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ACCT 344 Assignment 6-1: Week Six Discussion Issues
$27.50ACCT 344 – H1WW
Assignment 6-1: Week Six Discussion Issues
a. In your review of chapter sixteen, list and discuss the tactics the U.S. government used in its “shock and awe strategy. Explain which tactics you found to be most effective and why.
b. Discuss how Computer Associates lessened the impact of its fraudulent activity.
c. Discuss the following five items in dealing with the decision of whether or not to prosecute a fraudster.
- Capture
- Cooperation
- Cost
- Patience
- Business Decision
d. In chapter seventeen, discuss the key points or items of interest you took away from the interview with Joseph T. Wells.
e. In chapter seventeen, discuss, in your own words, what is meant by a change in the cultural mindset of fraud prevention.
Executing Strategies in a Global Environment: Examining the Case of Federal Express
$17.50Assignment 2 BUS 599
Executing Strategies in a Global Environment: Examining the Case of Federal Express
Analyze Federal Express’s value creation frontier, and determine which of the four building blocks of competitive advantage the company needs in order to continue to maintain above-average profitability. Provide a rationale to support the response.
Determine the main aspect of product differentiation and capacity control that Federal Express could use in order to maintain an edge over its rivals. Justify the response.
Assess the efficiency of Federal Express’s current business model, and recommend one (1) new business-level strategy that gives the company a competitive advantage over its rivals. Provide a rationale for the recommendation.
Examine the manner in which overall global competition may impact the new business strategy that you recommended in Question 3. Next, suggest one (1) significant way that Federal Express may confront its global competition.
Acc 317: Assignment 1 Partnership vs Corporation
$15.00ACC 317 Assignment 1 Partnership vs. Corporation
Week 7 and worth 280 points
Assignment 1: Partnership vs. Corporation
Using internet websites such as or other similar resources related to partnerships and corporate taxation, complete the following assignment:
Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:
- Compare and contrast the tax rules and treatment applicable to corporations and partnerships. Indicate the major way in which the tax treatment affects the shareholders or partners.
- Explain at least two (2) reasons why a business owner might opt to become a partnership over a corporation. Provide support for your rationale.
- Imagine that you are a partner in a LLC. Justify why you elected to become a partnership as opposed to a corporation. Indicate tax rules that influenced your decision.
- Imagine that you are a consultant and make the recommendation that the most advantageous business structure is a C-corporation. Justify why you would recommend a Corporation over a Partnership. Indicate tax rules that influenced your decision.
- Analyze what a business owner must consider when deciding what type of entity is best for the goals and vision of the business. Provide at least two (2) examples of research the owner must perform to ensure the proper election is made. Provide support for your rationale.
Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note:Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
- Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format.
- Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Note: Please refer to the APA template in the course shell for more information on APA style.
- Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
- Examine the tax rules that are unique to corporations, and the basic concerns relevant to shareholders and the corporation.
- Examine the tax rules and treatment related to partnerships.
- Use technology and information resources to research issues in corporate federal
- taxation.
- Write clearly and concisely about corporate federal taxation using proper writing mechanics
POL 110 Week 6 Assignment 1 What Is Federalism?
$12.50Assignment 1: What Is Federalism?
Due Week 6 and worth 200 points
Write a three to four (3-4) page paper on American federalism in which you:
- Provide three (3) examples of how federalism has evolved from its origins to the American political system in place today.
- Examine three to five (3-5) factors that have allowed the concept of federalism to shape American political behavior.
- Discuss at least two (2) factors that illustrate how the relationship between the states and the U.S. federal government influences the creation of American policies overall.
- Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites to not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
- Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
- Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are to:
- Determine how the Constitution divides power between the state and federal governments.
- Use technology and information resources to research issues in the field of U.S. government and politics.
Write clearly and concisely about U.S. government and politics using proper writing mechanics
Building a Competitive Advantage for Yahoo and Amazon
$10.00Assignment 1 BUS 599
Assignment : Yahoo and Amazon: Building a Competitive Advantage
Review Case 21 “How became the leading online retailer by 2011”, and Case 23 “Is Yahoo!’s business model working in 2011?” located in the textbook to complete this assignment.
Write a five to eight (5-8) page paper in which you:
- Describe, in brief, the histories of both of and, and determine the core business of each.
- Determine the key strategic differences that have impacted the relative success of both and Provide two (2) specific examples of such strategic differences to support the response.
- Compare and contrast the approach to strategic planning that each company has pursued in order to achieve a competitive advantage. Focus specifically on both intended and emergent strategies.
- Analyze the manner in which each company’s distinctive competencies help to shape the strategies that each company pursues. Provide a rationale to support the response.
- Recommend one (1) functional level strategy for each company which prescribes the essential ways in which each may achieve superior efficiency, quality, innovation, and customer responsiveness. Provide a rationale to support the response.
- Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Unit 1 Case Study 1: Tell Me About Blood
$5.00AP2630 Unit 1 Case Study 1
Lymphatic system
1.What is the significance of a lower-than-normal hematocrit? What is the effect of a bacterial infection on the hematocrit?
2.Compare the development of lymphocytes with the development of the other formed elements
3.What is erythropoiesis? Which factors speed up and slow down erythropoiesis?
4.Explain what would happen if a person with type B blood were given a transfusion of type O blood.
5.During an anatomy and physiology exam you are asked to view white blood cells in prepared slides of standard human blood smears. Based on the observations below, what is the name and function of each WBC?
6.Why would the level of leukocytes be higher in an individual who has been infected with a parasitic disease?
7.In regions where malaria is endemic, some people build up immune resistance to the malaria pathogen. Which WBCs are responsible for the immune response against pathogens? How do they function?
8.What is the function of prothrombinase and throbin in clotting? Explain how the extrinsic and intrinsic pathways of blood clotting differ.
Assignment 5 – The only way to get to the certainty of truth is to arrive at it oneself
$17.50Assignment 5 – The only way to get to the certainty of truth is to arrive at it oneself, relying on the clear use of one’s own reasoning powers.
Essays Part I:
Your writing should illustrate knowledge of the concepts through an original personal and/or professional integration of the assigned text material. All assignments MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style with a cover page and a reference page, and must be written at graduate level English. The content, conciseness, and clarity of your answers will be considered in the evaluation of your work. These answers should be 2-3 pages each. You must integrate the material presented in the text and cite your work according to APA format. You must use at least two outside references per paper.- There are many different reasons why the history of psychology is important. Discuss two different reasons and how these two reasons increase your effectiveness as a psychologist.
- Explain the philosophy history of Descartes, Locke and Hume, and how these three philosophers paved the path for the birth of psychology.
Week 2 History of global health
$5.00In Chapter 2 we reviewed the world of illnesses and practices put in place to protect the healthy rather than cure the ill. In 1730 John Gay suggested we move to being healthy and happy and away from pain and suffering. This can be seen as the starting point of changing how we think about health in civilized societies. Discuss a current medical practice or illness where these ideas still hold true. Include the following in your discussion:
- Is there a practice that protects the healthy rather than cures the illness today? Describe?
- Does current society still move in the pursuit of happiness? Explain.
How to conduct an efficient and effective internal audit
- Executive Summary
- Introduction
- Review of Literature
- Analysis
- Recommendations
- Summary and Conclusions
- References
18 Pages