Psychology Philosophy and Education
Showing 181–189 of 456 resultsSorted by latest
Assignment on Ethical Issues
$7.00Write a six paragraphs paper, no more than one page. It may be single-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins. Use subject: Ethics Decision Paper. Content: A major outcome of this course is to be able to:
(1) clearly identify and comprehensively define ethical issues;
(2) identify appropriate approach/model and apply it completely;
(3) defend the decision/recommendation/conclusion appropriately, persuasively, and consistently with the approach/model.
The ethics decision paper is highly structured to demonstrate achievement of that outcome. Clear, concise thinking is required. The six paragraphs of this paper are to specifically address:
In Paragraph 1 (worth 5 points), briefly state an ethics issue you personally face now or faced in the recent past.
In Paragraph 2 (5 points), briefly state decision choices possible.
In Paragraph 3 (5 points), identify the best decision choice.
In Paragraph 4 (5 points), justify that choice using individual models.
In Paragraph 5 (5 points), justify that choice using business models.
In Paragraph 6 (5 points), justify that choice using societal models; specifically address “values.” (Assume the reader knows the models; you do not have to define them.) -
What is prime reality…
$12.50Write an 800-1,000-word essay on your personal worldview. Briefly discuss the various possible meanings of the term “spirituality,” and your understanding of the concepts of pluralism, scientism, and postmodernism. Primarily, address the following seven basic worldview questions:
- What is prime reality?
- What is the nature of the world around us?
- What is a human being?
- What happens to a person at death?
- Why is it possible to know anything at all?
- How do we know what is right or wrong?
- What is the meaning of human history?
If you wanted to conduct a survey describe the steps you would take to produce an effective survey instrument and how you would manage the survey process
$27.50Question 1
If you wanted to conduct a survey describe the steps you would take to produce an effective survey instrument and how you would manage the survey process?
Question 2
Effective organizational research can adopt various methodologies. Outline the particular strengths and weaknesses of a qualitative approach as opposed to a quantitative approach?
Question 3
The use of mixed methods research designs has become popular in recent years. What features are said to make this a distinct approach beyond the use of quantitative and qualitative strategies? Why might a mixed method approach be unsuitable for an MBA project?
Word count – 2,000
The essay should be fully referenced in text and a list provided at the end of the essay.
Synthesize your viewpoint on the sentencing goals of the death penalty
$2.50Synthesize your viewpoint on the sentencing goals of the death penalty by completing the following steps:
- Read the following article on “New Voices: Federal Judge Underscores the ‘Heavy Price’ of the Death Penalty” at:
- Complete a historical review of innocent individuals who have received the death penalty. You may use sources of your choosing, or visit the site analyze innocent individuals and the death penalty.
- Take a stand in support or rejection of the death penalty using only legal research and concerns to support your position without emotional or personal attachments.
- Support your analysis by referencing and properly citing the at least one (1) scholarly source.
Paper must be 1 page in length
SP310: Theories of Communication: Interpersonal Theories paper
$20.00Purpose: to demonstrate that you have determined what is significant/useful about the selected theory.To show that you can use the theoretical approaches to understand particular situations and to generalize from what you observe.To evaluate the selected theory.
Select a particular application situation where you can sit for a time and observe the interactions.
·Do not attempt to analyze a situation you have been in before from memory; you must observe the situation with this analysis is mind.
·Also, it should not be an interaction you are part of; your role should be one of impartial observer.
You may select any type of situation, but it is preferable that your situation contain many different elements.For example, a restaurant, a family gathering, a day at the library, a classroom, a doctor’s waiting room, a church service, etc.You should focus on a particular interaction—for example, you don’t observe every patron in the restaurant or several groups of patrons, but a particular group of five or a couple (two people) having dinner.
Write your paper analyzing that situation.
1.In the introduction, include a brief description of your location site (location, time of day, persons present, any specific factors that may affect communication—loud music, crowded conditions, etc.).
2. Use one (and only one) theory of interpersonal communication to analyze an application situation.Make sure to apply your theory in explaining and analyzing what was happening in that situation.Address both what you are observing and how you determine what is taking place.That is, what cues are you reading that tell you what is happening?
