Religion and Sociology

Religion and Sociology

Showing 64–72 of 372 results

  • The view of morality for Creon, Antigone, Crito


    The view of morality for Creon, Antigone, Crito

    give a brief concise answer to each of the following.

    1- What was the view of morality (what should be done) for Creon?
    2- What was the view of morality for Antigone?
    3- What is the view of morality (what should be done ) for Crito?
    4- What is the view of morality for Socrates (why did he think he must die)?
    5- What is justice in the city and individual according to Socrates in Republic.

    An essay that about the questions above,the essay about 3-5 pages.

  • Incorporating Theory: Swanson Caring Theory


    Incorporating Theory: Swanson Caring Theory

    Identify a theory that can be used to support your proposed solution.

    Write a summary (250-500 words) in which you:

    1. Describe the theory and your rationale for selecting the theory.
    2. Discuss how the theory works to support your proposed solution.
    3. Explain how you will incorporate the theory into your project.

    Refer to the “Topic 2: Checklist.”

    Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

    Topic 2: Checklist

    Review of Literature and Incorporating Theory


    This checklist is designed to help students organize the weekly exercises/assignments to be completed as preparation for the final capstone project proposal. This checklist will also serve as a communication tool between students and faculty. Comments, feedback, and grading for modules 1-4 will be documented using this checklist.

    Topic Task Completed Comments / Feedback Points
    Review of Literature ·         Analyze and appraise each of the 15 articles identified in module 1. (15 articles). _____ / 90
    ·         Analysis organized using the sample provided in “Sample Format for Review of Literature.” _____ / 10
    Total _____/100
    Incorporating Theory ·  Identified a theory that can be used to support proposed solution. _____ / 10
    ·  Main components of theory described. _____ / 10
    ·  Rationale for selecting theory provided. _____ / 10
    ·  Discussed how theory works to support proposed solution. _____ / 5
    ·  Explained how theory will be incorporated into project. _____ / 5
    Total _____/40
  • How do you think women are still discriminated against today


    1) Go on You Tube and find a video of Malcolm X and watch one of his speeches. How would you compare him with King in the fight for civil rights? What did you think of his speech? How did he comes across to you?

    2) How do you think women are still discriminated against today? Looking at your families, do men and women share the same responsibilities? Do the men and women in your family view each other as equals?

    3) Watch the Katie Couric interview, above. What are your thoughts about the discussion on feminism?

    4) How do you view the recent Supreme Court decision regarding the right of smaller share-holder, family owned business, like Hobby Lobby to dictate what kind of contraceptives they will provide for women, because of their religious beliefs? Is this as many have stated, a continuation of ” a war against women?” Does this ruling also open up a possible “slippery slope” regarding the actions of other small businesses that may have certain religious beliefs?

    5) What is your opinion regarding the controversy with changing the name of the Washington football team?

  • Anishinabe Peoples and Our Homelands I


    ANIS ioo6: Anishinabe Peoples and Our Homelands I

    Waynabooshu, Greetings Students, Learners:

    We arrive now at the end of the Algoma, Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig Fall 2014 term. We are, each one of us, on a learning journey. As it is told through our Anishinabe teachings: The Road to Knowledge is Eternal.
    All of us are on the road to knowledge. On this road, every person has his or her goals. The goal to seek and earn a degree is an opportunity to experience an alternative view of education to the dominant society’s set track. Your choice to include Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig in your personal learning journey is an honour and privilege for us. Our mission is to present a culture-based pedagogy, the Anishinabe perspective as it pertains to today’s world. The mission includes the truth as the basis of preparing young people for the next steps of their education journey.

    A background, precipitating issue and concern is quoted from Peter Joseph, an American activist well known as the creator of the “Zeitgeist” films: “The last thing the power establishment wants is a conscious, informed public capable of critical thinking, this is why a continuously fraudulent zeitgeist [trend of thought and/or period of comfort for the privileged] output via religion, the mass media, and the educational system exists. It is in their interest to keep you distracted in a naïve bubble and they are doing a damn good job of it.”

    We have shared a great deal of the problems, issues and concerns of the Indigenous people of Canada and North America. It is not an effort to stage a forum for blame or indictment, past or present. It is to look, listen, and learn about the ongoing situation. Do not take on blame, do not indict. Consider… with respect. It is the true path of learning.

    Final Paper

    Important instructions for submitting your paper:
    All papers must be submitted to the Algoma U Faculty Secretaries drop box outside of NW307. Your paper MUSI have a separate title page with the course code (indicate section A or B), instructor name, your name, and the date.

    Instructions for your assignment:
    Write a maximum of 4 pages (plus a title page, and references). Your paper should be double-spaced, 12 point font. Anishinabe Studies classes do not require any specific referencing style (e.g. MLA, APA), so you can use the style of your choice. A rubric is attached which outlines how your paper will be graded. This paper is worth 25% of your final mark in the course.

    Write about your overall learning experiences this term. Specifically address your experience with the Clan System. Make sure to demonstrate that you have an understanding of the Clan System tenets and philosophy. Can such a governance system be restored, developed and survive in the modern day?

    Remember, we always want to know your thoughts and understanding. Consider all of the topics covered in this course. Share your voice with us.

    Thank you students, friends, relatives.

