Religion and Sociology

Religion and Sociology

Showing 298–306 of 372 results

  • SOCIOLOGY 498 (Senior Seminar in Sociology)


    SOCIOLOGY 498     (Senior Seminar in Sociology) -1 paragraph summary of paper with 1 reference

    Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is for you to begin to organize your thoughts on your paper including location (and reading) of at least one relevant peer-reviewed journal article. The paragraph (a possible draft of your introduction) should include:

    1)    Clear, well-articulated, statement of your thesis (research question)
    2)    A statement on how this thesis is significant to the study of society
    3)    A statement on how this thesis is significant to the subfield(s) of sociology within which your paper topic falls
    4)    A brief summary (2-3 sentences) of 1 peer-reviewed article which you plan to use in your paper
    a.    This should clearly identify how this article helps to explore your research question
    b.    The summary should include the thesis of the article, any notable features (year published, methodology employed, sample size and/or composition), and a very brief summary of their findings
    c.    Any paraphrased or quoted work must include APA formatted in-text citations and reference

  • Social justice & language rights



    What is social Justice? How is social justice related to language rights? What do you think about language rights and deaf students?

    3 Pages

    APA – 3 References

  • SOCIOLOGY 498 – Doing Gender (Paper Topic, Research Question, and Outline)



    Senior Seminar in Sociology

    Paper Topic, Research Question and Outline (5 points):

    Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to get you to start thinking about your research paper in terms of what you want to research. It enables me to see where you are headed and (when necessary) make suggestions for how you can better craft your topic and/or research question for a good and successful sociological analysis.

    This is a 2-part assignment that will be 1-2 pages in total length. It should be submitted as ONE document.

    1) Identify a Research Interest and Paper Topic

    Purpose: The purpose of this step is to get you to start thinking about your research paper in terms of general topics about which you would be interested in learning more. The topic needs to be relevant to the study of society and geared towards a sociological perspective.

    1) Identify your Topic- Topic chosen (Sociology of Gender)
    2) Describe why you are interested in this topic
    3) Describe how your chosen topic is relevant to the study of society
    4) Write your Research Question

    1) Describe why you have settled on this research question
    2) Identify what two specific variables/social facts/behavior your research question is addressing
    3) what the variables in your research Q are
    4) Describe at least 3 ways how the sociological perspective and methodologies may be used to examine this research question

    2 Pages

    APA – 2 References

  • Homelessness in America


    Topic: Homelessness In America.
    When you think of a homeless person what crosses your mind, do you think of a drug addict or an alcoholic? What is homelessness and what brings a person to become homeless. There are many different situations that cause the person to be homeless and it isn’t always because of drugs or alcohol.
    1. who is a homeless person?
    2. Homelessness is a large issue in the United States (statistics on homelessness)
    3. What are the reasons for homelessness?
    4. Causes of homelessness: Discuss issues such as
    a.    Poverty
    b.    Fewer job opportunities
    c.    Economic downturn
    d.    Drugs
    e.    Alcohol
    f.    Unemployment
    5. The effects of homelessness
    a.    Shorter life span
    b.    Death rate is four times higher among the homeless than the sheltered.
    c.    Poor health:
    i.    Hypothermia
    ii.    Malnutrition
    iii.    Sleep deprivation
    iv.    Skin disorders
    d.    Emotional and developmental problems amongst teens and children
    e.    Makes schooling impossible
    f.    More jail time to the youth as a result of increased crime prevalence
    6. Prevention/Solutions to homelessness
    a.    Better employment opportunities
    b.    Expansion of education and training programs
    c.    Increase the minimum wage
    d.    Provide more low-income housing and funding.
    e.    The problem of homelessness embedded in the failure of this nation to discourse its low-income housing difficulties, particularly the gap sandwiched between housing costs and income obtainable to pay them.
    f.    Homeless shelters
    g.    Employment
    h.    Websites and organizations
    Conclusion: Recap on the thesis statement do you solve your problem in the thesis?
    Canton, Carol L.M. “Crisis Shelter and Housing Programs” Homeless in America eds, Carol L.M. Canton. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990.
    Jencks, Christopher. The Homeless. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1994.
    Jennings, James. Understanding the Nature of Poverty in Urban America. Westport: Praeger.
    Patterson, James T. America’s Struggle Against Poverty: 1900-1994. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1994.
    State of homelessness in America 2011. (2011, January 11). Retrieved from
    Facts and figures: the homeless. (2009, June 26). Retrieved from

    8 Pages

    APA – 6 References

  • Describe two ways in which your culture has shaped your view of yourself


    Question 1:

    Describe two ways in which your culture has shaped your view of yourself. (African American)

    Question 2:

    Explain how the cultures of Collectivism and Individualism have influenced you or others in your culture. (African American)

    Question 3:

    Describe how you (or someone you know) was affected by a self-fulfilling prophesy. (Do not use the names of people you discuss.)

    Question 4:

    Take a position on the following statement: Judges’ beliefs about the guilt or innocence of defendants in criminal trials create self-fulfilling prophecies. Explain your reasoning. Support your response with examples.

    2 Pages


  • Gaming Addiction Paper


    Paper Contents

    • Background of the problem
    • Relationship between gaming addiction and substance addiction
    • Who are addicts?
    • Statistics and symptoms
    • Health issues associated with video game addiction
    • Benefits of computer gaming addiction
    • Conclusion and Recommendation

    15 Pages

    APA – 13 References

  • American News TV Effect on People


    American News TV Effect on People

    The paper discusses the effects of American News on people.

    4 pages

    MLA – 6 References

  • Correlational Study About Video Game Violence and Aggression


    Life is Like a Videogame: A Correlational Study on Video Game Violence and Aggression

    The paper researches the relationship between aggression and violent video game exposure. It is a correlational study that examines adolescent’s video game usage and subsequent presence of a DSM-V diagnosis of a Disruptive Behavior Disorder. The research aims to examine the effect of ESRB rated Mature exposure and whether Adults Only video games is correlated to a DSM-IV diagnosis of a DBD.



    Literature Review


    Data Analysis and conclusions

    17+ Pages

    APA – 15 References

  • Discuss Human Trafficking and the Sex Trade


    Human trafficking and the sex trade. To include mail order brides

    Write a five (5) page minimum, DOUBLE SPACED, 12-FONT TIMES ROMAN paper with references and sources cited in APA format.  Your cover sheet, abstract and your source citing/references are NOT included in the five page minimum.  Needs to have at least 5 peer reviewed sources.

    6 Pages

    APA – 7 References