History Government and Political Science
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Essay on the basic elements of a criminal offense
$2.00Using concepts from one outside source please discuss and analyze the basic elements of a criminal offense. Explain why they are important concepts in legal aspects within the court of law.
Support your analysis by referencing and properly citing at least one (1) credible source and it must be in APA format.
This assignment must be 1 page in length.Balancing The Problems Inherent In Indigent Defense
$2.50Using concepts from your book and one outside source, please discuss your ideas for balancing the problems inherent in indigent defense with the right to an attorney (and an adequate defense).
This response needs to be 1 page in length and in APA format with citations.
Hst. 2205: “Coming to America” Answers
$7.00Answer three of the following questions following the instructions below. You will be submitting your responses by March 5, the beginning of our third week in this virtual course.
- A. Cite your source citations informally within the text as you write. For example, if you are citing Dinnerstein, then at the end of the sentences of your quote or paraphrase, write: (Dinnerstein, 100).
You may quote or paraphrase Dinnerstein, or the class lecture notes. These are your main sources for your written responses. You are also to use the primary source websites provided in the first three weeks of readings.
- On the second page of this midterm are a list of terms related to our work. Use no fewer than four terms within each of your written responses. Underline the terms as you use them. Do not count any single term more than once in any single essay. You may use them repeatedly in your responses to different questions, however.
- C. All written essay responses should be submitted by November 3rd.
Question Choices:
- Define the differences in the “push”, “passage”, and “pull” factors of three different immigrant groups which come to America between 1607 and 1830? Use testimonies from the various websites provided in the first three weeks of readings which illustrate individuals from these groups. Also, are their any testimonies which present how the resident Anglo-Americans feel about subsequent groups which came to America , especially after the Revolution? (For example, what does Benjamin Franklin think about German immigrants and their presence in Pennsylvania?)
- Many immigrants came to America as “indenturers”. Their experiences, however, would vary considerably depending on their origin and circumstance, where they settled, and what they faced after having worked off the terms of their contracts. Your task is first to explain what being “indentured” meant. For example, the first Africans to be brought to America were originally considered “indentured”. Yet their fate would be very different from the whites who also came as “indentured”. (Dinnerstein goes to considerable length to show the evolution of the concept of “slavery” in the American colonies.) What did being indentured mean to those who settled in Virginia and the southern colonies, versus those who came as indentured and settled in the northern colonies? Finally, provide testimonies for each of the kinds of experiences which to you, best illustrate these different kinds of immigrants.
- In the several decades after the American Revolution, the new American government had a sometimes conflicted policy towards immigration. Note the difference between how the Federalists like President John Adams acted towards immigration during the 1790’s, and the kinds of legislation passed by the federalist congress, in contrast to the policies of Thomas Jefferson and his administration which came into power after Adams, in 1801. Your job is to define several of the main changes in immigration policy from 1796 to 1820. What particular groups entered the country during these decades? Which people were kept out of the country during these years and why? Use the testimonies you have read to back up your conclusions where possible.
- When we reach the late 1840s, we see the arrival of two new large groups of immigrants. First are the Germans who will move through the East Coast and settle in the Midwest. The Irish will also come at this same time. Unlike the Germans, however, the Irish will settle in cities along the East Coast of the country. Your job is to describe what makes these two groups so different from one another. Why are the Irish so different from other groups that have arrived by this time period? In the readings, what are some of the “native” American fears being presented over the Irish presence in America?
William Bradford, Of Plymouth… Capt. John Smith, Generall Historie Thomas Paine
“Asylum Theme” indenturers / redeemptioners “regulators”
Headright system “City on a Hill” Hartford Convention, 1814
“Americanization” “Papists” of “Romanists” Amistad
Huguenots ethnicity assimilation
Naturalization Acts of 1790, ’95, ’98, ’02 pluralism Nativism
Denationalization American “Wake” Know Nothing Party
Samuel Slater “push” / “pull” / “Passage” “Great Famine”
Hessians royalists-loyalists / rebels Scotch-Irish
Paxton Boys Moravians enclosure movement
Sedition Act of 1798 “American Letters” Moravians
“Glorious Revolution” of 1688-89
Can you think of other terms to use in your essay?
