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Explain the market equilibrating process in relation to your experience
$7.50Understanding how market equilibrium is maintained is essential for business managers. As a manager, it is important to understand how economic principles, and specifically supply and demand, are a part of your everyday business decisions.
For this assignment, relate the concepts of the market equilibrating process in the Weeks One and Two readings and learning activities to a prior real-world experience occurring in a free market. The experience does not necessarily have to be work related.
Explain the market equilibrating process in relation to your experience. Include academic research to support your ideas.
Consider the following components in your explanation:
- · Law of demand and the determinants of demand
- · Law of supply and the determinants of supply
- · Efficient markets theory
- · Surplus and shortage
Use University of Phoenix Material: Appendix A to create graphs illustrating the equilibrating process in price relation to the shift in supply and demand.
Deliver the content as a 350- to 500-word paper, 7- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, 2- to 3-minute video, or 1-page comic strip illustration.
Format your citations and references consistent with APA guidelines. Because this assignment is a personal reflection, use first-person pronouns when applicable.
ECO 561 Week 2 Market Equilibration Process Paper
Week 3 Questions
$12.50- What are the differences between ZeNmap GUI (Nmap) and Nessus?
- Which scanning application is better for performing a network discovery reconnaissance probing of an IP network infrastructure?
- Which scanning application is better for performing a software vulnerability assessment with suggested remediation steps?
- While Nessus provides suggestions for remediation steps, what else does Nessus provide that can help you assess the risk impact of the identified software vulnerability?
- Are open ports necessarily a risk? Why or why not?
- When you identify known software vulnerability, where can you go to assess the risk impact of the software vulnerability?
- If Nessus provides a pointer in the vulnerability assessment scan report to look up CVE-2009-3555 when using the CVE search listing, specify what this CVE is, what the potential exploits are, and assess the severity of the vulnerability?
- Explain how the CVE search listing can be a tool for security practitioners and a tool for hackers?
- What must an IT organization do to ensure that software updates and security patches are implemented timely?
- What would you define in a vulnerability management policy for an organization?
Cyber Attack Prevention for the Home User: How to Prevent a Cyber Attack
$10.00Week 3 Individual Assignment: Attack Prevention
Cyber Attack Prevention for the Home User: How to Prevent a Cyber Attack
Attack Prevention Paper – Using various Internet sources, find an article or website on attack prevention. Prepare a 2-3 page paper evaluating the article and information provided.,Please follow APA formatting guidelines.
CMGT 441 Week 3 Individual Assignment Attack Prevention Paper
Environmental Science Worksheet
$0.00SCI 256 Individual Assignment Environmental Science Worksheet
Answer the following questions in at least 100 words. The answers are found in Ch. 1–4 of Environmental Science.
- What would you include in a brief summary on the history of the environmental movement?
- Explain the main point concerning exponential growth and whether it is good or bad. Compare exponential growth to a logistic growth curve and explain how these might apply to human population growth. What promotes exponential growth? What constrains population growth?
- Compare predictions for human population growth in developed countries versus developing countries. Why is it difficult to predict the growth of Earth’s human population? Why should population growth be predicted?”? What will happen if there is exponential human growth?
- How do principles of system theory apply to the Earth as a living system? Explain interactions between humans and natural ecosystems?
Provide a brief summary of the history of the environmental movement
$7.50- Provide a brief summary of the history of the environmental movement.
- Explain the main point concerning exponential growth and whether it is good or bad. Compare exponential growth to a logistic growth curve and explain how these might apply to human population growth. What promotes exponential growth? What constrains population growth?
- Compare predictions for human population growth in developed countries versus developing countries. Why is it difficult to predict the growth of Earth’s human population?
- Explain how principles of system theory apply to the Earth as a living system.
Natural Resources and Energy Paper: Marine Ecosystem
$17.50Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper on natural resources and energy. Include the following:
- Choose a specific ecosystem, such as a forest, grassland, or a marine or freshwater aquatic ecosystem.
- Identify impacts associated with agriculture.
- Identify and discuss the effects that a growing human population may have on that ecosystem’s resources, including loss or harm to populations of wild species.
- Discuss one management practice for sustainability and conservation of natural resources in that ecosystem.
- Identify the risks and benefits of extracting or using one type of nonrenewable and one type of renewable energy resource from that ecosystem, or in areas near that ecosystem.
- Assess management practices for sustainability and conservation of natural resources and energy.
Include two outside references.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. -
Natural Resources and Energy Paper
$17.50Sci 256 Week 3 Natural Resources and Energy Paper
Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper on natural resources and energy. Include the following:
- Choose a specific ecosystem, such as a forest, grassland, or a marine or freshwater aquatic ecosystem.
- Identify impacts associated with agriculture.
- Identify and discuss the effects that a growing human population may have on that ecosystem’s resources, including loss or harm to populations of wild species.
- Discuss one management practice for sustainability and conservation of natural resources in that ecosystem.
- Identify the risks and benefits of extracting or using one type of nonrenewable and one type of renewable energy resource from that ecosystem, or in areas near that ecosystem.
- Assess management practices for sustainability and conservation of natural resources and energy.
Include two outside references.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. -
Define BFOQ and list to which characteristics it applies
$12.50Bus Law Discussions Week 3 Assignment
- Define BFOQ and list to which characteristics it applies.
- What is the purpose of the Glass Ceiling Commission?
- What is the Federal Privacy Act, to whom does it apply, and what does it protect?
- What are the requirements of an Affirmative Action plan? List the criteria for proof of its “remedial nature.”
- Answer the following problem: Reggie Kelly, who is African American, applies in person for a position as a salesperson with Epitome Realty, which offers homes for sale only in elite neighborhoods. Epitome has only 12 employees. Marcus Bradbury’s response is “What? Are you kidding?” Reggie queries Marcus on the meaning of his response. Marcus retorts, “Well, it is obvious.” Reggie wishes to proceed by filing a complaint under Title VII. What advice would you give him? Where would he go to file this complaint? How much time does he have to do so?
Brittney Johnson Case Study
$5.00FOUNDATION OF PSYCHOLOGY: Case Study Assignment
Subject: Brittney Johnson
Case study subject Brittney Johnson is twenty-two years of age. She is a single parent of a four year old son. Brittney is currently a junior at The University of Memphis and is working an hourly job at a call center Monday through Friday. She would be classified as being in her early adulthood. Brittney is clearly in her early adulthood stage mainly because of her age. She is only twenty-two years of age and most individuals are technically classified as becoming an adult at the age of twenty-one. Brittney is still attending college and awaiting her Bachelor’s degree next fall. Also based upon the responses subject Brittney Johnson stated, it has been determined she is in her early adulthood. The following are the questions and answers given:
- Name 3 specific goals related to career and family that you made in early adulthood. Did you reach those goals?
- Do you feel successful in life? Why or why not?
- What specific goals related to career and family have you not yet accomplished? How do you intend to reach these goals?
- Are you happy with your life so far? Why or why not?
- How do you feel about death?
- Would you say that having a child so early slowed you down with reaching your educational goals?
- What do you plan on doing with your career after you receive your PhD?
- With you being so busy with work, school and your child, do you have time to have a social life with friends and family? If so, what do you do to have fun and relax?
- Just being curious do you intend to further your education once you receive your PhD? Why or why not?
- Do you expect for your child to follow in your footsteps?