Psychology Philosophy and Education

Psychology Philosophy and Education

Showing 417–432 of 456 results

  • Develop a two-hour infertility education workshop for primary care providers


    Provider Education Program

    Develop a two-hour infertility education workshop for primary care providers. The goal of this educational seminar will be to enhance the capacity of physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, or other primary care providers to meet the needs of the growing number of individuals who face challenges with regard to fertility.

    Essay Task:

    Submit a 2 pages final paper in which you summarize objectives of your workshop, your marketing strategy, the format you plan to use, the topics to be addressed, and your plan for assessing overall effectiveness.

    Although you are expected to use information gathered for previous modular assignments, your paper should not merely be a compilation of these materials. Instead you should elaborate extensively upon the information that you have collected and presented “along the way.” The end result should be a “stand-alone” report/paper that you could present to a group of health education colleagues.

    *** Your paper should incorporate a minimum of 15 peer-reviewed sources, which should be cited in the body of the document and in a reference list at the end. ***

    Additional files:


    4 pages

    APA – 15 References

  • When linking standards to assessments, why must one “unpack” the standard


    Assignment: Questions Related to the Assigned Readings

    When linking standards to assessments, why must one “unpack” the standard?  How is this done, what are the implications for instructional planning, and what role might a table of specifications play in the process?

    Download additional materials



    1 page

    APA 2 references

  • Importance of international test score comparisons


    While popular, how truly useful are international test score comparisons?  What specific country practices make such comparisons not very useful and why?

    Download reading materials

    chapters1_to_3-readings.docx chapter4-readings.docx

    1 Pages

    APA 2 References

  • Two-hour infertility education workshop for primary care providers


    Two-hour infertility education workshop for primary care providers: Artificial Reproductive Technology (ART)

    Provider Education Program
    Develop a two-hour infertility education workshop for primary care providers. The goal of this educational seminar will be to enhance the capacity of physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, or other primary care providers to meet the needs of the growing number of individuals who face challenges with regard to fertility.

    Option Two Task:
    How will you assess the impact of your program on provider practice? (HINT: You will need to refer to the program objectives that you formulated in Module 2. (Again, be sure sure to refer to the scholarly research on evaluating continuing education programs). Please limit your response to 1-2 pages.

    Required Readings:

    2 pages

    APA 1 Reference

  • COLLABORATIVE PROJECTS: advantages and disadvantages of collaborating on a project


    Reflective Journal:  Collaboration and Peer Reviews

    Answer these following questions:

    • What are the major advantages and disadvantages of collaborating on a project?
    • What have you learned by reviewing your peers’ writing?
    • What are the positives and negatives of having your papers reviewed by your peers?

    2 Pages

    APA 2 References

  • Dealing with Bullying in Schools


    The paper discusses how a teacher can deal with bullying in school

    1 Pages APA 2 pages

  • Improving Student Motivation


    The paper discusses some of the ways that can be used to improve student motivation

    1 pages

    APA 2 references

  • Developing an Evidenced-Based Personal Learning Theory


    This paper provides a background of learning theory to develop an  Evidenced-Based Personal Learning Theory.

    Issued covered:

    • —What is a learning theory
    • —Historical development of learning theories
    • —Factors considered in developing this learning theory
    • —Classical learning
    • —Operant conditioning
    • —Social learning theory

    5 pages

    APA 11 References

  • Developing an Evidenced-Based Personal Learning Theory (PPT)


    This PowerPoint presentation provides a background of learning theory to develop an  Evidenced-Based Personal Learning Theory.

    Slides cover:

    • —What is a learning theory
    • —Historical development of learning theories
    • —Factors considered in developing this learning theory
    • —Classical learning
    • —Operant conditioning
    • —Social learning theory


    13 slides

  • Does Reinforcement Facilitate Learning? (PPT)


    A PowerPoint Presentation on whether Reinforcement Facilitate Learning?

    14 Slides


    Exam Tips 202: Zzzz
    Staying up all night before an exam is the worst thing one can do. You reach a point where your productivity eventually declines, so sleeping is a must to have a refreshed mind the next morning.
    Regular sleep is the best ways to control exam stress. Students who follow a regular sleeping pattern have been shown to perform much better than students who stay up late.
    Also, don’t forget to set your alarm clock the night before!

  • Teacher advancement program (TAP) program


    The paper summarizes elements of Teacher advancement program and the success data that is associated with South Carolina TAP.

    2 pages

    APA 3 References

  • Professional Development Plan (PPT)


    A PowerPoint presentation on professional development plan focusing on the main aspects of a professional development program and the goals to be achieved at the end of the program.

    15 Slides


    5 References




    This paper describes benefits of teacher reader groups and how they support collegial growth in a department.

    1 pages

    APA 4 References

  • Discussion—Academic versus Practical Intelligence


    Discussion—Academic versus Practical Intelligence

    The study uses Gardner’s view of multiple intelligences to investigate the distinction between academic and practical intelligence.

    1 pages

    APA 2 References




    The paper defines Intellectual ability and looks at its application in classroom

    1 Pages

    APA 2 References




    This paper looks at the mandates for professional development on the basis of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)

    2 Pages

    APA 5 References