Religion and Sociology

Religion and Sociology

Showing 321–336 of 372 results

  • Widowhood and how men and women may be affected differently by the death of a spouse


    While the majority of older men and women are married, the likelihood of being married begins to decline with age, especially for women. Discuss the changes in marital satisfaction over time, including how retirement affects marital satisfaction.

    Discuss the topic of widowhood and how men and women may be affected differently by the death of a spouse.

    1 Page

    APA – 2 References

  • Assignment-Critical Thinking Sources of enculturation


    Answer each bullet with one full paragraph (4-5 sentences)

    Critical Thinking 1:

    • Select a quote about “thinking” from Chapter 1 that best describes your own viewpoint and explain why this quote is meaningful to you. See Attachment
    • attachment_1.bullet_1_quote.docx
    • Identify which of the sources of enculturation has had the most impact on your own thinking and explain why you think this is the case.

    A source of enculturation is our place of work. Here we may learn certain manners of behavior, dress code, professional ethics, and work attitude.

    • Identify one of the “5 Errors of Thinking” that you recently observed in another or even committed yourself and explain how this affected productive communication

    Example of One of the 5 Errors of Thinking –

    Selective abstraction: focusing on one detail of a situation and ignoring the larger picture. For example, an instructor receives a very favorable evaluation from 90 percent of her students but dwells instead on the unfavorable comments from the few. Or a football player, after an overall excellent performance, curses himself for the one pass that he should have caught (Beck, 1976).

    Critical Thinking 2:

    • Describe an example of an episodic memory, perceptual-motor memory, and semantic memory that you have personally experienced.
    • Explain which of these memories you feel is most affected by one or more of the senses.

    Critical Thinking 3:

    Using and misusing figurative language may make it difficult for others to understand what you write and what you say.

    • Choose one (1) of the ten (10) types of figurative language from the list below.
    • Define the meaning of the term and provide an example.
    • Describe an appropriate circumstance for using the example for the term or a circumstance when using the term might lead to misunderstanding.


    1. idiom 6. amphiboly
    2. analogy 7. “flame word”
    3. metaphor 8. hyperbole
    4. simile 9. euphemism
    5. cliché 10. colloquialism


    2 pages



    PURPOSE: The purpose of this two-step exercise is for you to conduct inductive and deductive research using qualitative methods.

    NOTE: it is important that you conduct the observations as two distinct events during this class; ‘recalling’ past observations is not the same as purposefully observing your surroundings from a sociological perspective, and applying two different types of reasoning to one observation will not be ‘truthful’ or successful.


    The purpose of this exercise if for you to observe ONE social setting to begin to detect patterns in human behavior – observance of norms and potentially behaviors that deviate from the norm.

    For HW2: You will develop a research design with research problem, hypothesis and operational definitions for variables; then you will conduct another 1 hour of observations in the same social setting as in HW1.


    For HW2: You will develop a research design with research problem, hypothesis and operational definitions for variables; then you will conduct another 1 hour of observations. NOTE: For additional information on hypotheses, operational definitions, and other research methodology concepts, see Week 5 Lesson>Assignments, Tests & Quizzes section for links to some methodology resources.

    • Based on your initial observations and written analyses completed for HW1, develop a specific research problem/question to be further investigated (i.e. the variation in behavior of males versus females when entering a store with a glass store front)
    • Identify the key variables you are going to be investigating, and develop an operational definition for each of them. (this should include at least two variables, but not more than four). Your operational definitions will help to provide parameters for how to record variations in your observations.
    • Write a hypothesis for what you expect to observe in your second round of observations.
    • Repeat observations. This should be done at the SAME social setting as in HW1 at approximately the same time of day (if you can do this one or two weeks later on the same day, it would be great!)
    • When you have returned from you observation, type up your notes. Review your notes for patterns in behavior, socio-demographic characteristics, etc. AND how they corresponded with your expectations/hypothesis
    • Describe observations using ‘thick description’ of the location (i.e. building you were in (what is the architecture like), descriptions of people there (in terms of socio-demographic characteristics: age, race/ethnicity, gender, socio-economic status), sounds, smells, temperature, time of day and week, etc);
    • Analyze your observations in terms of how they supported/did not support your hypothesis.
    • What is a possible sociological/theoretical explanation for the trends you observed? This is best done by using our textbook and other sources to provide credibility to your analyses. Analyze your observations using a minimum of 6 sociological concepts and two theories from the textbook.
    • Discuss the differences between your inductive observations and your deductive observations. How did the way you were observing change? How did what you observed change?
    • Briefly describe and compare your thoughts/feelings in the two steps. Did you prefer one approach to the other? Why/why not?

