

Showing 19–27 of 727 results

  • Language of war monuments


    Analysing “the language of war monuments” by Abousnnouga & Machin

    • General Analysis
    • Style and Design
    • Poses
    • Gaze
    • Size
    • Materials and form

    5 Pages

  • The Consequences of Modernity


    Book Review of “The Consequences of Modernity” by Anthony Giddens

    2 Pages

  • Nonviolent civil resistance the best strategy for social and political change


    1- Why is nonviolent civil resistance the best strategy for social and political change?

    2- Is civic activism in American on the decline? Why so? Comment on the utility of the concept of social capital to explain social change.

    3- Compare and contrast nonviolent resistance under democratic regimes and under dictatorships

    7 pages

  • Social Interaction and Geographical Distance in the Internet Era



    The  Internet  revolution  has  made  long-distance  communication  dramatically faster, easier, and cheaper than ever before. This, it has been argued, has decreased the importance of geographic proximity in social interactions, transforming our world into a “global village” with a “borderless society”. We argue for the opposite: while technology  has  undoubtedly  increased  the  overall  level  of  communication,  this increase has been most pronounced for local social ties. We show that the volume of electronic communications is inversely proportional to geographic distance, following a Power  Law.  We directly  study  the importance of  physical  proximity  in  social interactions by analyzing  the spatial dissemination of new baby names. Counter- intuitively, and in line with the above argument, the importance of geographic proximity has dramatically increased with the internet revolution.

  • Review of The City on the Hill from Below: The Crisis of Prophetic Black Politics



    Marshall, Stephen H. The City on the Hill from Below: The Crisis of Prophetic Black Politics. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2011.

    4 Pages

  • PCM 330 OA Language & Intercultural Communication


    PCM 330 OA Language & Intercultural Communication: Deaf Culture & Community

    • Introduction
    • Encounters & What-Not’s
    • Beginning of American Sign Language
    • Significance of Deaf Culture
    • Discrimination
    • Conclusion

    5 pages

  • PHI 329 OB – My Final Paper


    PHI 329 OB – My Final Paper

    Forever Young

    • Introduction
    • Aging
    • Immortality
    • Facing Mortality
    • Meaningful Life

    5 Pages

  • LAS 301 OD – My Personal Mission Statement


    LAS 301 OD My Personal Mission Statement

    To Excel in My Career or To Become a Better Writer

    • Introduction
    • Why SHU?
    • LAS 301 OD
    • Marshmallow Eater or Saver?
    • Tony Robbins: Internal Drive
    • The Secret Life of a Grownup Brain
    • Sandel’s Lectures
    • Hot Button Topic
    • Field Trip to Bangkok, Thailand
    • Tuesdays with Morrie

    12 Pages

  • LAS 301 OD – The Field Trip to Bangkok


    LAS 301 OD

    The Field Trip to Bangkok: Eating the Best of Miami’s Thailand Cuisine

    • Introduction
    • The Ambiance
    • You May Be Seated
    • Decisions to Order
    • The Food
    • End of the Trip

    5 Pages