  • Classical and positivist approaches to punishment


    Classical and positivist approaches to punishment

    The classical view of punishment was fueled by the notion that offenders were evil men and women who had to be punished severely or killed for their egregious acts. It was felt that the demons that possessed the offenders would never leave except by expiation and punishment.

    As the influence of natural and social science grew, many individuals began to reexamine the widely accepted idea that crime resulted from demonic possession, free will, or mental imbalance. Positivists took a progressive stance and began to analyze the causes of crime and punishment.

    Prepare an essay (3–4 pages) on the differences between the classical and positivist approaches to punishment.

    Assignment Guidelines:

    • Use your course materials, the textbook, the Web resources, and the library to research the classical and positivist approaches to punishment.
    • In a Word document of 3–4 pages, address the following:
      • Identify 2 specific differences and 2 similarities between each perspective as it relates to punishment.
      • Examine 2 of the social arguments used to support both schools of thought.
      • Out of the 2 schools of thought, which do you agree with most?
      • Include 3 philosophical or social issues that could be used to support either model.
    • Reference all sources using APA
  • Retribution and Incapacitation theories analysis


    Assignment Guidelines:

    • Using the course materials, library, Web resources, and textbook, address the following in a Word document of 4–5 pages:
      • Identify 2 specific differences and similarities between the theories.
      • Examine and explain 2 social arguments used to support both theories. Argument topics include the death penalty and costs of incarceration.
      • Include any philosophical or social issues that could be used to support either model.
      • Please include any situations or social forces that you deem applicable that may have influence over either theory of punishment.
    • You must use at least 2 references to support your responses.
    • All references and in-text citations should be formatted using APA style.
  • Pros, Cons, Opinion on Confucius institutes


    The purpose of Confucius institute is to promote Chinese language and culture, provide Chinese teaching, and make culture exchange with local culture. in recently years, the Confucius institute became a controversy topic:
    Some scholars think should banned the Confucius, and some people support.
    For this paper, you need to write one page of cons of Confucius Institute with evidences, one page for the pros of Confucius Institute with evidence, and one page of you agree the Confucius Institute with evidence ( This is my opinion)

  • Chiu, Genocchio: Similar experiences Asian cultures


    Chiu, Genocchio: What similar experiences have Asian cultures gone through in integrating a western art system into their cultures

    ART 215: Art Across Borders: Contemporary Globalism


    Note: You should read the postings on East Asian culture, specifically on Daoism, Confucianism and Buddhism, posted on the 2-25 page as well as the following:


    Excerpts from Melissa Chiu and Benjamin Genocchio, Asian Art Now.

    Excerpts from Youngna Kim, “A Brief History of Korean Modern Art,” and John Rajchman, “Disjunctive Synthesis Korean Style,” in Hossein Amirsadeghi, Korean Art, The Power of Now.


    ART 21: Do-Ho Suh

    ART 21: Kimsooja

    Note: Answer each question in full sentences. Each answer should be from three to six sentences in length.


    1. From Chiu, Genocchio: What similar experiences have Asian cultures gone through in integrating a western art system into their cultures? This is simply listed at a certain point in the text.
    2. What kinds of institutions are necessary to have a functioning western-style art system?
    3. From Youngna Kim: How did Korean artists of the 1960s attempt to maintain “Koreanness”?
    4. From John Rijchman: Explain in your own words his idea about contemporary Korean artists being “in between.”
    5. Videos: In what ways are both artists perpetuating traditional East Asian concepts in their art?
    6. Videos: What similar issues concern both of them? What might these issues tell you about Korean culture
  • How are men overpowering women


    How are men overpowering women

    Purpose     In this activity we begin studying gender differences among cultures.


    1. Become familiar with differences among countries and cultures in how women are treated, in particular, differences between Western and non-Western cultures.
    2. Become aware of the severity of the difficulties faced by women in many Third World countries

    Readings & Presentations    

    Video: “Community” which can be found in the following two parts:

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Video: “Shackled Women” which can be found in the following ten parts [Beware that some students may find this video offensive or too crude.]:

    Part 1          Part 2          Part 3          Part 4

    Part 5          Part 6          Part 7          Part 8

    Part 9          Part 10


    Evaluation of two videos, which are included as part of Course Content:

    Based on the Community video: Bangladesh men who were opposed to women seeking more power used a variety of tactics to resist change: threats of violence, spreading rumors about the women, religious threats that the women would go to hell, etc.

    In the country that your team has selected, what are some tactics used to put obstacles in the path of women’s empowerment? How are men overpowering women, in obvious and subtler ways? Cite sources for this information. Then, give suggestions for combating these tactics in your selected country.

    What can or should women do to fight back? Explain your rationale, including why these particular strategies might or might not work in the country in question. Cite all your sources of reference.

    Based on the Shackled Women video: For your selected country, research how the condition of women has changed since the last U.N. Conference on Women in Beijing. In other words, use the factors discussed in Shackled Women, such as violence against women, to evaluate the condition of women in your selected country. Cite your sources of reference.

    These are two short separate reports, but you will submit them together using the Assignment Drop Box under M2A5. The combined report should not exceed 5 double-spaced pages. The style is that of your choice. A rubric is used to evaluate the work.

    Reading and Presentations

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Shackled Women

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Part 3

    Part 4

    Part 5

    Part 6

    Part 7

    Part 8

    Part 9

    Part 10