    4 pages



    Explain the ‘self’ as a key concept in interaction and socialization
    Identify social psychological sources of and consequences of structural inequality
    Compare and contrast key social psychological theories including Symbolic Interactionism, Exchange Theory, and Micro-structural Sociology as tools for analysis in varied areas of social life
    Analyze interpersonal interaction from a variety of social psychological frameworks including dramaturgy, ethnomethodology and exchange approach
    Critically evaluate sociological research and theories on how larger structural conditions impact the individual, emphasizing issues of race, class, and gender.
    Apply concepts and theories to analysis of field observations, interviews, and archives


    PURPOSE: The purpose of this two-step exercise  is for you to conduct inductive and deductive research using qualitative methods.

    Note: it is important that you conduct the observations for HW1 and HW2 as two distinct events during this class; ‘recalling’ past observations is not the same as purposefully observing your surroundings from a sociological perspective, and applying two different types of reasoning to one observation will not be ‘truthful’ or successful.


    The purpose of this exercise if for you to observe ONE social setting to begin to detect patterns in human behavior – observance of norms and potentially behaviors that deviate from the norm.

    For HW1: Without any prep work, you will need to go to ONE public place and observe the people for 1 hour. Note people’s behavior, their demeanor, their reactions/interactions to/with each other.

    For HW2: You will develop a research design with research problem, hypothesis and operational definitions for variables; then you will conduct another 1 hour of observations.


    For HW1: Without any prep work, you will need to go to ONE public place and observe the people for 1 hour in a particular social setting. Note people’s behavior, their demeanor, their reactions/interactions to/with each other. NOTE: For additional information on hypotheses, operational definitions, and other research methodology concepts, see Lessons.

    Here are the steps:

    • Choose the social setting in which will be conducting non-participant observation. This should be a public place such as a park, mall, restaurant, church, coffee shop, etc.
    • For your inductive approach, you will simply choose a time and location where you are going to conduct your observations
    • Go to the specified location and proceed with your observations. You must be a keen social observer; a ‘peeping Tom’ in the sociological sense. Take handwritten (recommended) and/or mental notes of:

    -details about your chosen location (time of day, lighting, furniture, plants, sounds, temperature, smell, vibe/energy, etc)

    -the people around you, not only their behavior but general information about their sociodemographic characteristics (age, race/ethnicity, gender, SES, etc);

    -your thoughts and feelings while making observations.

    • When you have returned from you observation, type up your notes. Review your notes for patterns in behavior, socio-demographic characteristics, etc.
    • Write-up your observations using ‘thick description’ of the location (i.e. building you were in (what is the architecture like), descriptions of people there (in terms of socio-demographic characteristics: age, race/ethnicity, gender, socio-economic status), sounds, smells, temperature, time of day and week, etc);
    • Discuss trends and patterns of behavior that you noticed in your observation. What is a possible sociological/theoretical explanation for the trends you observed? Analyze your observations using a minimum of 4 sociological concepts and one theory from the textbook.

    4 pages



    The culminating project for Food and Culture is an independent research paper of your choice. You may choose a topic that we are exploring in class, or an area of personal or academic interest.

    A sample list of the types of topics is as follows:

    • .  Exploring a particular ethnic group’s foodways
    • .  Specific religious practices and food
    • .  Wonder Bread as an American phenomenon
    • .  An in-depth study of a food event or festival
    • .  An ethnographic study of a soup kitchen
    • .  A literary analysis of food related novels or films
    • .  A cultural analysis of veganism
    • .  Cultural identity through street food
    • .  Power and chefs
    • .  Cultural significance of medieval fasts and feasts
    • .  A study of a foreign family’s acculturation and resistance through food
    • .  Technology’s role in “Americanizing” an ethnic cuisine
    • .  Masculine meat, and feminine field greens

    Double spaced
    7-8 pages
    12pt Times New Roman font
    Provide a title that accurately defines your paper.
    Provide a cover page (not part of the page count)
    Provide a reference page (not part of the page count)
    Abstract page (not part of the page count)
    Written in third person

    Create a clearly stated thesis, and focus the entire paper around it.  Provide specific examples to support this thesis.  Select other studies, or scholarly articles (peer reviewed) to use as models.  For example, if you are doing a study on female roles in Ethiopian festival cooking, look for studies that also focus on gender roles or festival food preparations.  It is important that you incorporate other academic studies into your paper I am not however, just looking for a related literature review.  You must not just cite these projects, but frame them, or compare them to your study in some way.

