Religion and Sociology

Religion and Sociology

Showing 226–234 of 372 results



    3 Pages

    Study Tips 101: Ask questions if you are confused. Confusion is definitely your worst enemy.

  • Blacks in America


    Discuss the Challenges Blacks Faced in 1890s.
    5 Pages

    Study Tips 101: If possible, try to take your notes in some kind of outline form. The organization of ideas is as important as the content of those ideas, especially when it comes to learning the material for an exam.

  • Romantic attachment in terms of Interpersonal Theories of Attraction and Attachment Theory


    Romantic Attraction


    This essay focuses on romantic attachment in terms of Interpersonal Theories of Attraction and Attachment Theory. It will aim to compare and contrast determinants for Interpersonal Theories of Attraction such as proximity, the mere exposure effect, similarity, reciprocity and physical attractiveness; as well as Attachment Theory states namely secure attachment, anxious or ambivalent attachment and avoidant attachment

    5 Pages

    Study Tips 101: Anything the instructor writes on the board should appear in your notes. If the instructor took the time to write it out, he or she considers it important. You should do the same

  • Levels of Aggression Among Male and Female Athletes


    A Comparative Study on the Levels of Aggression Among Male and Female Athletes

    Literature and Research Proposal

    28 Pages

    Study Tips 101: Your notes should contain as complete a record of what the instructor said as possible. Of course, you should not try to write every word spoken, but don’t leave out ideas. When you study, your notes should call back to your mind the entire sequence of ideas presented. Take care to spell all new words carefully. It you don’t know how to spell a word, ask your instructor to write it on the board. Most will automatically do so for new or difficult terms.

  • Explanations for Human Aggression


    Outline and Evaluate Evolutionary Explanations for Human Aggression. (25 Marks)

    7 Pages

    Study Tips 101: Take Good Notes
    Always take the notes for a particular class in the same notebook. Spiral bound notebooks were invented because they solved the problem of keeping related information consolidated in one place. Take advantage of this.

  • Evolutionary Psychology’s explanations of sex differences


    Critically Assess Evolutionary Psychology’s Explanations of Sex Differences in Human Behavior.

    4 Pages

    Study Tips 101: When in doubt, ask
    If you aren’t sure about a particular topic, don’t be shy. Ask your instructor, family, or friends for help. It is important to address the problem area as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will end up having to spend even more time studying to catch up.

  • Why is mate selection important


    Ever since the dawn of man, men and women have instinctually sought each other’s company and become mates, this is also shared in almost every other animal species on the planet. We mate and reproduce to make sure our bloodline continues, and one thing that is prevalent in humans and most animals is the concept of love. when two potentially mates seek each others company and become attracted to each other.

    • Why is mate selection important?
    • Studies have shown that compatibility in mate selection increases parental care through compatible mate choice and society can better understand physical and mental attraction. What makes two people attracted to each other?
    • What particular personality traits do potential mates look for and why?
    • And what are some specific theories on mate selection?
  • Evolutionary, cognitive, and physiological approaches to personality.


    Contribution of Physiological Approaches to Personality

    The paper compares the evolutionary approaches and the cognitive approaches with the physiological approach to personality.

    Discuss the Contribution of Physiological Approaches to Personality by Comparing This Approach with at Least Two Other Approaches to Personality.

    7 Pages


    Study Tips 101: Concentration
    The ability to concentrate is one of the more important study skills you need to develop. You won’t always be able to study in absolute silence or be able to spend as much time as you would like on a particular project. Learn how to overcome distractions so you can focus all your attention on your studies.

  • Role of sexual selection in human reproduction


    Discuss the role of sexual selection in human reproduction

    3 pages

    Study Tips: Time-Management 
    It is not the amount of time you spend studying that matters. It’s what you can accomplish during that time. Spending 40 hours to prepare for an exam and only earning a C clearly was a waste of your time. Develop a study plan and learn how to manage your time effectively to maximize your results.