Religion and Sociology

Religion and Sociology

Showing 280–288 of 372 results

  • How does the use of New Testament texts in the first 2 articles further illuminate Genesis?


    Read the following authors in Perspectives on Our Father Abraham: Hunt, Fee, Zucker, and Zucker/Brinton. The first 2 articles view Genesis through New Testament lenses while the latter 2 articles bring non-canonical Jewish commentary reflections on Genesis. Answer each of the following questions in 250 words or more:
    How does the use of New Testament texts in the first 2 articles further illuminate Genesis?
    Does the non-canonical use of Jewish texts in the second 2 articles aid or hinder the understanding of Genesis? Perspectives on Our Father Abraham Steven A. Hunt

    2 Pages

    Chicago/Turabian – 1 Reference

  • Perceptions of Young Adolescent Sexual Activity


    Perceptions of Young Adolescent Sexual Activity are Greatly Exaggerated

    For this assignment, visit the Guttmacher Institute website (a research institution for human sexuality) at
    Select a topic and investigate information related to that topic (most of the topics contain articles, PowerPoint presentations, charts/graphs, and fact sheets).
    Compose a 1,000-1,500-word essay regarding your experiences on this website with the topic of your choice.
    1. Information found on the topic.
    2. Information already aware of on the topic prior to beginning the course.
    3. Any new or surprising information.

  • Discuss the role of race and/or ethnicity in our identities


    Cultural Identity on American Society

    Read “Black Like I thought I was” by Erin Aubry Kaplan, ” Crossing the border without Losing your past” by Oscar Casares and ” American Dreamer” by Bharati Mukherjee ( All essays in Read Our World book) . Write analytical essay in which you discuss the role of race and/or ethnicity in our identities; the importance of cultural identity in American society and consider the question: Does race really matter and what does it mean to be American. Cite 2 out of the 3 sources above. Note that I am not American so you should not write as an American but write about Americans and what does it mean for them to be Americans

  • Cross Cultural Paper


    Your Assignment is to choose a culture outside of your own and develop a cross-cultural research paper.
    Describe the culture of interest and explain why this culture interests you, include whether it is a collectivistic or individualistic culture.
    Describe the culture you most identify with and its characteristics, include whether it is a collectivistic or individualistic culture.
    Compare the similarities and differences between the culture you selected and your own related to time orientation, communication, physical and mental health, group relationships, and perceptions and measures of intelligence.
    Describe a theory that will guide your analysis of both cultures.
    Based on the theory, explain how each culture influences human development, identity development, and personality development within it.
    Based on the theory, explain how each culture influences the expression of emotion, the development of morality, gender, aggression, and one other psychological process within it.
    Explain any biases that may influence your analysis of these cultures and explain why.
    You must use at least 10 references in APA style.
    Support your responses using the Learning Resources and the current literature.
    Support your Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.

    6 Pages

    APA – 11 References

  • Effect of culture of students on the curriculum


    Effect of culture of students on the curriculum

    The paper answers the question “How does the culture of students affect the curriculum?”

    2 Pages


    1 Reference

  • FINAL RESEARCH PAPER – Gender and Career Choice


    HW7: FINAL RESEARCH PAPER – Gender and Career Choice

    As part of the academic rigor in this course, you will be expected to write a 12-17 page paper (page count not including cover page, references, etc). It will be the culmination of the term giving you an opportunity to engage sociology as a tool to explore a topic & specific research question relevant to you, and at least 15 sources (12 of which must be peer-reviewed research articles).

    The purpose of the paper is for you to be able to explore a topic of interest to you from a sociological perspective. To do so, you must accomplish the following:

    * Clearly state your thesis/research question and how it is significant to the study of society

    * Select a minimum of 12 peer reviewed articles and 3 other sources which will permit you to explore and evaluate sociological research and perspectives on your thesis/question –
    – discussion of each article should include noting how the article addresses/answers your research question; the article’s main research question/thesis; primary theoretical perspective used; sample size and composition; methodology and analysis used; brief summary of findings

    – the best discussion will be formatted by themes comparing and contrasting articles (i.e. phrasing of question, methodology used, measurement of variables, size and composition of sample, findings, etc.)

    * Be sure key concepts in your paper are defined (conceptual and operational definitions) and cited using sources such as past sociology texts and peer-reviewed articles

    * Employ appropriate use of APA format in-text citations and references

    Evaluation Criteria:

    1. The paper begins with a clear thesis statement that is well articulated in the first or second paragraph
    2. The paper draws appropriately 12 peer-reviewed articles and 3 other sources to support the thesis statement presented. This means that if you could have used findings from a paper listed to make your point more clearly and you do not do so, you will be penalized.
    3. The paper is well structured and synthesizes the material appropriately. Rather than summarize each of the readings referenced, the paper identifies common themes or divergent findings that must be taken into account in making a logical argument in support of the thesis statement.
    4. The concluding paragraph summarizes the focus of the paper and identifies the implications for the study of society.
    5. Well written, proper grammar, proper referencing, spelling, and punctuation

    Writing: Your written assignments will be graded not only for content but for logic, clarity, and mechanics. Remember to proofread your work carefully. When assignments are returned, take note of any corrections or recommendations, and incorporate these into later writings.

    Some instructions:

    1. Papers should have clear introductory and concluding paragraphs.
    2. Avoid moral evaluations.
    3. Avoid claims that you cannot back up. Only state something as a fact if you have supporting evidence, or you can cite someone reputable who does, or it is something truly

    self-evident (e.g., a misstep while crossing the street can result in injury).