Assignment 1 – HST 372: Newspaper story about the Uprising of the 20,000, which took place in New York City from 1909 to 1910
Your task is to write a newspaper story about the Uprising of the 20,000, which took place in New York City from 1909 to 1910. Imagine that you are a New York City journalist who has been following the strike since it began, and the now it has now ended.
Your editor has asked you to write about the strike and to evaluate its effectiveness. Remember, you must describe the female strikers, their demands, allies and opponents, and their gains once the strike concluded.
Focus on the human interest angle of the strike, but provide background information for readers who may be clueless about these workers, their conditions, and concerns.
Please read this entire handout before you begin. I have provided you with scholarly (secondary) and historical (primary sources). Please also use the “News Report Planning Worksheet,” attached to this assignment, to plan your story and to check whether you have covered your bases. You may turn in the worksheet for extra credit.
By 1900 America’s industrial growth had transformed the U.S. into a world power. The nation’s wealth and population were growing rapidly. Yet poverty, corruption and economic instability were widespread. Responding to these problems, Americans created a new and more active form of government that would shape American life for the next 100 years.
The importance of reform efforts from the 1890s through the 1910s has led historians to call this period “the Progressive Era.” History texts often focus on Presidents and exceptional individuals who sought to “clean up” the cities and modernize government. Immigrants are usually shown only as passive recipients of – or even obstacles to – reform and change, but recent research suggests that immigrants also played active roles in reform campaigns. Collective action between immigrants and middle-class activists created new solutions to social problems, and thereby changed the way in which the government related to society.
In the autumn of 1909, the New York garment industry was in crisis. On one hand, the industry was booming, with consumers grabbing up ready-made clothing that was finally available to mass markets. Among the new fashions was the shirtwaist—stylish blouses cheap enough for working women to buy and wear. On the other hand, companies that made shirtwaists tried to cut wages, and this, added to other grievances, sparked a series of small strikes by the women workers who made the clothes
In November, there was a mass meeting of workers from many different companies. Male union leaders dithered on the stage, debating what to do. Like many men in their position, they did not believe that women could be trusted with a strike. From the audience, a 15-year-old Ukraine-born Jewish woman stood up and demanded, in Yiddish, that workers take control and go on a general strike. Leading the gathered workers in a traditional Jewish oath of solidarity, Clara Lemlich started what became the Uprising of the 20,000.
Within two days, between 20,000 and 30,000 workers went on strike. The workers demanded overtime pay, 52-hour work week, and a 20% raise. A month later, workers in Philadelphia factories followed suit. Although many of the workers were Jewish, other ethnic groups and cultures were represented, including some African-American women.
Facing police intimidation, the women requested aid from the National Women’s Trade Union League of America (NWTUL), The League was not a trade union; rather, it was a reform organization whose members ran the gamut from working girls to wealthy socialites. Their differences aside, these women were similarly committed to improving the working conditions of women and children. League members raised funds to support striking workers and generated publicity for their demands. This assistance not only helped the strikers, but enabled the League to increase in size and visibility.
Thousands of strikers joined the decade-old International Ladies Garment Workers’ Union (ILGWU), a trade union. The term “ladies” in the union’s title refers to the types of the garments manufactured by its members, not to the gender of the workers. In February 1910, the ILGWU came to an arbitrated settlement with most of the factory owners that improved wages, conditions, and hours. While the companies still refused to recognize the union, they agreed that should there be future disputes, they would arbitrate with community leaders.
One of the companies that refused to sign the agreement was, ironically, the very factory in which Clara Lemlich worked: the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory. A year later, a disastrous fire at Triangle would remake the industry.
Please watch this 4-minute video: Heaven Will Protect the Working Girl: Immigrant Women in the Turn-of-the-Century City http://ashp.cuny.edu/ashp-documentaries/heaven-will-protect-the-working-girl/
The readings are available online (see URLs below):
- Elaine Tobyn, “Starting the Fire” http://www.nyu.edu/projects/mediamosaic/thepriceoffashion/article.php?a=tobin-elayne (6 pages
- Miriam Frank, “Before Triangle: The Uprising of the 20,000 (1909-1910)” http://www.nyu.edu/projects/mediamosaic/thepriceoffashion/article.php?a=frank-miriam (7 pages.)
