA and t-test options in which you analyze miles per gallon or price as a function of any of the many variables included.
LOW BIRTH WEIGHT: This file looks at factors that might predict a baby being born with low birth weight. Birth weights of 5.5 pounds or less are considered low in this file. Use the actual birth weight as the key predicted variable in Multiple Regression Analysis. Lots of variables about the mother regarding her weight, race, medical problems, and doctor’s visits can be used for Chi Square analysis or as factors in ANOVA’s or t-tests.
MUTUAL FUNDS: This file looks at Large Cap, Mid Cap and Small Cap funds with either Growth or Value objectives. Some funds have fees. Funds are either high, average or low risk. Assets range from 50.7 million dollars to 66.5 billion dollars. For Multiple Regression Analysis, you can choose to predict any of the three Return rates (measured in percents). Lots of categorical variables to choose from in a Chi Square Analysis or as factors to analyze differences in mean return rates.
TIPS: This file includes data on 75 patrons at the Spaghetti Warehouse on a given day. The key variable here is the Tip Rate or the Tip Total. If you wait tables there, under what circumstances are you most likely to get a better tip? You can compute mean Bills or Tips or Tip Rates as a function of the meal time, the party size or the size of the party at the table.
Note that you should not use a nominal variable with 3 or more values in the Multiple Regression Analysis (unless you convert to dummy variables, but that is unnecessary here).
4 pages
APA – 4 References
Bad Marketing Habits You Should Quit In 2015
$15.00The paper provides a summary and response to the article Bad Marketing Habits You Should Quit In 2015 by Miranda Paquet.
Link to the Article: 7 Bad Marketing Habits You Should Quit In 2015
3 pages
MLA – 1 Reference
Responsibility for elections and voters registration
$25.00Paper Contents
Responsibility for elections and voters registration
President Lyndon Johnson and Voting rights
5 pages
MLA – 4 References