    Explore the Internet, newspaper articles, journals, live interviews, participate in an actual event or situation, or consult archives.

    All information is helpful.  Please include at least FIVE scholarly references (journals or books).

    Additionally, you may use newspapers, popular magazines, cookbooks, trade publications, films, surveys, pamphlets, labels, and so forth. Strong research papers combine both primary and secondary sources.

    It is understood that the paper must be free of typographical and grammatical errors.  Check the rules of plagiarism.  Cite all original quotes and paraphrased information. Please use the APA style and make sure that you consult an online style manual for the exact way to reference materials.

  • Staff development versus professional development


    Assignment: Discussion—Professional Development

    1. Staff development versus professional development, is there a difference?
    1. What are commonly held perceptions about professional development?


    1 Page

    APA 1 Reference



    You will submit a research paper on one of the topics: the status of women’s sports today, how self esteem and sports are connected, women and sports internationally, or any topic you connected with in the textbook that you would like to explore further. You will be expected to show evidence of critical thought, and that you have done further reading and research in addition to the class readings. Use the class readings as a starting point.
    The minimum length of the Research Paper is 5 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12pt font. The paper should include a title and reference page. A minimum of 4 references is required and at least one must be from a peer reviewed source.  Papers are to be in APA style.

    6 pages Research Essay

    APA – 7 References

  • Rape And Its Effects


    Each student will each choose a specific type of crime (such as identity theft, domestic violence, rape, sexual harassment, etc.) and investigate:

    • (a) who are the victims of this crime,
    • (b) how prevalent is this crime,
    • (c) what are the causes of this crime,
    • (d) in what ways do victims contribute to the crime,
    • (e) methods of prevention,
    • (f) resources available to assist victims of this crime, and
    • (g) the student’s opinion of any needed changes in resources, laws, sentencing, etc. related to this crime.

    Please ensure that you utilize sources that are not only relevant to your material, but that are also verified as credible, at least one must be a peer reviewed resource.  Be careful of what you find on the internet as not all sources are credible (this includes Google Scholar).



    Write a 2 page report on one of the founders of sociology. (Choose KARL MARX)

    Write the report as if you were that person and were writing a letter telling about your life and theories.

    Type and spellcheck

    Cite sources using APA.


    Cite sources using APA.

    2 pages

    APA 3 References

  • Social reforms and equality would flourish in post-war Japan


    Discuss how assumptions that social reforms and equality would flourish in post-war Japan have or have not been realized

    This site offers an assessment of recent Japanese history against the background of late modern world history. The author suggests that historical trends that are assumed to move in similar directions everywhere (e.g., democratic reforms lead to greater human equality) merely on the basis of how they moved in the West can be misleading.
    Top 10 Things to Know about Japan in the late 1990s (see upload)
    Answer the following questions in a Word document, approximately 300-400 words in length. Questions for exploration: Discuss how assumptions that social reforms and equality would flourish in post-war Japan have or have not been realized. Who was assumed to benefit in Japan from the worldwide trend of “social empowerment?” Who or what has benefited thus far?

    Additional materials:


    1 page

    APA 1 Reference

  • What a responsible social scientist should do in order to ensure s/he has not crossed any ethical lines


    Many social scientists struggle with the question of ethics in their research. We all know that pharmaceutical companies get away with ethical issues in their research and development of drugs because they have a powerful lobby in Washington.

    • What are your thoughts on this topic?
    • What do you think a responsible social scientist should do in order to ensure s/he has not crossed any ethical lines?
    • If you know of any research that has violated ethical laws, please share your idea.