- Bob Squillace, “New York Factory a Trap for Panic-Stricken Girls” http://www.nyu.edu/projects/mediamosaic/thepriceoffashion/article.php?a=squillace-robert (10 pages)
- 3 primary sources on pages 3 and 4.
Additional Files:
Uprising-of-the-20000-which-took-place-in-New-York-City-from-1909-to-1910.docxShould the government ban advertising to children ? is it ethical?
$10.00Part 1: About two paragraphs
Introduction: This part should state the question you chose.It should also include a description for each of the three commercials or ads you found that you will use as the framework for this assignment.
Part:2 About three to four paragraphs
Research: This part should present a discussion of the ethical issue as it relates to you question.You will need to create a short literature review of articles and information youresearched on your topic.This should be the longest section of your essay.Be sure to include in-text references in APA format.You should be presenting five researched soruces in this section.
Part 3 : About two to three paragraphs
Discussion: This is where you discuss the connection between your topic question and the information you researched.Make a connection by forming your own conclusion and opinion about the topic back it up with the information you found in your research (part2)
Part 4: References: Your five references should be set up in APA format.Include the
Part 5: List the link to the three commercials or the three images of the ads you used for this assignment.(Note: you can use a combination of commercials and ads if you prefer.
For example: one commercial and two ads or two commercials and one ad.)Research in Criminal Justice Paper
$15.00There is no hard-and-fast length requirement for the assignments. In providing your responses, use your good judgment. While we are not looking for extremely detailed and lengthy responses, neither are we looking for superficial answers comprised of several sentences. The key is to provide enough detail in your responses to demonstrate you have in-depth knowledge of the subject.
In dealing with young, male perpetrators of street crime, you develop a sense that the threat of incarceration has not been an effective deterrent to committing crime. When young men are apprehended for committing a crime, many treat the occasion as “no big deal,” seeing it as a right-of-passage in the criminal milieu in which they operate.
Based on your experience, as well as knowledge you have gained in graduate studies on human behavior, you believe that if novice criminals in their teens can undertake short term counseling, this counseling would provide stronger deterrence to committing crime than the threat of incarceration.
The short term counseling would entail having identified subjects undergo weekly, one hour counseling sessions over a period of six weeks. The counseling sessions would be comprised of three components: 1) educate the subjects on how society views criminal activity as unacceptable; 2) educate them on the consequences of criminal activity – for the victims, for themselves, and for their family and friends; 3) provide them with an opportunity to articulate their life concerns, i.e., engage in a light level of psychological counseling.
Let’s say you have received a grant to study your “theory.”- Articulate your theory in one or two paragraphs. Explain the rationale underlying your theory.
- Articulate one or more hypotheses that you can test in your studies. Feel free to express them as straightforward hypotheses, or null hypotheses.
- How would you carry out your study? Briefly outline your research design, addressing the following points:
- Identifying a theoretical population of the boys/men you want to address in your study (e.g., Inner city Hispanic males between the ages of 12 and 25).
- Identifying a sample of subjects. What is your sample frame (a sample frame is the listing of people you will choose your sample from)? How will they be sampled?
- Identifying a list of independent variables that should be included in the study that might help explain why young men engage in criminal activity (e.g., age of subject, religious background, history of parents, gang member, heroes and role models, etc.)
- Designing a study that will allow you to compare the deterrent effects of threatof-incarceration vs. counseling. Basically, what you should be concerned with here is to describe the methodology you will employ to test your hypothesis.
- Identifying where the data for your study will come from (Questionnaires? Interviews? Observation of behavior? Tracking criminal records? Something else?
- How could you test the hypothesis you articulated in response 2 above?
- What limitations do you anticipate encountering in your study?
Should regulations regarding the use of cell phones while driving be standardized?