Be specific in your analysis in two ways:
1) provide specific examples and instance from your observation (e.g. what words were used, whatnonverbals, how were those specifically responded to); and
2) apply particular aspects of the theory to each instance of observation.
After this, I would expect you to have some overall comments about the communication situation you observed—perhaps generalized communication rules for this type of situation given the theory that you are applying.
3. The final portion of the paper should be an evaluation of the theory using the appropriate criteria as outlined byGriffin in chapter 3.That evaluation should be based on your application of the theory.So whether you like the theory or not isn’t as important, as whether it was useful to understanding the communication situation you observed, for instance.This portion of the paper is more significant than a couple of sentences in the conclusion of your paper.I also expect your comments here to be thoughtful and well-developed (“it worked really well and helped me explain what happened” is not a thoughtful and well-developed remark).
While this assignment requires you to be descriptive in terms of what you saw and heard, the goal of the paper is not a descriptive one.Your goal should be to analyze what happened.I will be looking for demonstrations of your understanding of the theory and your ability to apply it to interpersonal communication.
[You may go into the observation thinking you’re going to apply a particular theory.After observing the situation, you may find that that theory isn’t relevant to what you observed.Keep in mind that not all theories apply to all communication interactions.]
1. About 4-5 pages, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, 12-inch font.
2. When talking about aspects of theory, you’ll need to cite where explanations, definitions, etc. of the theory come from—the text. See “Plagiarism and Documentation”. You should cite the text rather than the PowerPoint slides, except when the slides provided additional material beyond what is contained in the text.
3. Make sure to have a thesis—an overall claim about what you saw and the theory you used.Remember a thesis is not descriptive.It’s an argument.If you’re unclear what this means, make sure to read that section of the “Writing Expectations” handout.”
A NOTE ABOUT RESEARCH ETHICS:As an academic researcher you have certain ethical responsibilities regarding observing and reporting human behavior.In general, whatever can be seen or heard in public can be used for research purposes.DO NOT report on anything you have to strain to hear.DO NOT use hidden recorders or video cameras.Make sure that what you observe comes your way in the regular course of events (hanging out at a mall, restaurant, etc.).
Issues Facing Independent School Districts in Texas
$3.50Topic: Issues Facing Independent School Districts in Texas
Prompt: Define and discuss the “Robin Hood” school finance reform plan using quality sources from an academic database. How does this plan impact the school district in your locality (use current events or news sources for this information)? What role has county and state government played in funding your local ISD (go to the TEA website)? What alternatives would you suggest to reform the crisis in educational funding in Texas?
Remember: Always identify your sources. An in-text citation requires a parenthetical citation, for example: (Smith). Then, provide a formal citation at the end of your posting.250 words not including the formal citation page
Enhancing Instruct with Technology
$5.00Enhancing Instruct with Technology
What does “KWHL” stands for? List 3-5 new ideas you gained from the readings and reflect on how you can integrate them in your teaching to enhance student learning.
Please answer questions in about 200-300 words.
Rule verses Principle Based Accounting: Coca cola amital and Commonwealth bank australia.
$20.00Rule verses principle based accounting.
TWO companies are Coca cola amital and Commonwealth bank australia.
All work to be done according to Australia accounting standards. and Accountant standard should be included in the answer (eg AASB 136 impairment loss).
Rule and principle should be depreciation, impairment or property plant equipment.
- Access the annual reports of two (2) publicly listed companies from different industries, and:
- Identify and explain one rules-based standard that the companies have adopted and
- Identify and explain one principles-based standard that the companies have adopted. (Hint: choose a rules and principles-based standard from the corporate accounting topics covered in lectures during weeks 1-8. Depreciation, impairment of assets, property plant and equipment)
- Evaluate the financial consequences of using the rules-based compared with the principles-based standards on the financial statements of each company.
Daoism- The principle of natural order as first established in ancient Chinese philosophy
$25.00Daoism is often described as the “most eloquent expression of the natural order as it relates to humankind.” Please discuss this principle of natural order as first established in ancient Chinese philosophy, and how this philosophy conforms to the basic aesthetic of Chinese art and to the philosophy of Feng Shui. Use four examples in your answer, each from different media (such as painting, jade, porcelain, architecture, etc.)
Pages: 5, double spaced