History Government and Political Science
Showing 226–234 of 419 resultsSorted by latest
Roles and functions of individuals in the criminal justice system
$12.50Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that describes roles and functions of individuals in the criminal justice system and how victimization affects each role.
Evaluate the roles of prosecutor, defense attorney, criminal, and victim. Summarize how victimization affects each role.Answer the following questions:
- • What are the goals of sentencing associated with each role?
- • What are the goals of alternative sanctions?
- • What recommendations do you have regarding victims’ rights?
CJA 354 Week 5 Individual Assignment Victims and Crimes Evaluations
Define the term “crimes against public order” or “public-order offenses.”
$20.00Prepare a 1,050 – 1,600 word paper in which you:
- Define the term “crimes against public order” or “public-order offenses.”
- Discuss and explain breach of peace, alcohol & drug crimes (especially driving under the influence and public drunkenness), vagrancy versus loitering, and teenage curfew. (Refer to Chapter 10.)
- Define and discuss crimes against the administration of government such as treason, perjury and contempt, and obstruction of justice. (Refer to Chapter 10.)
- Define and discuss crimes against public decency and morality such as prostitution, obscenity & lewdness, gambling & gaming as well as controlled substances. (Refer to Chapter 12.)
- Discuss the controversy with enforcing and not enforcing these crimes against public order and the implications on the criminal justice system.
- Discuss the term “victimless crimes” but also consider if you and most other people would want these types of activities going on in your neighborhood, by the schools your children attend, etc? (Refer to Chapter 12, “Crimes Against Public Decency & Morality” and “A Critique of Laws Regulating Public Morality.”
Format your paper according to APA 6th edition standards.
CJA 354 Week 4 Crimes Against Public Order Analysis
$12.50Write a 1,400 – 1.750-word analysis in which you conduct research and identify the current and future issues facing courts and court administrators today. In your analysis be sure to discuss the following areas:
- · Discuss future management issues and trends regarding language interpretation services.
- · Assess the past, present, and future impact that victim rights laws have on court proceedings.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines
CJA 394 Week 3 Court Issues Analysis
Ethnicity and Police Paper
$12.50Choose one of the following topics:
- Race and contemporary concerns relative to policing particular ethnic communities·
- Public opinion of police by different ethnic groups·
- Police practices and police community relations·
- Police corruption and citizen complaints relative to ethnicity
Form an opinion on the selected topic.Locate and identify at least three references from peer-reviewed journals to support your opinion.Prepare an outline of your newspaper article, speech, or pod cast due in Week Four that examines your selected topic. Include at least one contemporary event as an example to illustrate the main points.
CJA 344 Week 2 Individual Ethnicity and the Police Part 1 Outline
Juvenile justice correction facilities proposal
$17.50Criminal Justice Program Proposal II: Juvenile justice correction facilities
Identify an existing program in the criminal justice system (one program per team). Describe the program in a 700 to 1000 word paper. Include the problem the program was designed to resolve, participants, program goals, and other key program information.
Your team needs to pick ONE program…it does not need to be related to any of your individual problems but certainly could be.
If you select a large program (e.g., D.A.R.E., P.P.C.T., Take Back the Night, etc.), be sure to research it’s local (i.e. small scale) impacts and report on those impacts in addition to it’s larger outcomes.
Keep a close eye on your word count…I’m looking for your team to cohesively and succinctly report your findings in a very direct and efficient manner. This assignment is a good place to remember that sometimes when presenting data to colleagues or managers, less is more. Indeed, if you are presenting information to a high level executive, you may be given no more than 2-3 pages, 1-3 slides, or 2-3min to make your case. Make your points concisely and avoid any unnecessary “fluff.”
AJS 595 Week 3 Individual Assignment Criminal Justice Program Proposal, Part IIProgram Design and Development – Using your unsolved problem identified in Week One, develop a criminal justice program of your own design (i.e. you may NOT describe an already existing program) to remedy the problem. Succinctly and thoroughly describe your newly designed program in a 1400 to 1750 word paper. Write your paper as if you were proposing your program to departmental superiors and/or sponsors. Describe the purpose, application, target participants, and expected outcomes of your program as they relate to the problem at hand.
Just to say it again, this paper should describe YOUR proposed solution to the problem. Your solution can be creative, it can be unique, but above all, it must be yours.
One more reminder…keep it real. I’m not looking for “pie in the sky” hypothetical wishes, but rather am looking for grounded, feasible, and realistic approaches to your real-world problem. Your program should absolutely be valid enough that you would be comfortable turning your paper in to your boss for consideration.
As your program is intended to be used in the real-world, keep real-world limitations in mind. Consider (and describe) how your program would fare in light of financial constraints, training issues, media scrutiny, the “court of public opinion,” etc.