$3.50Assignment 1: Research Topics with Explanation
Read through the list of research topics (located in the Appendix), or by clicking the link here, on which to write a research paper. Select three (3) topics that interest you most and identify two (2) credible sources for each topic. Note: This is one (1) of several parts that will build toward a final draft of your persuasive writing research paper.
Write a one to two (1-2) page paper in which you:
1. Should regulations regarding the use of cell phones while driving be standardized? Explain the reason for selecting topic one (1), identify the audience, and provide a preliminary thesis statement.
2. Should the Family and Medical Leave Act be changed? Explain the reason for selecting topic two (2), identify the audience, and provide a preliminary thesis statement.
3. Should DUI (driving under the influence) laws be changed? Explain the reason for selecting topic three (3), identify the audience, and provide a preliminary thesis statement.
4. Identify and document six (6) credible sources (two (2) for each topic) that you would expect to use. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting guidelines:
•Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
•Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.
O.J. Simpson Trial: Final Paper
$17.50Watch the OJ Simpson trial:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gA5sj_zTD9M
Synthesize observed data from your court experience with research gleaned from at least five reliable, on the area of criminal justice you selected earlier in the term (arraignments, jury trials, sentencing, etc.). Compare and contrast what you personally observed in court with one or more normative positions argued or implied in your library research regarding how that particular area of criminal justice should function.
Specifically, your final paper should include:
- Your revised Court Report
- An analysis of the area of criminal justice you observed and researched. First, describe the area of criminal justice. Then, analyze the components of that area of criminal justice, including relevant laws and policies, ethical obligations of involved legal professionals, and the ways in which societal variables such as race, class, gender, and level of by deal top”>EDUCATIONAL
attainment affect proceedings in that area of criminal justice. Use your research to corroborate your discussion.
- A comparison and contrast between the realities of what you observed and what your library research taught you. Describe what the law and ethics dictate should take place in this area of criminal justice (such as an explanation of charges during an arraignment), and discuss how what you observed did and/or did not conform to these expectations.
- An evaluation of the conformities and the nonconformities you described in number 2 to arrive at a conclusion about what you observed versus the ideal in our criminal justice system, including suggestions for how the system could improve or, at least, better mirror the considerations of the law and of ethics.
Present your response in an analytical research paper of 4 well-written pages. Paper must be in APA format and include references
What was Europe like before the Enlightenment
$5.00Test One – HIS 102 DL: What was Europe like before the Enlightenment
This test is open book for any of our course materials. You may use your textbook, your source reader, and our lectures. Do not use other outside sources. Be sure to cite and properly paraphrase or quote uses of all uses of primary sources and secondary sources, such as the textbook and lecture. You may use either parenthetical citations or footnotes to give the author. Like this (author, page #) or this.[1] You do not need to include a cover page or a works cited page. Plagiarism, such as cut and paste from the textbook or an internet source will be penalized.
Submit your test to Safe Assign under Assignments by Monday February 16th 11:59PM.
Part One: Term Identification (40 points)
Pick four of the following terms.
Louis XIV (“ The Sun King”) Isaac Newton
Scientific Revolution
Social Contract Theory The Enlightenment
The 7 Years War The Terror
The Haitian Revolution
For each term you have chosen, in a paragraph of at least 50 words, explain who or what the source was [2 points], roughly where and when it was [2 points], and why it was historically important [6 points].
Part Two: Historical Synthesis (30 points)
In a paragraph of at least 100 words, briefly explain: What was Europe like before the Enlightenment? [10 points] What were the major ideas of the Enlightenment? [10 points] How did the Revolutions and wars of the 18th and early 19th use these ideas? [10 points]
Part Three: Primary Source Analysis (30 points)
Pick one of the primary sources we read for weeks one through five. (They are located under Course Documents in each week’s folder.)
For the Primary Source you have chosen, in a paragraph of at least 100 words:
- Briefly summarize the source. [10 points]
- Pick two quotations from the source that you think best exemplify it. Explain why you chose them. [10 points]
- How could a historian use this source to understand and explain the time period we are studying? [10 points]
[1] Author, page #.