    1 pages

  • Social support from one’s family essential to surviving the rigors


    To what extent is social support from one’s family essential to surviving the rigors of the infertility treatment process

    Essay details:

    Story:”Just Take a Vacation…”

    David and Darlene have been undergoing infertility treatment off and on for seven years with no success. They have completed a total of two IVF cycles, resulting in 6 and 7 Grade 1 embryos, respectively. (For a discussion of embryo and/or blastocyst grading, see Morphological Scoring of Human Embryos and Its Relevance to Blastocyst Transfer). Neither fresh nor frozen embryo transfers have resulted in pregnancy, and they have begun to become disheartened.

    The couple has been reluctant to discuss their infertility treatment with elders in the family who seem to be completely unable to fathom that a child can be conceived in a Petri dish. This is evident from the fact that, after numerous explanations of endometriosis, anti-sperm antibodies, and IVF to David’s grandmother, she still insists that the problem is that the two are trying too hard. “Just take a vacation,” she says. “Get baby-making off your minds and it’ll happen naturally. That’s how your father was conceived.” Hours and hours of explanation did not seem to make a difference, so David and Darlene made a pact to forego any discussion of their infertility treatment with their families.

    Your Task:

    Read the required readings for this module, and, after doing so, address the following questions in a 1 page paper.

    1. To what extent is social support from one’s family essential to surviving the rigors of the infertility treatment process? Please be sure to use the literature, as opposed to personal opinion, to support your response.
    2. As David and Darlene’s infertility counselor, what are three suggestions that you would make to the couple to make families gatherings a little easier. Be sure to identify specific coping strategies from the literature.

    Additional materials


    1 pages

    APA 1 Reference

  • The Behavioral and Social Issues behind Women Serial Killers


    Write a five (5) page minimum, DOUBLE SPACED, 12-FONT TIMES ROMAN paper with references and sources cited in APA format.

    Topic: The Behavioral and Social Issues behind Women Serial Killers

    Your grade will depend upon the presentation of your analysis and research, the quality of the work presented – whether you give a detailed presentation or a vague overview, whether you addressed all parts of the question asked, and how you support your argument/discussion – as well as the citing of a variety of sources/use of references and whether you met the mandatory minimum page requirement.  Please make sure to use AT LEAST 5 sources for your research.

    The paper should be written using APA Format.  Please make sure you review your paper for spelling, grammar, and format and plagiarism errors before submitting it. Remember that the paper should be typed in Microsoft Word and submitted as an attachment.  Your paper will not receive a grade until it is submitted properly.

    7 pages

    APA 7 References

  • CULTURE’S EXPERIENCE: Heroines of Sports: The Politics of Difference and Identity by Jennifer Hargreaves


    Choose one of the chapters from the Heroines of Sports: The Politics of Difference and Identity by Jennifer Hargreaves and write a 2-page paper on the culture’s experience.

    Detailed information from the reading, time period, author, and the women’s experiences should be included.
    You should include a minimum of 3 sources.

    Paper should be in APA format, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12pt font

    Download the Book Chapter


    2 Pages

    APA 3 References

  • Celebrity Culture: About opposing positions on CELEBRITY CULTURE


    Write an essay (1250 words or more) about opposing positions on CELEBRITY CULTURE.  When you have reached a good understanding of the debate on the issue, explain it to your readers. Consider carefully what they already know about the debate and try to interest them in it. Your goal is to explain the issue in an unbiased way – to report on it—while taking care not to express your own position on the issue of the debate, should you have one.  You will be supplied with the 3 sources you will need to complete the essay.

    • • An introduction to the issue and the opposing positions.  The writer explains the issue to the reader, and names and introduces the debaters.
    • • A comparison and contrast of topics raised in the debate. The writer goes beyond explaining the issue itself to more specific topics that are important in the debate.
    • • A logical plan.  The writer sequences the topics compared and contrasted in a logical manner, such as most to least complex, most to least familiar, or least to most important.
    • • A fair and unbiased presentation of opposing positions.  The writer presents both positions completely, correctly and without bias.  A reader is unlikely to know what the writer’s opinion is.
    • • Careful use of sources. Sources must be used and documented in MLA format.

    Celebrity Culture Is Harmful

    5 Pages

    MLA 3 References

  • The Vital Role of Social Workers in Community Partnerships


    The Vital Role of Social Workers in Community Partnerships

    Read the article “The Vital Role of Social Workers in Community Partnerships: The Alliance for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning Youth” by Michael P. Dentato, Shelley L. Craig and Mark S. Smith.

    Summarize the article and provide your reaction.

    2 pages

    APA 2 References