Religion and Sociology

Religion and Sociology

Showing 369–372 of 372 results

  • Hinduism Worldview


    The paper is about Hinduism Worldview. It gathers and analyzes the views of Hinduism according to 9 of the 10 fundamental questions, excluding identity. Anthology of World Scriptures by Robert E. Van Voorst and the film the Beginners Guide to Hinduism are used in the essay as excerts and important sources of information.

    9 Pages

  • The Impact of Television on Teenagers


    The paper discusses the impact of television on teenagers.

    1 page


  • Podcast on Acculturation


    Create informative and persuasive communicative messages in different mediated contexts.

    We live in a world where anyone can create her or his own audio or video production and display it for the world. One such medium, podcasting, has become wildly popular. To help you understand what podcasts are and how they are changing modern media, start by reading the article, “What is Podcasting?” from

    Using the free audio editing program Audacity (free to download at, you will create a 5 to 10 minute Podcast explaining the history of a specific concept or theory discussed within the textbook. You must cite at least 3 peer-reviewed sources within your podcast. You cannot use the same topic you used for the voiced-over PowerPoint presentation for this assignment.

    Furthermore, only one person can create a podcast on a specific subject, so please make sure you post which topic you’ve chosen in the general discussion board this week. As always, this is a first-come, first-get process, so don’t wait until the last minute to select your topic. The following is a list of the fundamental components of your podcast:

    Must be a communication topic discussed in the textbook.
    You must use 3 peer-reviewed sources (not from the textbook).
    You must use music of some kind within the podcast.
    You must have at least one clear transition, a musical interlude that helps you switch topics, within the podcast.
    Podcast should be formatted as a news-based story on your topic.

    3 pages

    APA  4 References


  • Different Types of Burial- Navajos vs Chinese


    The essay talks about different types of burials, particularly Navajos and Chinese and the differences that exist.

    3 Pages