    1. Use the thesaurus sparingly. So-called synonyms are rarely truly synonymous, and you

    should never use a thesaurus in an attempt to create the impression that your vocabulary

    is larger than it actually is.

    1. Use in-text citations of the format (Gibson, 2004) or (Gibson, 2004, p. 12) and then provide full bibliographic information at the end of the paper.
    2. Quote written sources sparingly, but strategically.
    3. Avoid vacuous statements. An example: “Theorists such as Blau illuminate the social world by theorizing phenomena contained therein.”

    Papers should be typed, include a title page, page numbers, and a reference page. You should double-space your papers, use 1” margins, and 11pt. Arial or Times New Roman font. You should carefully check your papers for spelling and grammar. You should use sub-headings throughout the paper. I am always willing to look over rough drafts and help you with your papers. You will use in-text citations in the American Psychology Association (APA) style. You may find more information at

  • Family Divorce and Romantic Relationships in Early Adolescence


    CHTH 435: Human Response to Stress – Paper 4: Relationships

    Paper Requirements:
    Please complete the following:
    1. Using the reading available on D2L, summarize the article, “Family Divorce and Romantic Relationships in Early Adolescence” by Marina Heifetz , Jennifer Connolly, Debra Pepler & Wendy Craig
    2. Did you agree or disagree with the findings of this article? Why or why not?
    3. What did you find to be the most interesting finding from this research? Why?

  • Paper Outline – Gender and Career Choice


    HW6: Paper Outline – Gender and Career Choice

    Research question: How do gender differences influence the choice of career?

    Begin to organize your research process and paper with an OUTLINE

    Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is for you to clearly organize the presentation and flow of your final paper/project. It should serve as a map that outlines the structure and organization of your ideas for your research paper. How are you going to go about exploring your research question? How will you clearly organize the presentation and flow of your research paper? There is a natural degree of subjectivity in how you organize your outline.

    The completed outline (2-4 pages) should include, at minimum
    – organized using Roman Numerals;
    – a heading for each section and/or subsection

    – inclusion of at least the following required sections: Introduction, Literature Review/background; Future Research; Conclusion
    – a 2-4 sentence summary of each section/subsection that includes a note on how it is relevant to your overall research question or thesis;

    – APA formatted full references for any sources cited in outline

    Example Outline:

    Research Question: How have changes in print ad portrayal of females over the last 15 years affected gender socialization?

    1. Introduction – In this section I will introduce my research question and I why I am interested in it. I will identify any preconceived notions I have had about the research question. I will identify how the research question is sociological in nature and briefly discuss how the sociological perspective has been used to investigate it.
    2. Literature Review [this will be the meat of your paper]
      1. Using Goffman’s theories and work to study this, body display in advertisements affecting gender behaviors from 1979-1991 (Yang, 1997)
        1. Methodology and analysis used –
          1. Quantitative: primary data analysis – from data collected by the researcher OR secondary data analysis – from a database; statistical model used
          2. Qualitative (e.g. interview, content analysis, observation)
          3. Level of analysis (micro, meso, macro)
        2. Sample size and composition (i.e. n=2,500; 90% respondents white females ages 21-48 drawn from a national probability sample)
    • Identification of key variables and their measurement
      1. Independent variable(s) and dependent variable(s)
      2. Measurement: e.g. gender role attitudes were measured on a Likert Scale (1-5) from very traditional to very egalitarian.
    1. Hypotheses of the authors
    2. Key findings
    3. Analyze strengths and weaknesses of article
    1. Differences in affects of gendered stereotypes in print ads on gendered socialization in patriarchal vs matriarchal countries (Oderkerken-Schroder, du Wulf and Hofstee, 2002)
    2. Reflection hypothesis to understand how gender role socialization is affected by print advertisements (source TBD)
    3. Analysis/Synthesis of sources and how they answer my research Q
    • Future Research – In this section, I will identify some additional related questions that came to mind during my research but were not answered in the literature I reviewed.
    1. Conclusion – In this section I will recap my research question and key findings.


    Henslin, J.J. (2008). Sociology: A Down to Earn Approach. (9th ed). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

    Okerkerken-Schroder, G., De Wulf, K, and Hoftsee, N. (2002). Is gender stereotyping in advertising more prevalent in masculine countries? A cross-national analysis. International Marketing Review, 19(4): 408-419.

    Yang, M. (1997). The portrayal of women’s images in magazine advertisements: Goffman’s gender analysis revisited. Sex Roles, 37(11-12): 1573-2762.

  • Help people handle stress and life events in a healthy non harmful way


    Capstone Assignment – Help people handle stress and life events in a healthy non harmful way

    This assignment is designed for you to connect what you learned in this course with your future career goals. To obtain full you will: State what your future career goals are (Engineer, Stay-at-home dad, Nurse, Musician, etc.). If you don’t know talk about your general area of interest (Sciences, education, etc.)

    Choose 3 concepts/ideas/theories that you learned in this course and explain how learning these 3 different things will help you be successful in your career. Like Reality Assignments you will integrate information from the course into your paper, which will be evident through in-text citations from lecture videos (Vaterlaus, 2014) and the textbook (Seccombe, 2012).

    The difference is that you will include 3 in-text citations (minimum) and they can all be from lecture, or all from the book, or a mix. Just make sure there are three. The assignment will be typed, 2-3 pages (no more no less), double spaced, have one-inch margins, use 12-point font, and use Times New Roman font. The assignment will be submitted as an attachment on D2L on or before the due date