Think both inside and outside the box. Use your empirical research and references to inform your solution…let that research tell you what’s been done, what’s worked, what hasn’t, and then use that information to move away from the failures and toward the successes. Just don’t limit yourself to what others have done and don’t be afraid to move in a new direction as you follow the research.
Look around. If you’ve chosen a police suicide problem, don’t only look for your solutions in police suicide literature. Why not look into general suicide studies? Police stress studies? General stress studies? Psychological treatment protocols for underlying causes (like stress, fear, sleep deprivation, depression, etc.)? Branch out and look beyond just the “key words” in your topic…your efforts will be rewarded!5 Pages
AJS 595 Week 2 Team Assignment
Criminal Justice Program Proposal I: Juvenile justice correction facilities
$12.50Criminal Justice Program Proposal I: Juvenile justice correction facilities
You will be working on the Criminal Justice Program Proposal throughout this course. This is a cumulative assignment, which means that you will complete a portion of the final proposal each week. During Week Six, you will revise and consolidate your individual assignments to submit a final 5,250- to 7,000-word cumulative proposal.
Select one of the following problem case studies from the University of Phoenix Material: Program Case Studies:
- Juvenile Justice Correctional Facilities
- Mortgage Investment Fraud
- Rural Law Enforcement Combating Crime
- Combating Criminal Narcotics Activity Along the Southern Border
- Information Sharing
Identify a problem in the case study that requires intervention.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word proposal about a problem identified in the case study that requires intervention
Include the following in the proposal:
- Identify the type of program that would resolve the problem.
- Describe the processes used to identify the problem in the case study.
- Describe data collection methodologies that can be used to identify the problem.
- Identify the data that must be collected to identify the problem.
- Identify ways to involve key personnel in collecting and analyzing data.
AJS 595 Week 1 Individual Assignment Criminal Justice Program Proposal, Part I
Prisoners with Special Needs Paper
$10.00Individual: Prisoners with Special Needs
Complete the following in CJi Interactive on the student website:
· Learning Modules
o Ch. 13: Life Behind Bars > Special Offenders
· Myths & Issues Videos
o Ch. 13: Life Behind Bars> Issue 2: Our Graying Prison Population
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper explaining the needs of special offenders. Answer the following questions:
- · How do special needs, mentally ill, and substance-abusing prisoners affect the jail and prison systems at state and federal levels?
- · What would happen if these prisoners were not cared for properly?
- · Select a prison special offender population and research a program aimed to assist or care for that population. What are the characteristics of the program? How has the program affected the special offender population in that prison?
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
CJA 234 Week 4 Individual Prisoners with Special Needs
Biological Criminal Behavior Paper (Andrea Yates)
$20.00Learning Team: Biological Criminal Behavior
Choose a criminal offender who committed crimes due to a biological reason.
Write a 1,400- to 2,100-word paper discussing the genetic or physiological evidence that supports the notion that biology played a key role in explaining the offender’s criminality.
Research the behaviors that constitute psychopathy. Discuss in detail the specific behaviors demonstrated by the offender that align with behaviors indicative of a psychopathic individual. Case examples include the following:
- · Andrea Yates and the documented evidence of psychiatric issues, including post-partum depression, prior to the murders of her five children
- · Charles Whitman, known as the Texas Tower Sniper, and the presence of a tumor discovered post-mortem alleged to have played a role in his overt acts of aggression
- · John Hinckley, Jr. and the documented evidence of psychiatric issues leading to his controversial insanity defense in the shooting of President Ronald Reagan
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Each team member should submit a learning team evaluation in their individual forum.
CJA 314 Week 2 Learning Team Biological Criminal Behavior
Critical Issues in Policing Paper
$15.00Resource: Reference and Citation Examples
Complete the following CJi Interactive activities:
- Ch. 6: The Police and Constitution > Myths & Issues Videos > Issue 1: The Loss of Some Personal Liberty as a Result of the Patriot Act may Actually Protect Liberty
- Ch. 7: The Police: Issues and Challenges > Learning Modules > Types of Force
- Ch. 7: The Police: Issues and Challenges > Learning Modules > Police Liability
- Ch. 7: The Police: Issues and Challenges > Myths & Issues Videos > Myth v. Reality: Police Often have to Confront Dangerous Situations with Deadly Force
- Ch. 7: The Police: Issues and Challenges > Myths & Issues Videos > Issue 1: Profiling
Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper explaining critical issues in policing. Address the following key aspects of policing activities and operations:
- Dangers of policing
- Less-than-lethal weapons
- Technology used in policing
- Issues of homeland security and law enforcement relationships
- One additional critical issue in policing that is of interest to you
- Explain the issue.
- Explain how the issue is relevant to this paper.
Include information learned from the CJi Interactive activities in your paper.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
CJA 214 Week 5 Individual Assignment Critical Issues in Policing Paper